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Vindicator ago

@thewebofslime, thanks for creating a well-written, easy to follow explanation. Unfortunately, I have to flair this for Rule 2 because you have no actual primary souces linked here at all. The pics are great and make it easy to read, but we also need the original source links so that people can vet your thesis for themselves. Please take the time to add that material so that we can leave this up. I will give you the 24 Hours Grace flair. Of course, if you may always post it as is to v/pizzagatewhatever, which does not have evidentiary requirements. Thanks.

thewebofslime ago

All of the business documents are "self-authenticating" in that they are good enough for court and meet the evidentiary requirements for courts within the US.

Voat seemingly has some of the sources banned, so it has become increasingly difficult to write a long post and include a bunch of links, then have the post rejected. Because, frankly, I don't have time to go hunt through every single link, again. I generally do go to the trouble, when writing, to include enough of the names so that anything can be Googled.

The Edible Schoolyard tax returns from 2013, as well as others, are easily Googled.

The Joule Docs email by Erynn Sepp is easily Googled, but the Uranium One money trail is best explored, in detail, in my other posts.

The Troika Laundromat is widely reported on. No news article will mention Joule, Troika Dialog, Ruben Vardanyan, Ian Telfer and the Clinton Foundation all in the same article. It doesn't exist. This is why you have to rely on the primary source documents.

Other than that, judicial notice should be recognized for the Russia reset and it is beyond the scope of a single thread to chase down and link every single donor to the Clinton Foundation who also donated to Skolkovo. The Joule Docs email proves the last picture and Ian Telfer's payment from his NGO to the Clinton Foundation are widely recognized by all MSM, but there is not going to be a single article you can find that also shows he gave to the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Partnership. That is why it is important people do their own research.

I'm not sure what else needs proving or sources. Most of it is pretty obvious and well known and reported upon.

Here are some of the sources, but... again... I can't actually include them in the post because "banned domains." I played around with it, to try to find which was correct, but there is clearly more than one.

think- ago

I generally do go to the trouble, when writing, to include enough of the names so that anything can be Googled.

The Edible Schoolyard tax returns from 2013, as well as others, are easily Googled.

I really appreciate your posts, @thewebofslime. But I'm afraid the rules we have are here for a reason - and that's that posts should be self-explanatory, and backed up with sources.

I really can't wrap my head around why you are able to write brilliant posts, but are not able to adhere to the subverse rules. Sorry for being so blunt.

Maybe reduce the number of posts, and focus on writing the ones you submit in a way that they don't need to be flaired?

thewebofslime ago

I get it, and the deletion, itself, isn't a problem. I haven't complained in the two years /v/Pizzagate has been around. But I am sure that the standards aren't always equally applied.

I'm not going to have people telling me I am lazy and acting like their time is more valuable than mine, though. When I'm insulted, I speak up. I treat pathological narcissists with extreme prejudice, and anyone who thinks their time is more valuable than mine without knowing anything about me, and who doesn't have the intellectual capacity to gauge the quality of my work, fits this description. @Crensch.

I have no problem sourcing stuff, but the application of the rules is widely varied and the rules are specific enough to silence actual debate and progress. The low effort posts take over against high effort posting and the recommendation for great work that needs to be discussed is, "Oh, well go post in the tiniest subverse that everyone ignores."

If everyone who was serious about /v/Pizzagate actually reported pedophiles who were discovered to LEO and reported the nonprofits to the IRS, this problem would have been solved ages ago. As far as I can tell, I am the only one who is actually DOING SOMETHING.

I would suggest that the rules of the sub do not always allow for "conversation" in a productive manner and I can see when good posts are buried, not by downvoting campaigns, but by upvoting campaigns of competing posts.

I have been very interested in measuring how shilling works and the Pizzagate sub has seen every kind. This whole sub, whether the mods intend to, or not, is operating as limited hangout. It is unfocused and lacks a clear direction.

The problem is compounded when searchvoat doesn't work 99% of the time for many people. This is all a systematic way to BURY information. I don't really see people from this sub branching out. QRV is doing way more work, gets way more attention and exposure and more than half their community didn't even believe in Pizzagate.

I've slowly, but surely, been working on a way to have a place for everyone to type in a name and pull up all Pizzagate/Pedogate related material. It's almost done. It will be more focused than a Google search and will help people clearly lay out evidence. But what is the point of letting everyone do that if no one actually reports pedophiles and their money laundering? I'm not convinced that the /v/Pizzagate community is the place to share such a tool.

So, while my post generates a lot of bitching and extra work for me, the truth is that it is a small piece of the puzzle. This is what I was REALLY working on. It is the most comprehensive explanation of Pizzagate that you will find. It surpasses anything anyone has been allowed to post to /v/Pizzagate. The sourcing involves a lot of grainy FOIA documents that is greater than the length of the piece, itself.


Now, as a way to HELP PEOPLE UNDERSTAND, it is great and work like this shouldn't have to be meticulously sourced because that really should be an entirely separate document. Plus, a lot of my methods and writing are my intellectual property and I am doing your community and others a favor by sharing everything I do with zero compensation.

So, my post, while you don't like the sourcing, is providing a way for people to understand the complexity of the monetary finagling behind the scenes of organized crime.

So, I challenge you all to actually think about why this work isn't allowed on your subreddit and reflect on why I see a problem with that. I haven't read any of the other replies, because I have hundreds of messages/replies in multiple inboxes across multiple platforms every single day, where people aren't giving me a hard time about my posts. Even if I wasn't busy, it literally isn't feasible for me to reply to everyone.

