thewebofslime ago

Maybe update the link:

The1stLantern ago

Appreciated, I will.

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iwasthey ago

Dig in.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Iornukrum ago

So they put secret files into PowerPoint files via steganography, right? Has any of it been decrypted?

Lobotomy ago

Let it be known that this isn't a NEW infodump. This is a collection of all the evidence we have already uncovered.

B472113 ago

It's been mentioned that Nixon was trying to uncover this in the Watergate hotel. The American people turned on him because their god (MSM) said so. Is it any wonder why few politicians tried to expose this over the last 40 years?

Otto- ago

Does this have anything to do with not responding? I was literally browsing through the domain a few hours ago. I still had a page cache loaded, suddenly no domains respond now.

carmencita ago

Very odd indeed. I don't understand much of that but I do think that it odd that the doesn't respond. Why would that happen. I would hunt around the net and see if others find this a problem as well. I have never heard of that while being here over 2 years.

Otto- ago

Hey dude, I think I just found out why. Goddamn my ignorance, my own country just had the largest fucking mass shooting in its history. The shooter used, 8chan & archive links to host his live stream of the event. I've been up all night, can't believe I was literally busy on here while people were being murdered.

carmencita ago

I will pray for your country and that city. They will need help to come together during this horrid time. Btw, I just learned John Podesta was just recently in NZ. There are no coincidences as we have learned.

mathemagician33 ago

He even said NZ was "a juicy target" for a 2020 election hack. It's like he's taunting us.

carmencita ago

Hillary was there too. Not even a year ago. Takes time to plan those things.

mathemagician33 ago

yep, exactly, I noticed that too.

carmencita ago

They think they are fooling us. NOT. Remember when people were more in their face? They said the most outrageous things on Twitter. Now they have silenced us. Not for long. The hammer will fall on them.

lamplight ago

If things are being purged, I think they are being archived too. YES!!!!!!!!

carmencita ago

I highly agree. The tables are turning. Two can play the same game.

Baichu ago

My thoughts exactly.

carmencita ago

I have an idea they got dumped on today. Of course we will never know. I just can't imagine people didn't respond. So many are reading the chans now.

srayzie ago

I’m not as caught up on pizzagate as most of you. Did you guys know that the Comet Ping Ping shooting was posted about before it happened? I don’t know if that’s true. But, it’s in the dump.

@Vindicator @Think- @Blacksmith21

flyingcuttlefish ago

Vindicator ago

This is a very confusing graphic. Which article(s) were published before the shooting? @The1stLantern.

srayzie ago

I don’t know. It was just one of the graphics. Unless it’s verifiable, I wouldn’t believe it. You know that tho.

Vindicator ago

I was trying to verify it, but I don't understand what it is specifically claiming.

srayzie ago

That the shooting happened after some of the articles were posted?

The1stLantern ago


Timestamps on Google search returns are usually 6 to 8 hours off from UTC time when the engine kicks them back on a query (a well known bug for articles which are immediately posted)

Whats interesting in the graphic shown is that the timestamps dont line up with the time of the incident even accounting for the bug in the UTC timing - having an article showing "posted 20 hours ago" in a screenshot at 7pm, when the incident happened that day at 3pm lends itself to the theory that either A. The results are fucked with and the graphic is fraudulent, or B the articles in question themselves were posted before the incident they were reporting took place.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

I love pages that include the date in the URL, ala..."website_com/articles/03-16-2019/blabla..." because then you can correlate that date with the Google cache date and content shown. And I always caution people to ignore any arguments about failings of the Google cache system. For God's sake, ALL that Google does is cache web pages! It's not like they're a chip manufacturer and web page caching isn't their expertise.

Vindicator ago

Okay. So to vet this, we need to take the main Google search archive link presented, and one of the articles shown, and see if they match up, correct?

The1stLantern ago

This was actually news to me as well - can anyone vouch for authenticity?

carmencita ago

This stuff is really sick. Posted on Twitter by a guy named Jeselnik He has a thing for kids and does not mince words. Bleeping Perverted Pedo.

Onetime1 ago


Most everything you have posted is inaccessible as of Thursday, early evening, EST/DST.

carmencita ago

WHAT? How So? Good Lord.

assistance1010 ago

Of course he's from the Sodom known as Pittsburgh.

carmencita ago

Pittsburgh is infested. That's for sure.

The1stLantern ago

Hes even got a fucking blue check mark. Christ on his cross.

carmencita ago

So sick. He has no fear when he does stuff like that. This posting should scare the HE77 out of them I hope.

The1stLantern ago

Wonder what they are wiping

carmencita ago

I just posted something about fb and insta being down for hours for some. Either they started getting hate mail or they are doing what you said. Wiping. Hope not.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for crossposting that, srayz.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome! We should cross post everything relevant!

Onetime1 ago


As per Thursday early evening, NOTHING is accessible from what you have posted.

srayzie ago

You mean you can’t see the images I posted? Or they aren’t on 8chan anymore?

srayzie ago

@drstrangegov I got your comment to me. You can share what I posted above. See parent.

drstrangegov ago

Just scumbags being scumbags. Someone is definitely fucking with decent americans.

Vindicator ago

@The1stLantern @srayzie @Blacksmith21, this isn't happening now, is it? The thread is from February.

The1stLantern ago

Youre welcome and no worries, I know the format is a total pain in the ass. As always appreciate your support my virtual friend.

It feels like something is in the air lately doesn't it?

The1stLantern ago

Thread started in Feb, weve been baking it on the chan since then, all the way until last night when it was bumped to the front page - ready for the masses.

