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SchlongKeyhote ago

as i posted here these apps don't catch mentally-ill girls only

^they do it for attention, moreso in summer when they simply have nothing else to do

all females of any species are instinctively aware that the only value they have is sexual, so it's not surprising they can be 'manipulated' into jacking a dog on a live broadcast

the real question is why we allow them on the internet at all. just look at mess they've made of this sub XD

Vindicator ago

Got some mommy issues, huh? Noted!

SchlongKeyhote ago

immediately trots out a (((Freudian))) psychobabble accusation

jew harder lmao

Vindicator ago

Has nothing to do with Freud. Just a simple observation that a man who respects his mother doesn't speak about girls this way. You talk like a guy whose only contact with women and girls is through porn.

SchlongKeyhote ago

LMAO. U dont even try to make sense, presumably cuz its unnecessary for gaslighting the women here.

Allow me to anticipate your next inane womanly retort: "WHO HURT YOU?!"

Useless faggot kike that you are

Scroobius ago

t. real life pedophile