@kingkongwaswrong [O] @Crensch [O] @Vindicator [M] @srayzie [M] @ben_matlock [M] @EricKaliberhall [J] @heygeorge [D]



Because I think she might be interested in reading the Google doc before the whole sourced version goes on my website.

think- ago

I get it, and the deletion, itself, isn't a problem.

Well, to me it is, because I think it has been unnecessary - the post could have been amended, and then the mods would have been able to remove the flair.

I'm not going to have people telling me I am lazy

I don't think you are lazy, @thewebofslime. I just think you don't feel like wanting to comply to rules you don't seem to think have merit.

the application of the rules is widely varied

Mods are only human, @thewebofslime. They might err from time to time (I was a mod, so I know what I'm talking about). But I don't generally see rules applied in an uneven way.

I also don't see any attempts of censorship, of targeting you in any way.

As far as I can tell, I am the only one who is actually DOING SOMETHING.

Not sure how you came to this conclusion. You don't know what users here have been doing in real life. Not everyone is talking about it, for obvious reasons, and I wouldn't recommend talking about it.

I can see when good posts are buried, not by downvoting campaigns, but by upvoting campaigns of competing posts.

Not sure what you mean with 'upvoting campaigns'. We have identified one user who clearly vote brigaded in the past, and other users who helped him. In general, it has been my impression that there is no constant brigading of posts.

What I have observed is that good quality posts often don't get enough upvotes and traction as they would have deserved. I think this is because lower effort posts often are more clickbaity, and are more easy to understand.

That's really a pity, but it has nothing to do with v/pizzagate rules, it's just the way it is when you have a board with allows up- and downvoating imo.

And a TL;DR re the rules: When I was a mod, I was really understand that they made sense. In my own sub, v/pizzagateart, the rules are less strict, but then there are only a coupe of users posting there, and they are die-hard pizzagaters source their stuff anyway.

Everytime I look at the v/pizzagate board, I'm really glad we have these rules; and there is a reason why they hardly changed since @kevdude wrote them at the time, although we had several rule discussions on the board.

This whole sub, whether the mods intend to, or not, is operating as limited hangout.


It is unfocused and lacks a clear direction.

I'd say it is its strength, that it isn't 'focused', but has been crowdsourcing ideas and content.

The problem is compounded when searchvoat doesn't work 99% of the time for many people.

It seems to have had some issues lately, but it works for me 90% of the time. You can always find v/pizzagate content too by typing


and keywords when using google, this works 100% of the time.

I don't really see people from this sub branching out.

Not sure what you mean with 'branching out'? Like creating more sister subs?

I've slowly, but surely, been working on a way to have a place for everyone to type in a name and pull up all Pizzagate/Pedogate related material. It's almost done.

Well, that would be terrific.

But what is the point of letting everyone do that if no one actually reports pedophiles and their money laundering?

I might have missed it, but have you actually told people that they might want to report people to IRS?

I'm not convinced that the /v/Pizzagate community is the place to share such a tool.


So, my post, while you don't like the sourcing, is providing a way for people to understand the complexity of the monetary finagling behind the scenes of organized crime.

I don't doubt it. I still think it should have been sourced in a way that it would have been possible to let it stay.

isn't allowed on your subreddit

Ouch. ;-)

I haven't read any of the other replies, because I have hundreds of messages/replies in multiple inboxes across multiple platforms every single day

May I ask you whether you are one real life person, or whether your 'I' and 'me' is referring to a group of people?

I'm asking, because I wasn't able to wrap my head around how a single person could possibly be doing all this work (even a genius autist); and then I don't even know what you've been doing on other platforms.

Please feel free not to answer my question of course.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @EricKaliberhall @Vindicator @Crensch

thewebofslime ago

Mods are generally polite. Crensch is the one who popped off.

This is the IRS whistleblower form.

Reports to LEO should be sent as letters, where you call yourself a "discretionary reporter." Don't talk to law enforcement. Period. Just send a letter. If you get the jurisdiction wrong, they usually try to get it there, for you. Try to get the jurisdiction right, though. When in doubt, go federal.

A limited hangout is when only a small portion of the information is made available in order to prevent upper echelon accountability.

I can tell when I have been the first one to report something, usually. I know people and, more importantly, I know the system. I know how to get court records.

In order to not get caught in a downvoting campaign, manipulators will upvote everything OTHER than the post they don't like in order to bury it. It is more common on Voat than Reddit and "upvoting competing posts" is on the shill menu at multiple shill servicing sites. It is harder for them to get caught this way and they recommend it for when people buy influence on Voat.

When I say it lacks focus, I mean there is no guided effort to produce any usable work product that can be applied to holding these people accountable. Lists of known pedophiles; list of their nonprofits, etc.

I don't see content from Pizzagate branching out into other platforms.

I have help. But I am generally one person. I am able to expand my presence through automation. If a John Podesta article pops up, it automatically gets posted to all platforms. If I hand pick an article, it automatically gets posted to all platforms. At the end of my Google doc, I provide a bit more of an explanation. Automation is the key to having news served up to you, rather than having to go hunt for it. This is easily accomplished using scripts on RSS feeds within Google Sheets. There are many ways to accomplish this type of automation, though.

Again, I want to reiterate that the rules result in making it impossible to generate a single, comprehensive piece on Pizzagate. Nothing like that will ever be allowed on this subverse under the current rules. It is a huge problem. It is why, whether or not that is the intent, it operates as a limited hangout. You will never see the whole scheme in 10,000 characters. You can't even source it in under 10,000 characters. I've tried.