Vindicator ago I understand. Thanks for clarifying that.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I was wondering too @Vindicator. Thanks @The1stLantern!

Vindicator ago

Giving this the Help! flair, 1stLantern. :-)

fogdryer ago

Shoot what about the tunnels in Arizona Where the kids were camped ???

srayzie ago


Background for newfags

Pizzagate 101

Newfag rundown on the players

It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker

Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further

On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail

And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL

Elsagate rundown

The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL

They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband

It's all about the adrenochrome

Justin Beiber snaps because he was pimped out

flyingcuttlefish ago

I put the Hawaii image up as a comment on my post about it so I can find it later ....

SearchVoatBot ago

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gamepwn ago

Where did that photo come from? The blacked out ones?

Are these victims of Comet Ping Pong?


Yes. Anons found and posted them from a different part of comet ping pongs hacked website. Blacked out for obvious reasons now but they weren't when they were found.

Onetime1 ago

And this is why we will NEVER give up this fight.

SearchVoatBot ago

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redoundo ago

There's a lot of stuff here that I hadn't seen before.


Yep. Tip of the iceberg

The1stLantern ago

Doing Gods work

srayzie ago

It won’t play. What was it?

VeryOffended ago

Won't play here either, but other than some photoshop on the head and chest, that doesn't seem like a puppet. That being said, the man in the screen grab looks photoshopped from the back of the neck down. What's going on here?

Vindicator ago

It's obvious in the video. The man is wearing a big fabric mask over his head with a long nose. The boy puppet is also fabric, with an outer skin that comes off. I made the screengrabs straight from the video, so there is no photoshopping going on.

VeryOffended ago

Why won't the video play? I know I said I don't want to see it, and I don't. However, why could you? The screen grabs aren't enough context. If it were real, they'd be way more blood and detail than I could ever even imagine, but where did this video come from and why could only you and blacksmith watch this link?

Vindicator ago

I don't know why it won't play for you. It plays for me just fine. Strange. I'm in the US, though. Some countries block some sites. Have you tried it with an incognito tab? Sometimes I can't see sites unless I use one.

VeryOffended ago

That's sick shit. I don't want to see the video, but fact that such a realistic puppet (from the chest down) , and such a " performance " exists made me sick and nauseous .

Vindicator ago

Yeah when I read the Podesta emails as they were coming out and saw the one about the handkerchief with a pizza related map, I was like "WTF? Who draws a map to a pizza place on a cloth handkerchief and leaves it at a house they're touring?" Couldn't get my head around the map. Then someone posted the Kim Noble art and mentions map = DNA/semen and I literally had to go hit the can. Lost my lunch. I spent 24 hours sick as a dog realizing the scope of what that had to mean. Didn't get online for a day. Two days later, or something, they banned r/pizzagate in conjunction with an unbelievably massive censorship campaign across multiple media outlets and my doubts it was real went right out the window.

Vindicator ago

Couple of screencaps I just grabbed. NSFW. Doll of a naked small boy. Dude peeling it's skin off and screaming for it while making it writhe in agony.


kazza64 ago

the sadistic pedophile root of all evil

Blacksmith21 ago

I watched the video. It is a puppet, FWIW.

Vindicator ago

The crowd screaming "That is awesome!" and cheering like fiends...makes me think this is about more than a puppet show, though.

Blacksmith21 ago

Some really creepy AVI performance art with one of the "actors" peeling a fake a child.

srayzie ago

So fricken sick

Vindicator ago


The1stLantern ago

strokes Mossberg impatiently

Onetime1 ago

Once again, for anyone serious about this topic (pizzagate), just look at that picture of the little girl taped to the red tabletop.

Look closely for a full minute or two.

Notice anything about the child's left and right arms? Different hand positions, sleeve lengths, and - most crucially - the huge difference in the 14 pieces of painter's masking tape pinnioning the child's arms to the table. (Her torso is pressed up against the table, thus, immobilizing her).

Clearly 2, probably 3 people were involved in taping this girl.


On nationwide tv interview with Megyn Kelly, Alefantis said a young sibling did this alone.

Really, now.

You readers find just ONE parent who believes a toddler would stand still while a sibling rips off - individually - 14 pieces of tape one at at time and emplaces them on a young girl without her resisting.

Mother. Fucking. LIAR!!

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You readers find just ONE parent who believes a toddler would stand still while a sibling rips off - individually - 14 pieces of tape one at at time and emplaces them on a young girl without her resisting.

stupid argument and easily debunked to make you and this entire movement seem fucking retarded.

you can easily convince a toddler it's a game and to have them sit still. you're fucking stupid for picking this of all things to attack

CaJuN-M8 ago

Downvoted for being a know it all fag it

Heisenberg123 ago

Fuck, this is is sick. So many accounts on the Instagram and elsewhere and it's so obvious that they're into pedophilia and child murder. WTF. Instagram doesn't even work properly now.

Vindicator ago

Welcome to pizzagate, Heisenberg. :-) It's as sick as it gets.

Heisenberg123 ago

I'm used to it from the very beginning, November 2016. I was probably one of the very few guys who came to jabbaroos account myself - the one which in my opinion puts a nail in the coffin of PG enemies, but sadly it's not known to enough number of people. But some of these accounts in this thread I see for the first time. I was focusing mostly on Alefantis surrounding which I think is the most important lead.

Vindicator ago

Glad you're here for the long haul!

Onetime1 ago

You also, V.

Vindicator ago

Thanks, Onetime1. And you, as well.

parnellsUprising ago

How does that post only have 3 upvotes, yet over 184 comments? If you try and upvote it you get an error. @PuttItOut ?

think- ago

Thanks for the ping! :-)

Vindicator ago