teknoPolitikNews ago

Yeah this Rolling Stone interview of Podesta is hilarious for what it is. John Podesta basically saying, "Hey everyone! Remember that conspiracy called Pizzagate where I was connected to an underage child trafficking business? Probably not, because you heard it was all fake and moved on. Well I am back. In Rolling Stone.. and I just wanted everyone to know. For like the 5th or 6th time.. that Pizzagate is still fake! Me own emails incriminating me aside. Pizzagate is fake."

What a fucking retard Podesta is..

WalnutSauceGoat ago

This should be stickied. It’s essential pizzagate.

Snailracer ago

Loading seems to be taking a while. Twitter may be over capacity or experiencing a momentary hiccup.

Ryan is shadow banned from search results on Twitter.

opco10 ago

Ay mang good to see you're alive lol. I think that convo you had with James is one of the most damning pieces of evidence that I've seen so far, not that I needed any more convincing.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Hey so, I watched your Pegasus video last year but I didn't understand it very well because it seemed like you were speaking in context to several videos you had already released, but I couldn't find them when I searched. Is it possible you could make a chronological playlist of the videos and leads you had at the time, in order to better show what was going on with your discoveries, what was so important about that brick being the same and why Alefantis was so worried? I am very interested but am not savvy with the business world, building permits and that sort of thing. Thanks

ASolo ago

Good to see you back and still in this Ryan don't let that fucker intimidate you.

Yuke ago

Ah the matching bricks, perhaps my finest hour on voat.

P.S: Here are a couple of more recent Pegasus pics from upstairs (the room with the skylight). These are not new by the way, about a year old or so.



IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Was that you????

Yuke ago

Certainly was.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Eagle eye man

Yuke ago

The eagle-iest of all eagles ;-)

NinaSparrow ago

I remember seeing this back when it happened. Absolutely chilled me to the bone. Hes a maniacal imperious freak. Please be safe. Oh, & I retweeted for ya ;) God bless.

JopharVorin ago

Which mods here at Voat deleted? and what exactly did they delete?

flyingcuttlefish ago

COPY of the removed Pegasus museum video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnT9QzmMAe4


Spread this short display of Comet Ping Pong band flyers where Rolling Stone has to acknowledge it. Watch those sick fuckers reel in panic. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nDWY6hA1-ME

NinaSparrow ago

Good shot! Tweeted :)

Blacksmith21 ago

20 Bucks says Q picks this up. Any takers?

darkknight111 ago

Its apparently a notable post on 8 chan.

kazza64 ago

alefantis is a rothschild and comet ping pong is a front for child trafficking

septimasexta ago

THANK YOU G.O.T.! You are BRAVE. I followed your original post and video on this. Do you think the real author of the newly released email to Comey seeking an audience with the lead investigator of PizzaGate could have been Jimmy Comet? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2901186 He seemed to indicate that he knew FBI was investigating you. The Pegasus Museum video was exceptionally well done and was definitely a HOT BUTTON. Was all that interior remodeling ever properly licensed with a permit? Who currently owns the building? What is the current recorded use of the building? Is the land still tied to the house behind Pegasus, facing another street? Was the building ever "officially" named Pegasus Museum, or did the name only exist temporarily on Google maps? I wonder if Jimmy Comet would give the Rolling Stone a tour of the place and introduce us to CARIS JAMES, his God-daughter and their PARENTS. Let the Stone interview Jimmy Comet's business partner and co-owner of Comet Ping Pong, Carole Greenwood....

"Carole fan Oct. 22, 2009 wrote this:

...I happen to know Carole's side, and it would make those dining on the new food choke and feel nauseous..." https://i.redd.it/8z2hzofnguj11.png

PHOTO of original CPP's wall murals in back of restaurant in ping pong area: "One of the non-child friendly art pictures clearly depicts a women being possessed by reptilian bird creatures. Remember, this is a global network. B/c that's what normal parents want their kids to be looking at." Quote 19

"O_O and the fact i see human heads without body's in the hands of others peoples in the second picture. Disgusting. -_-' " Quote 20 https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?p=1062831823

Vindicator ago

How about I give this a "Share!" flair. :-)

notboundtosilence ago

Well, I know we all know you can not trust the FBI, but it seems these vile, deranged, pukes have the FBI in their pocket.

