ottermom56 ago

Subject chnage, did anyone notice the butterfly tattoo on the torso of Adam Levine at the Super bowl show? I've tried to find it online, no luck. HHHMMMMM???

SearchVoatBot ago

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13Buddha ago

Here is a twitter post which shows a clearer pic of Obama with Philip De Andrade, Goat Hill Pizza owner.

letsdothis3 ago

Okay, so further to this comment:

In this image (outside Pegasus Apartments) : , notice the street banner for Pilgrim School

Their address is 540 S Commonwealth Ave which is the home to the First Congretional Church of LA

The current building is an impressive English Gothic Revival-style designed by Los Angeles' architects James Edward Allison & David Clark Allison, the massive concrete structure was reinforced with more than 500 tons of steel. Its dominant feature is a tower soaring 157 feet and weighing 30,000 tons. There are four three-ton pinnacles at the corners of the tower rise another nineteen feet. Supported by more than 150 caissons extending up to forty-five feet into the bedrock.[5] The church is claimed to house the world's second largest church organ. On March 15, 2002, the church was designated a Historic-Cultural Monument by the Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Commission. Allison & Allison was the architectural firm of James Edward Allison (1870-1955) and his brother David Clark Allison (1881-1962). Originally based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1910 the Allisons moved to Los Angeles in Southern California. At first they specialized in public schools.

Quite a list of projects on taht wiki page including, for example, The Janss Dome—Janss Investment Company Building, Westwood Village, (1929).

The Janss Investment Company Building, also known as the Janss Dome, is a historic building in Westwood, Los Angeles, California, in the Westwood Village. The building is located at the five-way intersection of Westwood Boulevard, Kinross Avenue, and Broxton Avenue.

[Lots more there but needs its own post..]

Sons Edwin Janss Sr. and Harold Janss developed Van Nuys and Owensmouth, now called Canoga Park.

Domes are thought to have a containing effect on energy - see:

Van Nuys:

voat post: Ties between Clinton and Disney found via company charged with RICO violations

When looking up Chelsea Clinton, I found her listed as being associated with InterActiveCorp (IAC), along with Michael Eisner (Disney head honcho)... Also associated: super shady BlackRock. ..

Also, a PDF from Van Nuys Airport, where the plane associated with IAC is listed (with tail number, too) ... in addition to a Pegasus Elite Aviation (among the "elites" listed) plane... hrm, right?

letsdothis3 ago

One interesting Geffen related post : Anything suspicious about Legal Services for Children?

A local news article has announced the promotion of Bette Fleishman at Pegasus Legal Service for Children in Albuquerque. I found their adverttasteless to say the least.


She is also a board member of the Geffen Playhouse, which is described in an article about Masonic architecture in LA:

"One of the first twelve structures erected in Westwood Village was the Masonic Affiliates Clubhouse, built for the benefit of UCLA students and alumni who were related to Masons. Designed by the prolific Morgan, Walls & Clements, the clubhouse hosted ping-pong tourneys, tea dances, Mardi Gras balls, and study sessions until its conversion in World War II to a US Army barrack. " Many A-listers involved there:

In this article: Warner Bros. Shake-Up: Former White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers Replacing Sue Fleishman

Warner Bros. has hired former White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers as its new Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. She replaces Sue Fleishman, who will leave the company after serving in that position for nine years.

Myers, who worked for President Bill Clinton during his first term, will oversee all external communications and strategy for the studio, reporting to Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara.

..Before Clinton, Myers worked for Senator Dianne Feinstein, presidential nominees Michael Dukakis and Walter Mondale, and Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley. She joins several former political gatekeepers in Hollywood.

Zenia Mucha, the top corporate communications executive at Disney, was once a powerful figure in New York politics as advisor to Governor George Pataki. Kori Bernards, a top corporate communications executive at Universal, previously worked for House Democratic leader Dick Gephardt.

Fleishman has worked in Hollywood for two decades. She took the top communications job under the previous regime at Warner Bros., ascending to the her current position when Barry Meyer was still CEO. Tsujihara succeeded Meyer last year. She previously worked at Universal Studios and Sony.

