HunkaHunka ago this is an interesting rabbit trail. The film Rosemary's Baby featured a sex ritual dream sequence involving Catholics, where Rosemary is drugged and taken aboard a large yacht which allows 'only Catholics', and during her dream sequence she finds herself in the Sistine Chapel and kissing the ring of The Pope before being ritually raped.

The fictional 'Castavettes' couple of 'Roman and Minnie Castavettes' were clearly in reference to the real life Greek actor John Cassavetes , who played the role of Rosemary's husband in the film.

Before anyone says "that 's impossible, because the movie was based on the fictional book by Ira Levin...which included the character Roman Castavettes and his wife Minnie."..... you will have to note that the film Rosemary's Baby was incredibly strange , because the movie rights to the novel Rosemary's Baby were bought from Ira Levin, by William Castle, before Levin had even published it or even written it.


Here's the official story , which is probably a bogus cover for the fact that Rosemary's Baby was probably a screenplay and film FIRST, before it became the book, hence the 'fun' Levin had with the names in the book. QUOTE Quote:'s_Baby_(film)#Production

William Castle brought him the galley proofs of the book and asked him to purchase the film rights even before Random House released the publication. The studio head recognized the commercial potential of the project and agreed with the stipulation that Castle, who had a reputation for low-budget horror films, could produce but not direct the film adaptation.

So , anyone ,tell me how else we ended up with the coincidence that the film was being conceptualized and financed etc. before the book it was purportedly based on had even been published. the book and film ends up with main characters with names that are nearly exactly the same as the name of the actor hired to play arguably the main role in the film This gets even more bizarre when you learn that Greek actor John Cassavettes was, in real life, a close friend of the man who owned the Dakota apartment in which Rosemary's Baby was filmed. Greek actor John Cassavetes acted alongside Robert Ryan in a film they made together a year before John Cassavetes acted in Rosemary's Baby. John Cassavetes and Robert Ryan worked together in the the 1967 film 'The Dirty Dozen', as you can see confirm by the following movie poster for the film, listing its cast at the bottom of the poster here:

So here we are with the novel Rosemary's Baby being written with characters named after the real life actor who will play one of the lead roles, Greek actor John Cassavetes: Roman and Minnie Castavettes.

Further, all indications are that the characters were named after the actor, because the novel and screen play were written at the same time as the movie cast was being assembled. Further , all indications are that the novel was written about the real life apartment of Robert Ryan , because the novel had been written around Ryan's real life friend John Cassavetes.

The main cult leader is given a Greek name , Castavettes, which is obviously just the fictional bastardization of the name Cassavetes.

So clear implication by Ira Levin is that the cult has a Greek origin. Further , the name 'Roman' Cassavetes implies a Greek-Italian aspect to the cult. (ie: A Greek Roman, or Greek Italian, Greek Orthodox )

A Greek Roman would predate a christian Roman. So the name alludes to ancient pre-christian Greece. Ancient Greece has a storied history of child sacrifice. The main couple leading the cult in Rosemary's Baby are Greek, and occult child sacrifice is depicted in Rosemary's Baby.

Further, the film Rosemary's Baby implies elements of vampirism and cannibalism to the cult.

trivia : Rosemary is given a pendant to wear said to contain a strong smelling herb known as tannis root. Tannis root is said to be fictional, and to exist only in the film. But there is the real-life Tansy herb, used in witchcraft as an abortifacent and to bring on early menstruation, used in Ostara/Easter/Ishatar spring rites https://www.herbal-supplement-resour...nsy-herbs.html

more: Levin, or the psy-ops team behind the creation of film and novel, named the character of Roman Castavettes wife as 'Minnie Castavettes'

Min is evocative of Min fertility cults of Egypt.

HunkaHunka ago

I like your phrase 'the full secret' and the title 'dead men tell no tales'. Do you both hint that he was murdered because he was going to expose satanic ritual abuse as was being exposed in the book Lucifers Lodge Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church by William H Kennedy? hear him interviewed here:> William H Kennedy was found dead in his home at age 49

HunkaHunka ago

With Ted's (William Kennedy's) death, all four contributing researchers to Lucifer's Lodge are now dead. One of them , Alfred Kunz, was found murdered and his murder has never been solved.

Could William Kennedy's making Lucifer's Lodge a free download and publicizing that regularly be what got him silenced? Or was he in possession of some new related information which the powers that be decided had to be suppressed at any cost? Was he in any talks to make his work even more prominent? He was only 48 and building a following, and going more mainstream all the time. I understand he did a television special recently before his death , on boys who murder. Was this a harbinger of William Kennedy planning to take the topic of occult exposé more mainstream? It seems that there is an emerging, heightened and unprecedented public interest in this topic. The so-called 'satanic panic' of the 1980's never had the full power of the internet behind it as any such similarly occurring trend would in 2013, Was William H. Kennedy identified as a key future role player in all of that? Why has there been no cause of death published? Wny nothing but an obituary published on his death?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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HennyPenny ago

Cops tell KVVU Capparelli was also known to hire male prostitutes in Nevada, while the New York Post reports he'd been working as a math tutor there for high school and college students.

Capparelli worked as a math tutor for high school and college students, so it wasn't unusual to see different cars parked in front of his house.

carmencita ago

Just read the story on line and saw your post. Yep. My first thought. Wiped Out. Dean Men.............

Snailracer ago

Capparelli ran a fetish website where he sold CP of the young boys he was abusing. After managing to escape prosecution in NJ, and being defrocked, he tried being a teacher until NJ residents forced him to give up his license (it's almost impossible to get fired as a teacher, but this guy did it) because he was a pedophile. In NV he was privately "tutoring" young boys who would come visit his house, it wasn't unusual for strange cars to be parked in front of his house. The world is slightly safer with him gone, but I heard there's 187 more just like him.

Kahlypso79 ago

You're not looking at the large picture.. there's around 414,312 more like him that also need taking care of.. We could rip down the temples and use the blocks to entomb them directly.. save money on bullets.

Are_we_sure ago

Did Capparelli drop dimes on the other 179 Priests? Signs point to YES.

This is incredibly dumb and indicates no knowledge of how these lists were compiled. For one thing they span decades, covering priests he would have no contact with.

Oh_Well_ian ago

shot in the neck - neighbor didn't hear a gunshot

translation: sneaked up on from behind, dispensed with a silencer equipped handgun = PROFESSIONAL