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Vindicator ago

@thewebofslime, thanks for creating a well-written, easy to follow explanation. Unfortunately, I have to flair this for Rule 2 because you have no actual primary souces linked here at all. The pics are great and make it easy to read, but we also need the original source links so that people can vet your thesis for themselves. Please take the time to add that material so that we can leave this up. I will give you the 24 Hours Grace flair. Of course, if you may always post it as is to v/pizzagatewhatever, which does not have evidentiary requirements. Thanks.

thewebofslime ago

All of the business documents are "self-authenticating" in that they are good enough for court and meet the evidentiary requirements for courts within the US.

Voat seemingly has some of the sources banned, so it has become increasingly difficult to write a long post and include a bunch of links, then have the post rejected. Because, frankly, I don't have time to go hunt through every single link, again. I generally do go to the trouble, when writing, to include enough of the names so that anything can be Googled.

The Edible Schoolyard tax returns from 2013, as well as others, are easily Googled.

The Joule Docs email by Erynn Sepp is easily Googled, but the Uranium One money trail is best explored, in detail, in my other posts.

The Troika Laundromat is widely reported on. No news article will mention Joule, Troika Dialog, Ruben Vardanyan, Ian Telfer and the Clinton Foundation all in the same article. It doesn't exist. This is why you have to rely on the primary source documents.

Other than that, judicial notice should be recognized for the Russia reset and it is beyond the scope of a single thread to chase down and link every single donor to the Clinton Foundation who also donated to Skolkovo. The Joule Docs email proves the last picture and Ian Telfer's payment from his NGO to the Clinton Foundation are widely recognized by all MSM, but there is not going to be a single article you can find that also shows he gave to the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Partnership. That is why it is important people do their own research.

I'm not sure what else needs proving or sources. Most of it is pretty obvious and well known and reported upon.

Here are some of the sources, but... again... I can't actually include them in the post because "banned domains." I played around with it, to try to find which was correct, but there is clearly more than one.

Vindicator ago

All of the business documents are "self-authenticating" in that they are good enough for court and meet the evidentiary requirements for courts within the US.

In court, all evidence is presented to the opposing side for vetting -- the documents themselves -- and there are real consequences for fabricating evidence. We have no such help, here, so we require links to the original material.

As for everything that "can be easily Googled", if you desire to post here, you'll need to do that yourself and include the link in your thread. Otherwise, you can post in v/pizzagatewhatever, our subverse for unsourced submissions. I am not at liberty to give you an exception to the rules that the community decided upon and that everyone else must follow if they want to retain the freedom to participate in this subverse.

As for banned domains...the problem is easily solved by either archiving the link first and using the archive url (a better practice, anyway), or by adding a few spaces in the hyperlink to break it so that Voat doesn't recognize it. You can find the banned domains list in the sidebar at v/reportspammers so you know in advance which links to break.

thewebofslime ago

Unfortunately, the list for banned domains is very incomplete.

I did include the links, they are just in a picture.

My point was, there are only a few documents, of which are well known and people should not have trouble confirming them.

The pictures are illustrative, but well supported by documents which would be too voluminous to include.

However, the links to understand those pictures are included in the links at the bottom.

If you see any particular piece of evidence that needs additional citations, I can provide that. However, the standard is unclear. A screencap of an Instagram post is sufficient in some cases, but do I need to provide the link to the original post? What if it was deleted, or made private? What if that same Instagram post has been posted 1,000 times in this sub and related subs across multiple platforms? How much sourcing are we talking and for what piece?

I can get very specific and provide a great deal of sources, but we are limited to the 10,000 characters on multiple platforms.

So, I'm happy to address any deficiencies, I just don't know what, exactly is deficient.

Perhaps you can indicate which item needs sources? Not trying to be difficult, I just have no idea how to source a picture like this, if what I have up is not sufficient. Ian Telfer and other board members of Uranium One (while it was Canadian, still) paid directly into the Clinton Foundation and other Clinton NGO's using their own slush fund NGO's. It is incredibly common knowledge, easy to search for, and included in the list of links.

As to a document like Edible Schoolyard, it is on their website, in pdf format, is found by Googling "Edible Schoolyard Tax Returns 2013" and is included in the list of links.

The Upvotes.Club menu, in my opinion, speaks for itself, and it is definitely one of the banned domains, which is why I took the time to screenshot the whole page. Besides the screenshot, the link is included in the list of links.

Additionally, everything in my posts can generally be searched for in, using the search function, because every news article I read is automatically posted with no effort on my part. Additionally, every article is archived, screenshotted and, eventually, grabbed by my websites' database at The text of the articles is also grabbed to automatically populate on the site.

Point being, I am happy to source anything, as I have literally everything I encounter saved, but I face restraints in post sizes, banned domains and I am unclear on the level of sourcing I should be providing for what sources.

For that reason, it would be great if I understood which part of this post was post was not sufficiently sourced.


Crensch ago

Unfortunately, the list for banned domains is very incomplete.

Nobody gives a shit.

I did include the links, they are just in a picture.

Then they're not links. Links are clickable. ADDRESSES can be text-only.

My point was, there are only a few documents, of which are well known and people should not have trouble confirming them.