13Buddha ago

@Vindicator posed a question as to whether anyone checked WikiLeaks for any emails to or from A few of us checked and could not find anything about Goat Hill. So, that got me to look further into Pizzagate and Goat Hill and what I found was an article which incuded a section about the origin of the word, "pizzagate." It appears to have been written about a week after WikiLeaks released Hillary Clinton's emails, where John Podesta entered the picture. The website is "Encyclopedia Dramatica" and the article is titled "PizzaGate." Scroll down quite a bit to the subtitle "History of the Term." This is what it says:

The term "pizzagate" was associated with Nancy Pelosi;s Goat Hill Pizza in California before it was associated with Jimmy "#chickenlovers" Comet's Comet Ping Pong in the DC swamp.

Before Halloween, 2016, the phrase "Pizzagate" was used on 4pol various times, apparently unrelated to the Podesta brothers.

  • In February 2015, the term "Pizzagate" was used in a Super Bowl XLIV thread.

  • In April 2015, the term "pizzagate was used to refer to some pizza place in Indiana refusing to serve gay people.

  • In March 2016, the term"pizzagate" was used to refer to The Donald eating pizza in some wierd fucking way in 2011.

  • In October 2016, the term "pizzagate" was used to refer to the idea that Nancy Pelosi used Goat Hill Pizza in San Francisco as a front company, saying Pelosi had a goathill,com email address on

By November 3, 2016, the term "pizzagate" on 4pol had been mentioned in connection with WikiLeaks, in a thread about "elite pedo rings" and Podesta and "Cheesebay" which referred to an earlier thread on November 3, 2016 about the seller "cheesybay" on eBay.
The first Mention Of Comet Ping Pong on 4pol was on November 3, 2016.

Vindicator ago

I just researched this. Trump coined the term in an interview with Piers Morgan in June 2011 check it out:

Kahlypso79 ago

I thought that Pizzagate came from The New York Pizza Connection back in the 80's.. Even then they admitted that they talked in code.... "Conceding that he talked in code on the telephone, Mr. Badalamenti denied talking about drugs, but he refused to explain what was being discussed. Mr. Mazzurco testified later that they had talked about importing ''precious stones.'' The wiretapped conversations showed the defendants were talking about shipping ''shirts,'' ''22 parcels'' and products that were ''pure cotton'' and ''10 percent acrylic.'' Division Intensified

Vindicator ago

Was the term "pizzagate" ever used in conjunction with that? I didn't see it mentioned in that article.

Kahlypso79 ago

No.. it was called Pizza Connection to lampoon the French Connection. I was being abstact.. sorry. I'm trying to bring attention to the mafia using pizza parlours. The main family behind the Pizza connection was the and the Bonanno's and Gambino's still work together using the same methodology.. (Giovanni Gambino still owns a Pizza Parlour..) And.. The Gambino Crime family that ran the pizza Parlours posing as heroin and coke selling points (who would suspect a pizza parlour.. they're everywhere) is very friendly with the Clintons. But that isnt all.. Roger Clinton Jr, RapeyBills half brother is well known to Gambinos..Read this..Go past the Marc Rich pardon stuff (he's the one who got the Clintons in touch with Russian Oligarchs for U1 normally...)...( does explain how Dodgey Rogey got into the 'pardon' business.

The guy who lead the prosecution was who was rewarded by Clinton by being promo(d to FBI Director. So whilst I may have pulled the pizzagate label a little too far, I would like to point out that the modus Operandi of hiding in plain sight under a pizza parlour has been known for some time..

lynnmar ago

I no longer eat pizza. I will have a piece of thick soft bread with mozzarella on it and tomatoes.
No cheese or sauce. ICK They ruined pizza!!

Vindicator ago

Has anyone checked Wikileaks for any emails to or from

Judgejewdy ago

Wikileaks was scrubbed a long time ago.

Vindicator ago

Have you noticed anything go missing, or is this just speculation?

Judgejewdy ago

I’ve noticed it and written about it and been poo-pooed countless times so I’m not going to waste my time giving examples yet again. Could probably search the sub for old posts.

Vindicator ago

Must not be too important to you.

13Buddha ago

I did a quick search and did not find anything, but did come across a random non-WikiLeaks piece which claims that the term "pizzagate" was initially used in referring to Goat Hill Pizza. Will share when I have a few minutes to do so.

darkknight111 ago

Searched for the exact phrases goathill and “goat hill”. nothing

fogdryer ago

Someone said she owns Bohemia’ grove in ca She wants to go all the way up that ladder .......