I was once watching a video about pizzagate, it had just been posted and it was deleted before I finished watching it. That tells you right there that google, youtube, facebook, etc. are probably all involved in this sick underworld and they work together.

People try to pretend this evil stuff is not happening, but, it has been going on since the beginning of time. And, it has always been the people in power doing the abuse. The reason it continues is because so few people try to expose it, and so many try to cover it up, or ignore it.

Please, stay safe.

auralsects ago

youre the fuckin shill, faggot

an unnecessary, discrediting sensational claim like "omgz this is where they kill and cut up the bodies just like dexter!!1"

what was the purpose of providing this screenshot Mr. MAGA Trumptard. https://i.imgsafe.org/f0/f031df1e7b.png


Blacksmith21 ago

Look what crawled out from under its rock.

Vindicator ago

Ooo. Ya pissed off Donkey, @isthisgameofthrones. ^^^

He's having a lot of bad days these days because we busted his best alt. :-)

auralsects ago

Nobody who knows us agrees with you that i am an alt of his. I also posted tons of DMs as proof.

So people will wonder why you want to discredit me to the point of lying.

Just because i advise not to trust Trump.


I dont expect OP to answer my question either.

You have never and will never outsmart me, jew. Thats clear from all past interactions: you simply quit, LMAO.

Shizy ago

You discredited yourself a long time ago you deranged faggot!

Vindicator ago

Hot air, Donkey.

Nobody who knows us agrees with you that i am an alt of his.

Keep telling yourself, that. It will help fend off the despair you are undoubtedly feeling at this point.

I also posted tons of DMs as proof.

Sure you did. Link?

Not that it matters, since someone who controls two accounts could obviously send DMs from one account to the other. :-)

So people will wonder why you want to discredit me to the point of lying.

I never lie, Donkey. I merely present the evidence and let people decide for themselves. I keep track of your alts and screenshot your fuckups because you enjoy polluting this sub with your vitriol and I enjoy making you eat it.

You discredit yourself regularly -- like when you claimed girls fuck dogs for attention (in a thread about a girl whose family was threatened if she didn't comply with predator pedophiles).

It gives me immense satisfaction that I exposed the alt you'd won people's trust with and now all you are left with is this troll account.

auralsects ago

like when you claimed girls fuck dogs for attention (in a thread about a girl whose family was threatened if she didn't comply with predator pedophiles).

which started from literally doing stuff on camera that men simply told them to do. that's for attention.

I made a thread about another HUGE GROOMING APP NEVER EVEN MENTIONED HERE BEFORE and advised parents to keep their girls off social media period. what a terrible guy! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2753658

DonkeySchlong replied to your comment to Piscina? You tell Piscina "she" is pulling claims about you being a Luciferian out of her ass, and Donkey shows up out of nowhere and replies "Not against me, faggot" -- again like he's defending himself against an attack

lmao are you TRYING to discredit yourself?

I WAS attacked, it's right in the OP.

it doesn't matter whom hes talking to at the moment; whenever he says he "always brings evidence" I or ANYONE can jump in freely to point out that he actually doesn't.

and his non-evidence is precisely what yours is, and what I just debunked: jumping into someone elses conversation doesn't mean we're alts.

Whereas the fact that I called him "faggot" STRONGLY points to not impersonating some old woman who never says that.

And that is the sum of your evidence for every single accusation of my alts, of which the more there are the MORE you are discredited for crying wolf like retards.

jesus Christ you are SAD!

Vindicator ago

Crensch DOES bring evidence, Donkey, as do I. Which is why no one takes you seriously. (Not that they ever did -- only your more legit "civil" alts)

Whereas the fact that I called him "faggot" STRONGLY points to not impersonating some old woman who never says that.

Unless you're LARPing both accounts and writing shit-tier dialogue. Who said @Piscina was an old woman? Where did you get this idea? Is that how you sketched her out in your little storyboard? Did Alefantis, the amateur film director, help you with that? You expect us to fall for that Hollywood Jedi mindcontrol bullshit? LOL.

