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think- ago

rolls eyes

Trump had his own brief scandal years ago, in 2011, dubbed 'Pizzagate', because he was 'caught' using a fork and a knife when eating pizza (at a meeting with Sarah Palin). MSM made a big fuss about it. This is the 'Pizzagate' he is referring to in this video.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall: Could you guys please flair this 'debunked'? Thanks.

Vindicator ago

I wouldn't say this is debunked. Yes, here he is mocking the MSM going insane over he and Sarah Palin using forks to eat pizza in 2011. That doesn't mean he or his team did not deliberately "seed" the term into the converstion on /pol/ and r/The_Donald during the Podesta email Wikileaks digging. We know that the suspicious "pizza" references were found because an anon had dropped a crumb about the food codes on 4chan.

We also know that Pizzathrowaway777, who started r/pizzagate on Reddit, did not come up with the term himself, but borrowed it from Instagram:

I have told this story to many people, and I am always asked: “why did you call it /r/Pizzagate?”.

I had seen a couple of people throw around the name Pizzagate, and I had also seen some people opposed to this name being used. When I was searching through James Alefantis’ Instagram account the night it was discovered, someone else had decided to create an Instagram account called “pizzagate2016”. This person began using this account to troll James Alefantis with comments on his Instagram photos about the horrific knowledge the internet had come to learn that evening...I decided that using the name /r/Pizzagate was the best chance for this investigation to go viral and make a difference in government corruption around the world.

We also know that the whole methodology of QAnon, who has repeatedly proven himself/themselves to be working with Trump, is to drops "crumbs" which then prove to be prescient months or even years later.

We also know that in October of 2012, Trump tweeted "Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty." In November 2012, he also tweeted "Pervert alert. @RepWeiner is back on twitter. All girls under the age of 18, block him immediately," though the Weiner bulge pic was sent to a college aged girl.

Trump could very easily have had his people feed the "pizzagate" term he used during the Palin incident into the Wikileaks research frenzy. There is support for that theory; this isn't debunked, in my view.

ESOTERICshade ago

I wouldn't say this is debunked.

Trump used the term "pizzagate" because he got mocked for eating pizza with a knife and a fork. The rest is fantasy speculation.

septimasexta ago

Snopes has debunked any connection. IT MUST BE TRUE!

Vindicator ago

LOL. That just adds to my assessment. Check it out...I did some more research on this today. It looks like, at the very least, the whitehats deliberately dropped that term that Trump had previously used.

He talked about hacking in that interview, too, though...the pizza outing with Palin may have been one of the first moves in the plan.

auralsects ago

of course you have time to do "research" when you choose not to defend my utter destruction of your faggot ass in the ES thread.

WhiteDragonMage ago

You know I had actually forgotten the account name of who started the Pizzagate sub was pizzathowaway777. I am sure that it is just another coincidence that the number 777 was chosen considering the significance it holds for /pol and the beginning of Q.


Vindicator ago

He is a big Pepe fan.

think- ago

There is support for that theory; this isn't debunked, in my view.

As far as I understood, the term 'Pizzagate' wasn't even coined by Trump at the time; it seems to have been coined by news outlets like Salon, who made fun of Trump.

The post should at least be flaired 'Accuracy?'. The term 'Pizzagate' was used for the fork and knife story (=fact), what OP and what you allege is merely speculation. But this is a research sub for research based on facts.

'He knew!!!!!!!' in the headline is mere speculation. OP doesn't even mention the real Trump 'Pizzagate'.

Vindicator ago

what you allege is merely speculation. this is a research sub for research based on facts.

Excuse me. I didn't "allege" anything. Everything I stated was a fact, which I supported with links to the direct sources. Trump did make those tweets. PT777 did cite a mysterious Instagram user "Pizzagate2016" as the source of the name for the subreddit.

OP's title says Trump mentioned the word in 2011 (which is accurate) and that "he knew" -- implying that Trump knew Weiner was part of a cabal of pedophiles. You say this is "mere speculation" because it was coined by news outlets making fun of Trump. But nothing you linked shows any news outlet using that term prior to Trump. Nor could I find any. Here's how the coverage went down:

  • Tuesday, May 31, 2011 6:30 pm Trump had pizza with Sarah Palin in Times Square
  • At 8:11 pm the same day, The New York Times reported on it. They say nothing about "Pizzagate", but they do call it "surreal" and emphasize that the two seemed to have an alliance:

Ms. Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, had sought the meeting, having “reached out” that morning. Ms. Palin has generated more buzz about a possible presidential bid with the start of her road trip on Sunday — she has visited Gettysburg and the Liberty Bell — did not reveal why she wanted to pay a call on Mr. Trump and his wife. His own flirtation with a Republican presidential campaign ended last month amid speculation it was all intended to jolt his business interests.