13Buddha ago

Don't know if she owns it, but her husband Paul is on a very long 2008 guest list.

fogdryer ago

I went to chamber of commerce and some other site No owner listed Maybe should have gone to meta rio city idk

fogdryer ago

I’m sure it can be looked up public records etc Someone told me she owns it. Just don’t have time to look. I hate them all

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Just asking to maybe add to OP’s solid post, but are there any accounts of us investigators going to GHP? I’m sure we don’t have many on our side in San Fran but I was hoping in the past few years someone could’ve gone in and said if it seemed sketchy, if it’s as bizarre as CPP

13Buddha ago

Here's another pizzagate post which provides insight into both yhe exterior and interior of the place.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Thanks dude

auralsects ago

I went there and know of obvious satanists in adjacent businesses...but i seem to recall your username as being a why dont you act like one and lick my balls for it?

@shewhomustbeobeyed hows that for honor

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I went there and know of obvious satanists in adjacent businesses

Hast du eine Liste?

hows that for honor

Warum fragst du mich? Sie wollen nicht, meine meinung.

auralsects ago

Hast du eine Liste?

Ja aber nicht bei mir

Sie wollen nicht, meine meinung.

Oh but i do

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Jeg elsker dig stadig.

auralsects ago


Look i dont care exactly what kind of eurotrash you are, i just need an address to drive to. Are you on the pill or do you want to birth my Aryan warrior-spawn?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Nein, nyet, no.

auralsects ago

I'll take that as a yes

letsdothis3 ago

This is another interesting post from @ASolo The GRECO/ROMAN Connection: Organized Crime; AHEPA; Comet Pizza and Cheese Pizza


James A. Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Washington DC at the heart of General Flynn’s PIZZAGATE, and his family are connected to a virtually unknown powerful international ancient Greek ultra secret Masonic society, Order of the AHEPA, the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association. They are also associated with the Hellenic Orthodox Church of Annunciation (Grandmother Helen Pappas Alefantis)...

Lee Alefantis, rarely mentioned anywhere, showed up in a review of a company called The owner of company called the “real star” of a Tasting Table development- LEE ALEFANTIS of TRIBECA [triangle] BUILDERS.[28]

Lee Alefantis and Tribeca Builders develop Comet Pizza restaurants around the world. They recently developed- 46 COMET PIZZA – PERTH AUSTRALIA.

tasting Table

Tribeca Builders

When it came time to turn this project over to a general contractor, we knew whom to call. Chris Stasinos, CEO of Tribeca Builders, and Lee Alefantis, Stasinos’ New York partner, can both boast proven performance records with one-off restaurants and high-end retail, hospitality and residential clients across the country. Past projects in New York include the Hillstone restaurants, Zegna’s Fifth Avenue boutique and Tom Ford’s Madison Avenue boutique, and The Standard hotel, for which Stasinos collaborated with our designer Eric Cheong. Meanwhile, Alefantis, who for many years owned his own firm in D.C. prior to his move to New York, has overseen many restaurant projects, including The Caucus Room. We’re glad we can count on Tribeca Builders to manage this project.

Wellness guru Hannah Bronfman is here to make self-care and healthy choices accessible to all

ASolo ago

Mmmmm nice now that's a delicious catch.They all hook each other up in the same old posh, high-brow fashion and float in all of the same circles propping each other up. A witches brew co-mingling in and out of the upper crust "set".

letsdothis3 ago

Geoff Bartakovics, CEO of Tasting Table

Geoff Bartakovics (born 1977) is an American businessman and entrepreneur. He is the cofounder and CEO of Tasting Table,[1] a digital media brand targeted toward influential foodies.[2] Bartakovics is also a board member or advisor to a number of other digital brands and start-ups, including Trigger Media Group, Inside Hook, Pixafy and Gathered Table. Before launching Tasting Table in 2008, Bartakovics was a business manager in asset-backed finance at UBS Investment Bank.

Andy Russell is a digital media, ad tech, and marketing tech innovator and pioneer. Over the past 17 years, Andy has invested in, incubated, or run over 50 technology companies. He is the founder and CEO of Trigger Media

Andy Russell and Empact Collaboration Platform[2] partnered with the Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to develop a collaborative platform for the sustainable development goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Climate Change. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called for the launch of this collaborative platform to the world at the opening session of the General Assembly in September 2016.

