SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @auralsects.

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Vindicator ago

Raise your hand if you can guess how DonkeySchlong aka auralsects aka DonkeyHotey aka DeanKeyhote and a dozen other alts knows about this app so he could make this post!

That's right -- the degenerate who says girls fuck dogs on the internet because they're bored (in a thread about vicious online predators threatening a girl's family if she didn't).

Shizy ago

Wow! He's a scary freak.

Vindicator ago

Did you notice this thread is by is another of his alts?

Shizy ago

You mean the alt with the string of numbers as the name? I wonder how many he runs in total?

Vindicator ago

I've collated a list of 18 so far. Not counting ES et al.

Shizy ago

Oh wow!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @SchlongKeyhote.

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Qanon wants us to take out Iran? The things you miss when you ignore a government LARP.

Oversia ago

People are deranged they love demonic satanic mass murder such as a pointless war with iran