Earlier this spring Ms. Palin voiced support for Mr. Trump’s interest in “getting to the bottom” of President Obama’s birth certificate. In 2008, during Ms. Palin’s vice-presidential campaign, Mr. Trump said he trusted her to deal with the nation’s economic crisis.

  • June 1, 2011 9:48 am The New York Daily News reports the two met for pizza's in Times Square (no mention of pizzagate).
  • June 1, 2011 1:38 pm Vanity Fair analyzes their choices of pizza (no mention of pizzagate).
  • June 1, 2011 dinner time Trump interviewed about Anthony Weiner by Piers Morgan Tonight on CNN, uses the term "Pizzagate" the day after what the press was calling his "pizza summit" with Palin
  • June 1, 2011 11 pm Jon Stewart goes after him on the Daily Show for stacking his slices and using a fork (does not reference Pizzagate)

Think-, the "Sliced and Diced: Trump's Pizza Faux Pas" video report you linked wasn't aired until June 3, two days after Trump's live interview on CNN. Same with the Salon article you cited.

The New York Daily News story was published the afternoon of June 1, but it doesn't mention "Pizzagate". The Young Turks covered their dinner as it happened on May 31 and described the dinner and Palin as a "fraud", but didn't use the term "Pizzagate" either.

It does appear that Trump is the one who coined the term on Piers Morgan.

Did you listen to what Trump actually says in the June 1, 2011 CNN video?

"I watched this (Weiner on the news trying deflect knowledge of his dick pic being sent to a college girl) today because I was watching between Pizzagate and Anthony Weinergate. I found Weinergate to be a terrible situation. He obviously knows it's him."

At 1:52, Trump says "I don't think it's just a joke. And I think it's pretty bad when a Congressman gets hacked into."

That's right: Weiner, "pizzagate" and hacking all mentioned by Trump. Was he only talking about Weiner's claims of moment? Or did he have friends in the NSA back then who knew what Weiner, Podesta, Hillary, Huma and Alefantis had on their hard drives?

Don't forget the controversial NSA tweet about Pizzagate.

And General Flynn tweeting about sex crimes with children in Hillary emails, and spirit cooking. Or his son tweeting about Pizzagate.

Trump linking "Pizzagate" and "Weinergate" in the same sentence the day after meeting with Palin and mentioning hacking certainly makes my eyebrows go up, especially in light of his tweet the following year (2012) about missing kids and perverts needing the death penalty.

Did he know in 2011 someone was eventually going to nudge 4chan to search for "pizza" in the hacked Podesta emails, and someone was going to make an Instagram account named Pizzagate2016 that trolled Alefantis' pedoey posts? That sounds preposterous...unless the whole thing was planned by the same people. QAnon has said the plan was years in the making.

The Young Turks certainly thought the 2011 pizza outing was staged. And the NYT seemed to think Trump and Palin were in cahoots.

@Digisphere @whitedragonmage @srayzie @MolochHunter @Crensch

SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteDragonMage ago

Excellent work. I will be adding this to my arsenal.

think- ago

It does appear that Trump is the one who coined the term on Piers Morgan.

Ok, I stand to be corrected.

Did you listen to what Trump actually says in the June 1, 2011 CNN video?

Yes, of course I watched the video. rolls eyes

"I watched this (Weiner on the news trying deflect knowledge of his dick pic being sent to a college girl) today because I was watching between Pizzagate and Anthony Weinergate.

Yes, he says he watched news reports about 'his' table manner 'scandal' re eating pizza and about Anthony Weiner's texting scandal. So what?

Was he only talking about Weiner's claims of moment? Or did he have friends in the NSA back then who knew what Weiner, Podesta, Hillary, Huma and Alefantis had on their hard drives?


implying that Trump knew Weiner was part of a cabal of pedophiles

Yes, and that's speculation. Everybody knew about Weinergate at the time, it was all over the news.

Don't forget the controversial NSA tweet about Pizzagate.

Yes, five years later.

Trump linking "Pizzagate" and "Weinergate" in the same sentence the day after meeting with Palin and mentioning hacking certainly makes my eyebrows go up

That's fine, but it doesn't prove anything about Trump scheming a hack of Dem computers, and as I explained, the term 'pizzagate' was used by him referring to news outlets reporting about his table manners.

OP didn't even make the effort to put the video into context, so that users would have been able to decide for themselves, and would have had a fair chance to understand what might have been the background for using the term 'pizzagate' at the time.

And General Flynn tweeting about sex crimes with children in Hillary emails, and spirit cooking. Or his son tweeting about Pizzagate.

Years later, different context.

Did he know in 2011 someone was eventually going to nudge 4chan to search for "pizza" in the hacked Podesta emails, and someone was going to make an Instagram account named Pizzagate2016 that trolled Alefantis' pedoey posts? That sounds preposterous...unless the whole thing was planned by the same people.

Yes, it sounds preposterous.

...unless the whole thing was planned by the same people.

Possible, but speculation.