Trigger’s investors and advisors include Bob Pittman, Conde Nast/Advance Publications, former MySpace president Jason Hirschhorn, Paul Tudor Jones of Tudor Investments, former Daily Candy CEO Pete Sheinbaum, as well as Michael Kassan, former president of Initiative Media Worldwide and CEO of MediaLink (recently sold for $270MM), Ken Fox, cofounder of Internet Capital Group, and OneKingsLane founder Ali Pincus

Russell is the Founder and CEO of the Empact Collaboration Platform and endorsed by the United Nations Secretary General's office for donating the SaaS platform to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Empact is also the engine behind, an online collaboration workplace for young African entrepreneurs to seek resources, mentorship and funding to support their sustainably-focused startup. This initiative is housed within the larger pan-African YouthConnect organization, launched in 2012 by Rwandan President Paul Kagame and now rolled out to 14 nations.

Russell is the Chairman of BUILD NYC and Treat House. Russell sits on the board of DMA (Data and Marketing Association), PureWow, Tasting Table, Madison Square Boys and Girls Club, and Mt. Sinai Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Russell is also on the Advisory Council for the New York Stem Cell Research Foundation.

letsdothis3 ago

Robert Pittman

CEO of iHeartMedia, Inc... Pittman has also been the CEO of AOL Networks, Six Flags Theme Parks, Quantum Media, Century 21 Real Estate and Time Warner Enterprises, and COO of America Online, Inc. and AOL Time Warner.

Century 21 was acquired by Trans World Corporation in 1979, when Trans World Corporation decided to focus on hospitality. : Trans World Corporation was the original name of the holding company set up to own Trans World Airlines.

See: Dr Quentin Van Meter on unethical transgender medicine involving children, WPATH and the NIH

think- ago

and The Standard hotel

You mean the Balasz owned Standard hotel?

letsdothis3 ago

The answer to your question is YES...

and The Standard hotel, for which Stasinos collaborated with our designer Eric Cheong.

Cheong, currently living in Portland, Oregon, is an architect, interior designer, avid sailor and outdoor conservationist. He is the principal of North 45 Projects.

Notable projects he had a direct involvement in included Jean Nouvel’s 40 Mercer condominium project, the Standard Hotel Highline and Ace Hotel New York.

think- ago

Thank you! :-)


letsdothis3 ago

I'm assuming it might be but can't find anything else on that.

think- ago

K, thank you!

@bopper - you are the Standard Hotel expert here - any thoughts? Thanks! :-)

bopper ago

I'll check it out, thanks Ms. Think!

auralsects ago

Lmao how are u an expert on anything but recliners with built-in fridges you old bitch?

Have you been in the club that lies behind the solid steel door to which the elevator opens directly on the 11th floor?

I havent either, but I can tell you it exclusively employs queers, niggers, and people with Hebrew-English accents.

The fuck are you even doing in v/pizzagate, faggot? Aint ya heard Trumps solved everything already with The Plan? 3,000 KIDS RESCUED FROM SAUDI SLAVE DUNGEONS, NO MORE, NO LESS!


bopper ago

@srayzie @Shizy you guys see this? Can you help?

He is attacking me again and once again employing ageism..also called me a faggot and made fun of Q.

Shizy ago

He also called you a bitch!

Did you know they make recliners with fridges in them? That's amazing! Did you also know about only homosexual blacks at the standard? I didn't know any of that!

Funny how @auralsects knows about these things while pretending to not be an old niggerfaggot!

think- ago

Thank you, Mr. Bopper! :-) ;-)


think- ago

while Comet Ping Pong, before it burned to the ground, also had a Connecticut Avenue address.

? What do you mean by this? CPP didn't burn down - there were only some curtains set on fire, and it re-opened two days later.

Good post btw.

13Buddha ago

Oh, I thought it was a total loss. Will edit. Thanks x 2.

Joe10jo ago

I remember the old thread about this. Wow!

carmencita ago

God I hate her. And her mafia connected family. Once you hook up with the mafia you are a member for life.

auralsects ago

Hey, retard: Pelosis father was a literal shabbos goy. Thats far more significant politically than any Italian mpb ties.

Indeed the italian mafia is nothing compared to the jewish mafia; tjats why hollywood jews make so many movies about the former, to fool dumb people like you.

septimasexta ago

Obama, Elvis and 5 other famous ‘Shabbos goys’

Do you have a link for Nancy's father? He isn't listed.

auralsects ago

Wtf is wrong with you, stupid?

Are you trying to make me look like a liar? Why would you not just search "Nancy Pelosi father shabbos goy"

Seriously who could be so inept at even the simple task of googling? I knew you were a fucking woman.

derram ago :

BOOM! Obama Met With Yet ANOTHER Pizzaria Owner! GOAT HILL PIZZA - YouTube

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