It's just like the last time we got into this discussion, when Esoteric ran to defend you and fucked up and referred to you with the definite article as "The Donk". That's not how normal people talk in normal conversations. It's how people talk who are role-playing or writing a screenplay, naming the names of made-up characters. I recommend you work the pedovore network better and get some dialogue advice from Stephen King. At least his characters are entertaining.

719380264 ago

Who said @Piscina was an old woman?

all the women here seem to be old.

Unless you're LARPing both accounts and writing shit-tier dialogue. Who said @Piscina was an old woman? Where did you get this idea? Is that how you sketched her out in your little storyboard? Did Alefantis, the amateur film director, help you with that? You expect us to fall for that Hollywood Jedi mindcontrol bullshit? LOL.

….uh ok. Talk about manipulation, you just spewed unnecessary nonsense so people will lose track of the POINT:

if I made the serious blunder of forgetting which account I was using (indeed several different times, strike one to ur theory) YOU'D EXPECT DIFFERENT WRITING STYLE FROM NORMAL, FAGGOT!

your nonresponse to counter that obvious point:

Unless you're LARPing both accounts and writing shit-tier dialogue.

The dialogue itself has no bearing on HOW IT'S WRITTEN, with insults and acronyms etc.

It's just like the last time we got into this discussion, when Esoteric ran to defend you and fucked up and referred to you with the definite article as "The Donk". That's not how normal people talk in normal conversations. It's how people talk who are role-playing or writing a screenplay, naming the names of made-up characters.

lmao now im responsible for some guy saying some nickname once randomly -- in fact it reveals that i'm literally a fictional character.

this is like when Equine started calling @srayzie "crayzie" and I found it funny so I started using it too, and you use it as proof-positive that we're the same.

that's the kind of substance behind all your links and 1500+ post threads.

fucking embarrassing tbh

wokeasfook ago

Ah and here i was waiting on you to post the link to the direct messages. Vindicator said you wouldn't and you didn't. This isn't going very well for you.

This is my first time encountering you and just so you know i don't believe a word you type. You're a bit obvious.

719380264 ago

Great, you can be an impartial witness.

Here's @Crensch synopsis of that huge thread

^So the entirety of it is "Qanon is real, these shills don't want Q in v/pizzagate". Already a terrible premise as there are many subs for Qanon.

He says this guy "grooms" people and upvotes his own comments. Even if true, as it seems to be, big fucking shit.

Here he repeats that some douche voting himself +4 on a comment is "manufacturing consensus" against Q -- while literally manufacturing the consensus that Q is real and belongs here polluting our sub. https://i.imgsafe.org/f6/f60d3dfe1b.jpeg

Disinfo or doxes would be worth a sticky thread, but the guy didn't even make submissions.

But I do, so they try to throw me in with him.

2 women who hate me agree I'm not him, specifically despite Crensch's gaslighting (just as @Vindicator is doing now): https://i.imgsafe.org/f6/f60d35113d.jpeg

Another poster who has posted entire hit-piece threads against me doesn't think I'm him: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2777433/14367541

Another Qtard old-timer doesn't think I'm him <-- This one is the most comical: they say I was MODDED at the beginning under the name u/DonkeyOatey just because it resembles my name DonKeyhote, which of course refers to Don Quijote, because I was in Spain at the time as my first ever post physically visiting the McCann pedo village proves -- and that I LET THE ACCOUNT LAPSE FROM INACTIVITY! The mastermind shill achieves the crown jewel and forgot about it, LOL!

But Crensch persists, claiming the public endless bickering between me and ES was an elaborate charade. https://i.imgsafe.org/f6/f60d52289e.jpeg

Of course, that's unfalsifiable, like Vindicators claim that I made DMs a year ago anticipating this, well before Q even appeared. Again, all to upvote some comments.

I only have a few DMs from ES, like this list of resources.

Who's that addressed to you ask?

Well, as I lost credibility due to constant Jew-naming and woman-shaming (see above how they're admittedly so easily "groomed" and manipulated), my original account's posts would be slid or downvoted.

So I made some under an alt just to prove they'd be well-received and have a laugh revealing myself afterward.

Browse the submissions, they're certainly better than anything @Vindicator has ever posted. https://voat.co/u/AnAnonandOnandOn/submissions

I did the same with this account, in fact.