QAnon has said the plan was years in the making

Fine. But how does this prove that Trump meant what you allege when he used the term 'pizzagate'? It doesn't.

And on a sarcastical sidenote, if I were Trump's PR department, I would also claim 'the plan was years in the making'.

The Young Turks certainly thought the 2011 pizza outing was staged.

Well, if the Young Turks say so, then of course it must be true. /s

It's all good - the post was flaired 'Accuracy?', that's fine, I can live with that.


think- ago

@Crensch: Please see above. Apologies for the typo.

Crensch ago

So everything is copacetic now? No worries about the typo, it happens.

think- ago

So everything is copacetic now?


No worries about the typo, it happens.

Well, TIL there once was a user called @Crench on Voat... ;-)

WhiteDragonMage ago

Which came first?

The first ever use of the word Pizzagate came from Trump on CNN (which trump trolls as fake news) before any article was released about the Palin incident. He mentions Weinergate which has become directly tied to HRC and Pizzagate. So it’s not just one coincidence but two. This makes the mathematical improbability of those two facts being just coincidence extremely unlikely.

To me this was a crumb dropped way before Trump ran for president. Future proves past. You can also go to Micheal Flynn’s twitter and see where he liked a video pointing the Trump/Pizzagate connection out.

Pizzagate was a part of Q teams plan all along and has been in the works for years. I personally think that there are no coincidences when it comes to the timing of all of this and that it was done intentionally for us to piece together at a later date.

Vindicator ago

He also mentioned hacking Congressmen in that Piers Morgan interview. So, three coincidences.

WhiteDragonMage ago

That’s a whole lot of coincidences 5 years before Pizzagate. The mathematical improbability is through the roof on this one and my spidey senses are tingling. It would be a lot different if it didn’t all revolve around Trump or if this involved multiple people. However, since he stepped into the political arena our lives have been focused on the horrors and crimes of the political elite. You just can’t deny that.

Some people will never believe or maybe don’t want to believe because of opinions they have formed on POTUS. It doesn’t matter honestly. It’s all happening and we have always been on the same team. At least we had better be. I started all of this at the beginning of Pizzagate and eventually moved on to Q. So to me it’s always been connected. This interview only reaffirms it to me.

Vindicator ago


think- ago

@Crensch: please see convo above. Thanks.

Crensch ago

I'm on board with "accuracy". I'll let @vindicator decide that one, as I'm in dire need of a nap.

think- ago

I'm on board with "accuracy".

Thank you, @Crensch.


auralsects ago

do u find it ironic that @Vindicator didn't seem to think that elites (that you and @letsdothis3 have posted about) using the term Pizzagate in 2014 was at all relevant, i.e. it was a coincidence, but not when Trump says offhandedly to simply rhetorically pair to the actual topic "Weinergate." That was 4D chess, r u fucking stupid or something?

even more ironic when in that post theyre quoted as discussing wieners also

What Rebekah and Cameron talked about most of all -- and I'm a trained journalist so I understand the need to get things right -- is sausage rolls. We were planning a big walk with all our kids over Christmas and thought it might be a good idea to build a fire in my woods and stop off for a picnic. Rebekah was worried about what we'd eat. Cameron thought sausage rolls would be nice

clearly, in 2011 Trump was ALSO "seeding" wieners, which were also on that "food codeword" list his JewAnon "seeded" when it broke and which turned out to be totally discrediting bullshit red herrings

Vindicator ago

Here's what I find ironic: That you are trying to kiss up to @think- and @letsdothis3, a great researcher whom you created an account to impersonate, in cahoots with proven shill Esoteric.

think- ago

LOL. My thoughts exactly. :-) ;-)

He even refrained from calling me 'stupid woman', like he usually does, so I hope you are able to see what sacrifice he made in order to diss you. grin

auralsects ago

LMAO no you being a stupid woman is something that will never change:

I asked you a direct question in pointing out a clear double standard of @Vindicator who is someone YOU trust, i.e. you're an idiot

that's what you take as "kissing up" to you. the vanity of women LMAO

Vindicator ago

What I noticed is that no sooner did I add research to this thread, but both he and Esoteric suddenly felt they had to get more active.

auralsects ago

nobody thinks I'm him you dumb faggot.

a great researcher whom you created an account to impersonate,

yeah, because, you see, I am undisputedly a great researcher but some kike shill mods have tanked my CCP and allowed a dozen hit-piece threads and publicly labeled me a shill in violation of their obligation to be unbiased moderators.

"in cahoots" jesus Christ you're such an old gay bitch. No wonder you live in Canada

Vindicator ago

I'm sorry...what was the link to child sex trafficking that post spelled out, Donkey?

auralsects ago


I'm not complaining mine was deleted you RETARD, but that this one wasn't on literally equivalent basis

I'm pointing out how ridiculously hard you shill for 4D-chess and make a total asshole of yourself in front of everyone XDDD