SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @thewebofslime.

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21yearsofdigging ago

Oh good!! Damn, yeah!! Trudeau is bankrupting Canada while also working for the globalist banksters. More debt the better. Also allowing mass immigration of Muslims( some connected to ISIS) causes regular hard working Canadians to hate the muslims coming in but this is just a ploy to cause chaos and hatred.The muslims are not our enemies(at least most aren't) but they come over and get sometimes as much as 4800.00 a month while we now have a homeless problem with the elderly and benefits for these people are drying up. Divide and conquer and Trudeau is simply a new world order sock puppet

YogiPokes ago

We need more town meetings like these. Everyone MUST hear about Pizzagate if at the very least.

turitelle ago

Today Scheer wussed out and said in an interview today that he didn't know what pizzagate was and that he didn't follow American politics. It doesn't give him any brownie points if he's that incurious about the world, especially Canada's closest neighbor. He reminds me of a weasel anyhow, the only thing he's got going for him is he's running against Trudeau.

MolochHunter ago

Tucker and Trump show us. You must be utterly unrepentant against the WokeyMob or they will own you

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Keep stoking the phony left vs right paradigm and selling Trump as a savior. Tucker works for CIA controlled news. You are not red pilled. He also loves Comet Ping Pong and is a regular.

Angelis_Solaris ago

So what? That doesn't change the fact that most people on the right are decent people who believe in God and have honest jobs, and believe in the sound principles that created the Constitution, and the Left basically a collection of anything other than that. Of course the undermining of the original Constitutional government was designed over decades of secret societies' influence.

Tucker Carlson doesn't give off any alarm bells that I've seen. We are all pawns in this enormous machine, most of us unknowing and I'm sure that's the case for him as well. The powers that should not be want to drive secularism to the point of destroying morality and creating a crisis, leading to the "antichrist" power to offer the solution: Luciferianism (or something based on it)

MolochHunter ago

I'd put you on the payroll of the Clowns waaaaaay before Tucker

Truthseeker3000 ago

Trudeau called it “disgusting and heinous”. He knows!!!!!!

Baichu ago

Of course, he was brought up in a privileged family whose father was a complete sellout to the "elite" (who I prefer to call depraved turkey vultures). Trudy has the look of MK in his eyes and cannot speak without being told what to say, just like all the rest of the politicians.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yes yes yes. A friend in Montreal tells me that both him and his brother were ritually abused and this woman knew of one of the handlers. Yes, this is real. The look in his eyes, just like so many in Hollywood and in D.C. As my Dad used to say, "the lights are on but no one's home".

Baichu ago

Then, his brother's death may have...well, I'll just say someone always dies and someone is exalted into fame.

21yearsofdigging ago

Exactly! That skiing incident where his brother dies. Someone selected Justin as the more malleable boy. Maybe he took to programming more than his brother. I ahve seen this in my own family unfortunately

letsdothis3 ago

We're making an impact. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then you win.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Except that the sheeple side with the authorities and assume it is nonsense. Wiinning any time soon?