So, ironically, I kind of DID do what Crensch says: I showed that people here DO consider a poster's reputation more than the contents of their posts -- because they are stupid, because they are women.


I don't play vote-games because that's gay and beneath me. https://i.imgsafe.org/d2/d2ed46cafd.png

Another guy they claim was me -- exclusively because we both talked about Jews -- tried to convince me to play vote-games. https://i.imgsafe.org/f6/f60d573485.jpeg

They literally think I'm black because I said "we wuz kangz" once.

Then there's the fact that I posted the Standard Hotel lead, multiple times, HALF A YEAR before Q did, and no one even disputes that.

ETC, ETC, ETC. You have all been gas-lit to the extreme.

Shizy ago

In abthread ablut you being an alt, you reply to an "impartial witness" using an alt!!😂😂😂

You're special donkey!

think- ago

...because it resembles my name DonKeyhote, which of course refers to Don Quijote,because I was in Spain at the time as my first ever post physically visiting the McCann pedo village proves

OUCH. The village where Maddie McCann disappeared is in Portugal, not in Spain.....LMAO!

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @darkknight111

Vindicator ago

That was my thought. So much for the "genius investigator".

Shizy ago

Ahahahahaha! He's caught in yet another lie!

719380264 ago

...which is a short drive from Spain, you RETARDED WHORE.

There are dozens of pictures in the thread.

^this is what it looks like when women are allowed to think they're clever.

MolochHunter ago

you calling someone a hoetard?

Alefantis? is that YOU ?

719380264 ago

ask OP. He obviously knows Alefantis.

I knew he wouldn't respond.


why did you publicize a sensationalistic unnecessary clickbait claim, scare researchers that their families could be killed, start a T-shirt business to look even worse, dox yourself, with pictures, and POST THIS TOTALLY EXTRANEOUS "trust me Trump is on our side" TEXT.

Then completely drop off the map and not solve the Pegasus lead (as I did)

are you jewish btw, "O'neal"?

Real subtle, guy

think- ago

@Shizy @EricKaliberhall: please see parent.

719380264 ago

You lliterally cannot read.

because I was in Spain at the time as my first ever post physically visiting the McCann pedo village proves

That does not say the village is in Spain, idiot.

If you say "I was in San Diego as these pics from Tijuana prove" you're not saying Tijuana is in San Diego.

It's funny when you ping each other so you can all share the embarrassment though

Shizy ago

How does being in Tijuana prove someone was in San Diego? You've been caught. Time to ditch this alt and reinvent yourself.

Let's play how long until we can all spot the faggot donkey with his new alt shall we?


719380264 ago

How does being in Tijuana prove someone was in San Diego?

roflmao you cant accept how bad you all just got destroyed so you just double down on the stupid XD

I deduced the tunnel systems in 5 cities.

I went to the Portuguese pedo town and interviewed people.

I discovered the codewords and have outed dozens of businesses and locales.

I have surveilled them and have names and license plates.

YOU cunts have done NOTHING but copy-paste links from 8chan to Voat.

Because you are utterly incapable.

Because you are just dumb cunt housewives sitting at your computer with no life beyond making shit-posts and shit-sandwiches.

Shizy ago

Again fuckwad, being in Tijuana does NOT mean someone was in San Diego! Are there no other ways to get to Tijuana? Come the fuck on with your bullshit tard! You got caught and used a stupid analogy to try and cover your fat ass! But tell me again how I'm a dumb housewife with no life when you don't know shit about me! I've never been to 8 chan and have never copy-pasted a link from there.

Keep trying loser! Unless you're too busy traveling around Europe exposing pedos 😂🤣😂!

SchlongKeyhote ago

Are there no other ways to get to Tijuana?

XDDD the female brain in action^. u can directly get any place by, say, hot air balloon. what matters is how 99% of people get to tijuana or visit Portugal. kill. yourself. retarded. housewife.

