DanKeyhote ago


Hefner, Myers, Gottesman, Geffen...🤔

equineluvr ago

Shhhhh!!! You're not supposed to talk about the GLARINGLY OBVIOUS!!

It's not "politically correct!" LMAO!!

SecondAmendment ago

Wow, great post. Interesting as hell. Upvoat. As for the logo, yeah. At first glance it reminded me of an angry cat face. Then I saw the butterfly. And then I saw the two, ahem, ladies. I've noticed from the start that frigging lawyers seem to be deeply enmeshed in all this. In this one post you've tied in some key people with the power to okay substantial roles in all this. Holy shit. Great job, great leads.

equineluvr ago

"I've noticed from the start that frigging lawyers seem to be deeply enmeshed in all this."

Trouble connecting dots? Letting your emotions get in the way?!

About 99% of ATTORNEYS are JEWISH!

carmencita ago

Gosh I hope people open this up and look into it and start spreading this news. This woman is highly suspicious and she is either just taking this job on for the money or she has other nefarious reasons. There is plenty here to look into.

carmencita ago

Well the Board of Directors include these people David Geffen Steven Spielberg Quincy Jones and formerly Karl Malden and Lew Wasserman. A list of might fine people. Ahem. Yes the first three have all been talked about on here but Malden and Wasserman I have not heard. This Playhouse being associated with Geffen says a mouthful.

cantsleepawink ago

Lew Wasserman was a Hollywood mogul. His grandson Casey flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1441264/6958363

Maybe we should check out the Wasserman Foundation http://www.wassermanfoundation.org/

carmencita ago

Where do I start? "Of the other daughters mentioned in the obit, I confirmed that the one in Massachusetts is a psychotherapist with an office between a preschool and a funeral home" WHAT? There is a lot of Sketchy Stuff in here but this is really strange and telling at the same time. Geffen Playhouse, who is connected to that? A Masonic Mardi Gras Ball? Hmm. Think Secret Society. Whoa. Great find. She needs to be watched Big Time.