Then you should have no problem providing links to them.

Stop wasting my mods' time with your laziness.

@Vindicator @argosciv

thewebofslime ago

Why be such a condescending asshole about it? Why call me lazy? I am the least lazy person you interact with. In the middle of all of this, I do GIS mapping and reconnaissance for emergency incidents and I have training and certifications as a soldier, firefighter as well as in search and rescue, beyond my work in IT. You are being childish by calling me lazy.

I have been unfairly targeted, repeatedly, in this sub, with claims that my posts are not "pizzagate related" when they damn well are. If I make a good post... it gets buried with crap using vote manipulation. Maybe 1 in 10 posts actually survive, which is why I almost completely stopped posting here. I include my work here AFTER it has been posted in 20 other places. If I include citations in the comments, the post gets deleted. This has been a double standard for a long time.

Your own stickies are usually not as well sourced as my work.

This is why you have never gotten rid of the idea that you guys are compromised.

All I was asking is which item potentially needs more sourcing because your rules about what is cited and what is not varies greatly.

Asking me to spend four extra hours citing something, when I have a job and a family, is asking too much and now you are just wasting my time AND being a derogatory jerk and there is no cause for that.

I keep everything.

What item actually needs sourcing? Do I need to source something like this?

or this

or this

or this


You see the difference, right?

There is no link for some stuff; like many news articles that I have, but, to me, just the screenshot is good enough.

That is why I am asking WHAT NEEDS CITATIONS?

It seems a lot more prudent to just identify what in my post is questionable, because now you are the one wasting everyone's time. I shouldn't even have to provide all of those links I provided, if I was held to the same standard as a lot of other posts that end up at the top; like blatant misinformation every single day that rises to the top.

So, delete it, or tell me what actually needs a source. Your rules aren't clear and they never have been and your application of the rules have never been consistent.

My work speaks for itself. My data collection speaks for itself. The link to my website confirms all of this information, so does free advertising count as a citation? (I don't actually monetize, in any way.) Maybe you would prefer a more attention whore approach, like David Seaman?

By your standards, if applied equally, everything should be fine by just linking to, which contains the text for all of the relevant articles, that attempts to include 2 archive links to each article and a screenshot.

@kingkongwaswrong [O]

@Crensch [O]

@Vindicator [M]

@srayzie [M]

@ben_matlock [M]

@EricKaliberhall [J]

@heygeorge [D]


I have enough accounts on Voat that I can test when I am being targeted and when I'm not. When MillenialFalcon disappeared, a lot of the downvoting campaigns against me stopped, coincidentally. I had hoped that this was the end of it.

If someone, anyone, just gave me something to work with... like a name or a document, where you find the sourcing is lacking, then I can search it up in a matter of seconds.

Otherwise, you are basically asking me to rewrite the whole thing and holding me to a standard that no one else in this sub is held to.

This post does not have the original link and almost acts as way to PREVENT people from seeing what has been posted , most recently:

This post is not Pizzagate related:

This post has not mentioned how it is related to Pizzagate:

This post has nothing to do with Pizzagate:

This post is barely strung together with "Read More", "Read more":

At least a couple of other posts have blatant disinformation about symbols; which have never resulted in proving anything and that is just on your front page RIGHT NOW.

So, Crensch, do what you have to do. I'll continue to do what I have always done.

Vindicator ago

In case you genuinely want to better understand our expectations, WoS, I am going to take the time to respond to the rest of this comment.

This post does not have the original link and almost acts as way to PREVENT people from seeing what has been posted , most recently:

Wrong. The post has the archive link, which contains the original link. Archive links are as good if not better than the original, as I said in my first reply to you.

This post is not Pizzagate related:

Wrong. We have had numerous submissions over the past six months investigating the tranny push as an element of globalist attempts to increase the supply of kids for sex. If children have the right to choose whatever sex they want to be, don't they logically have the right to choose to have sex with whoever they want?

If you spent any time reading our subverse, you'd know this has been a hot topic of conversation here for a while now.

This post has not mentioned how it is related to Pizzagate:

Do you actually need this explained? This IS pg:

The facilitation of Raniere’s sexual relationships with two underage victims: i.e., a 15-year-old girl who was employed by Nancy Salzman and who, ten years later, became one of Raniere’s first-line “slaves” in DOS – and a child whose sexual relationship with Raniere was known to, and facilitated by, members of the Racketeering Enterprise


This post has nothing to do with Pizzagate:

Wrong. Any news about pedophile priests is 100% pizzagate, "the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite" per the definition in the sidebar.

This post is barely strung together with "Read More", "Read more":

Did you actually read any of it? The guy started grilling Sheer about pizzagate and the Clinton Foundation at a town hall meeting:

“The Clinton Foundation is part of child trafficking and child sacrifice if you study it. It is in the Pizzagate,” the town hall attendee said to applause from the crowd. “How do we get that money back?”

Given these completely false claims you've made, I am coming to the conclusion you really aren't serious about helping this investigation. Are you really here to shit-stir and try to push the "Muh...Voat is compromised. Mods are censors!" BS?

argosciv ago

Lol'd at the implication that NXIVM isn't pizzagate related.