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Background for newfags

Pizzagate 101

Newfag rundown on the players

It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker

Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further

On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail

And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL

Elsagate rundown

The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL

They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband

It's all about the adrenochrome

Justin Beiber snaps because he was pimped out

flyingcuttlefish ago

I put the Hawaii image up as a comment on my post about it so I can find it later ....

SearchVoatBot ago

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gamepwn ago

Where did that photo come from? The blacked out ones?

Are these victims of Comet Ping Pong?


Yes. Anons found and posted them from a different part of comet ping pongs hacked website. Blacked out for obvious reasons now but they weren't when they were found.

Onetime1 ago

And this is why we will NEVER give up this fight.

SearchVoatBot ago

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redoundo ago

There's a lot of stuff here that I hadn't seen before.


Yep. Tip of the iceberg

The1stLantern ago

Doing Gods work