I've never been to 8 chan and have never copy-pasted a link from there.


you contribute nothing. you are worth nothing. you are incapable. just accept it and shut your cunt mouth, kthx.

think- ago

as my first ever post physically visiting the McCann pedo village proves

LOL - nice try to get away with it. Claiming to have been in Portugal doesn't prove that you were in Spain, idiot. :-)

Remember - these are two different countries... :-)

@Vindicator @srayzie @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

719380264 ago

Now you've reversed it and are disputing whether I was in Spain, which is only relevant to explain the username, but not Portugal? LMAO

Women never admit they are wrong either. So many endearing qualities; I can't imagine why we used to literally muzzle them.

Actual pictures aren't "claims."


think- ago

Now you've reversed it

No, I didn't. Read my first comment properly, idiot. Oh wait a minute....logical thinking isn't your strength....how could I forget?!

@srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall @bopper @darkknight111

719380264 ago

lmao here's a lesson on Logic, woman:

"I was in Spain so I visited the McCann village"

that doesn't mean it is IN Spain, it means it is DIRECTLY ACCESSIBLE from Spain.

"so" = causality

It is so cringe that youre clinging to this. No one believes that someone whos been here since the beginning like me doesn't know where the village is.

And in any case I posted original pictures that you're just ignoring.

I am legitimately embarrassed for you

think- ago

Now you are totally confused - or pretend to be - as usual. :-) I can only recommend to read again what you originally posted, and what I said. But wait a minute, this would prove I was right.....

719380264 ago

pedazo de puta q eres q no sabes cuando parar q me estan entrando unas ganas de sacarte los ojos y hacertelos comer RETRASADA q eres

srayzie ago

You got that right sister

think- ago

No, it is you who totally embarassed yourself, Donkeyhonk. ROFLMAO.

srayzie ago

Congratulations for leaving the basement once, for more than a few hours! 👏🏻


MolochHunter ago

@719380264 lol I love your new username @719Pssst!ItsME,Anal.Insects380126

srayzie ago

Anal insects 😂

think- ago

Maybe his mum sent him to run some errands? LOL

@Shizy @MolochHunter @darkknight111 @Vindicator @Crensch

srayzie ago

Lol. I think he showed up in Spain thinking he was going to meet an underage girl. But a tranny answered the door and abused him for a while, until even it had enough of the sick fuck.

think- ago

Maybe his mum sent him to run some errands? LOL

@Shizy @MolochHunter @darkknight111 @Vindicator

Simpleusername ago

Where can I find this Pegasus video?

noworldorder ago

carmencita ago

In there it says this:

In the alleged messages Alefantis cryptically says, “Everything they say about me is true except I don’t like kids.”

It is well known they don't like kids. That's why they do to them, what they do.

septimasexta ago

I think JA was referring to his name. Many researchers thought it sounded like the French version of "I love children"...J'aime l'enfants. Supposedly, he has Greek roots. I happen to know some Greeks and they said they had never heard of the name Alefantis.

This however, is a significant statement. His Instagram was full of children, including babies. Alefantis claimed that the child (Caris James?) with the arms taped to the table was his God-child. If this practice is the same as in the Catholic or Episcopal church, it is considered an honor, because the designee is supposed to help look after the child's Christian spiritual development. WHO ARE THE PARENTS OF THIS CHILD? Did they know of James' attitude towards children when they chose him? did they know he identifies as gay?

mathemagician33 ago

This was a while ago, so my memory is a little hazy, but if I remember correctly, some researcher was able to find fairly definitive links between James Alefantis and the Rothschilds (he's part of that family), with the name he uses most likely being an alias (albeit a legal one). As for the claim that girl was his god-daughter, that's a claim that is notoriously difficult to verify. I remember that her father's name was Scott Cummings. There was also an article in which Scott Cummings stated that his favorite holiday was "Alice Day", a holiday for and in celebration of pedophiles. There was some evidence to suggest the person interviewed for that article was a different Scott Cummings, but some people obviously disagree.

carmencita ago

I hope someone posts the pic of the mother holding Caris with JA standing there as well. The birthing place was on the east coast. Md? Yes, how can a mother leave her Child with someone that calls CPP a family place. C.A.R.S. Does anyone remember what that is any acronym for?

