Psychanaut ago

wow. great find(s)

Factfinder2 ago

These are the people who run IAC:

Chelsea Clinton is on the Board of Directors, and so is Michael Eisner.

psilocyber_ ago

and apparently they own...tinder and okcupid and a ton of other popular websites? yikes.

Factfinder2 ago

IAC is very much into online dating sites:

Are all "love matches" truly between consenting adults, I wonder, or could there be a hidden market here giving pedophiles yet another way to access children? Is the company plane part of the merchandise delivery system?

Strawtinman ago

The Backpage. Was in small blip of news. A mother had found out her daughter was taken, advertised on Backpage and raped many times. The lawsuit got strange as huge corporate backers joined with Backpage, are funders! Mother says that kidnapped minors are posted on Backpage as escorts.

Factfinder2 ago

Fortunately, federal legislation has been introduced to help deal with Backpage and others like it:

From the linked article:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. August 1, 2017 (STL.NEWS) – U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill today helped lead a bipartisan group of colleagues to introduce legislation to ensure justice for victims of sex trafficking and ensure that websites such as, which knowingly facilitate sex trafficking, can be held liable and brought to justice."

Factfinder2 ago

Elite's plane with tail number N993LC can be tracked here:

And Pegasus Elite with tail number N794MH here:

Jem777 ago

Great work @duhiki.....incredible research

And @commoner for the follow-up

SpecialAgentRando ago document/d/15AzyE-Y_iNcBY4ZRp8fqdI-0M7pTRePnVSEVw8un1FA/

Some research on CIA planes... Pegasus Technologies at the top.

Commoner ago

There is an Elite Aviation too, in addition to Pegasus Elite Aviation.

Is one for elite pedophiles and one for other elites?

94.8 N993LC 95.1 3 C650 Elite Aviation, LLC

equineluvr ago

What about New World Air that flies Sean Insanity around?

DanKeyhote ago

I have said repeatedly "elite" is a codeword, and several others. Then, get this, I looked for OTHER fronts using the same name!

Sometimes I feel sorry for y'all and drop breadcrumbs but they get immediately deleted.

New York Times outed a front for renditions ten years ago The funny part is the airfield manager they quote has the same name as this Irish dude. Here's a twofer

All the Pegasus maritime, air, ground shipping, security companies, yall could have helped me research, but, alas, the VANITY OF WOMEN is the most enduring and troublesome force in the universe.

RagingShieldMaiden ago

Alas, the arrogance of men, too. Unless it's only one gender that reads your posts.

Maybe it's statements blaming gender or other such things which drive people to disregard your posts.

Just a thought.

That said, I going to run some of those airline names through Wikileaks, see if anything gets pinged.

DarkMath ago

"yall could have helped me research"

If you stop attacking me with all caps I'd love to help out Donkeyhote but you're incapable of backing down for some reason.

Probably because you think I'm here to flirt with white women which I can assure you I ain't having abandoned the fairer sex for the blissful serenity of self imposed celibacy. The bitches all be crazy Donkey.

DaneKeyhote ago

Dude why do you people think youre spiting ME by not following my ample leads. Im not the one being raped and tortured.

Youre a fag dude. "He typed all caps to me i could almost hear his rage" LOL WHAT A BITCH

Commoner ago

good findings.

Obsolete ago


DanKeyhote ago

Go fuck yourself.

twistedmac11 ago

Jesus, learn to take a compliment. You bitch about people ignoring you and then you're an ass to the ones who listen. The fuck?

DaneKeyhote ago

FYI the appropriate response when someone you consider dumb is actually 6 months ahead of you is CONTRITION.

2impendingdoom ago

the donk has multiple personalities (and id user names) its comes from his upbringing, he just can't help it. sad.

DaneKeyhote ago

The contempt i have for you retards cant fit in one brain.

DarkMath ago

"The contempt i have for you retards"

Why even come here then?

DaneKeyhote ago


DarkMath ago


So you come here and laugh at us then get mad at us for not helping you out with your research.


I thought black people like to "Keep it real".

What went wrong with you?


2impendingdoom ago


Commoner ago

Well, obviously, we all aren't born with the same intelligence.

DaneKeyhote ago

You have made that abundantly clear.

Commoner ago