Yuke ago

Well we know that's a load of shit because otherwise why would you make your gig nights 'all ages' and why would you have ping pong tables knowing that the kids will like that? Exactly! You don't...if you don't like kids.

carmencita ago

People went crazy on here when J Tapper and wife went there with their Child because it is "family friendly". romfl Some guy rolls on the floor with blood all over him...............

Mrsjtmacy17 ago

That part terrified me the most. At first I couldn’t figure out why, because it should be a relief. But right after he says “I don’t like kids”, he quickly adds, “at all”. Extremely sinister. He is stressing that he hates kids. Probably doesn’t care what happens to them. I am desperately wishing for some well known independent media to share and investigate this. No one that should care is retweeting Ryan’s post. No one wants to touch this story.

carmencita ago

Yes, exactly. Not only the words "I don't like kids", but then the knife has to be turned with "at all". Sticking the knife in is not enough.

No one wants to touch this story.

not with a ten foot pole

NinaSparrow ago

Wow good point, I never thought about his comment that way when i read it. Soo true, they cant like children & do the things they do. Then again, they dont even like themselves. Merry Christmas.

p.s. I dont post here much but have been a lurker since the beginning. Love & respect u guys so much for all that you do. So grateful for u all 🙏🏼

edited for typo, sorry I'm on my phone ;)

carmencita ago

Much appreciated. It's kind of a twisted statement when you think about it, but that's how they roll.

NinaSparrow ago

Sure is.. the evil just oozes out of these demons doesnt it? Oh I cannot wait for good ol' justice! Just have to keep praying girl :) 🙏🏼

carmencita ago

Oh I am praying alright. What has happened to our country in the last two decades is unbelievable, but here it is. The evil is fighting good.

allonthesameteam ago

Trying to get ahead of the reveals? Something for Goolag to put as the top search result?

Blacksmith21 ago

Goolag - LOVE IT!

allonthesameteam ago

Not mine but appropriate.

Blacksmith21 ago

Shit....you're alive!

Vindicator ago

He just had his 2 year Voatday, too :-)

darkknight111 ago

I believed you.

Already spreading it. 8chan knows about this.

Send this to /pol.

carmencita ago

I believe you too. Then and now. Hope all is well. I remember when the police report was posted on here and then zip it was gone. But I saw it. Hope you and your family are safe. I remember how scary it was. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours. Yes push it to the limit.

Fetalpig ago

Rolling stone has zero credibility,they will do anything to be relevant they think they control the narrative...they dont.

Fetalpig ago

Mr. A.....had his own handlers threaten him,with the very same verbs,or he wouldn't have been so sloppy with his threats....someone has been cut off of the adrenochrome.

Fateswebb ago

Good to see ya hanging in there, I remember when this all happened. I believed you then, and do now. I remember when birdzeyeview (James) was on here. I don't think he still comes on... But he would lurk and sometimes comment. I haven't see this new article... Though... I'm sure it's more of the same BS.

Anyway peace

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Thanks for the kind words brother

septimasexta ago

If you want to go with JA's competition and order Besta Pizza, THEY'VE MOVED! A year ago...confirmed. Note the logo. http://mybestapizza.com

When looking at this Goolag map, I remembered that they were there first. RIGHT NEXT DOOR. Now why would someone open another pizza joint only 2 doors down? And their OTHER restaurant is NEXT TO Besta? Never made sense...... https://duckduckgo.com/?q=5037+Connecticut+Ave+NW+Washington%2C+DC+20008&t=osx&ia=maps&iaxm=maps

WIKILEAKS: Comet used for phone banks for Obama campaign

"From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2012-10-15 01:20 Subject: Make a difference in Virginia this Monday

John -- We've always known that this election would come down to the wire. That's why we've made investments where it matters: on the ground. Now this race is tightening -- and we need to redouble our efforts. There's a group of volunteers from Washington making calls into Virginia this week, and they'd love for you to join them. What do you say -- can you make it? ..."

"...Here are the details: What: Phone bank in Washington Where: 5037 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20008 (COMET ADDRESS) When: Monday, October 15th Shifts start at 5:00 pm..." https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/27890#efmAKgALR

derram ago

https://archive.fo/0rNaR :

Ryan O'Neal on Twitter: "THREAD: So this one time i reached out to James Alefantis about an interview… "

This has been an automated message.