think- ago

Hi @letsdothis2, going to pull the post now, since it wasn't edited.

Please keep up the excellent work.

letsdothis2 ago

No worries. And thanks.

think- ago

K + welcome.


The last names of the people on staff is strange. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Are these their real names? Names like Cashman, Portnof, Douglas Graves. Ricketts. Coincidence?

NoBS ago

Ashton Kutcher worships at the alter of Human sacrifice.

Fuck him and his twisted cabal of cut throats.

think- ago

Ahem, @letsdothis2. grin

Flairing 24 hours per Rule 1... ;-)

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Take the guns away from law abiding citizens: step one

Tzitzimitl ago

kelsos ass needs an appointment with someones foot.

gogogogostop ago

That guy is such a flake.

Blb0 ago

Seems as if anyone involved in children's charities are not to be trusted. Sad.

naamasteer ago

"We need to look further into this area." @letsdothis2 your research is splendid . how to put it in the minds of joeaverage ? no way ! PG is a horrid misnomer, P = blantantly positiv connotated _ spirit cooking was ( & = ) the true and easy way to hammer global corruption into global consciousness !! @trustthetruth @gothamgirl @shewhomustbeobeyed @deathtomasonsasap

HINT my comments need to be parsed before consumption. but is " U T opia te l s a g 8 bigga m((S))outh Tr omat i zed " hard 2 parse ??

no rest for the lazy and no mercy for the shills

// ~ user(s) here // CHEMTRAILS need a /v were ppl can upload fotos

kobold ago

means he and his wife had foreknowledge of the false flag. i dont think its a stretch.

letsdothis2 ago

Speaking of Bush, President Bush visited Newbury Park High School in 2003: Pictures from President Bush's Recent Visit to Newbury Park High School:,_California

Newbury Park, along with Thousand Oaks proper, have numerous times ranked among the safest and also wealthiest communities in the United States.[9][10] Money Magazine has ranked Newbury Park as one of the most affluent cities in the United States.

Newbury Park was a more established and older community than Thousand Oaks at the beginning of the 20th century.

In the early 20th century, Newbury Park had a few ranches and stores, wedged between Borchard lands to the south and Friedrich land on the north. During the 1940s, Ventu Park behind Newbury Park's main street became a 500-acre real estate development. Lots sold to movie stars who wanted a rustic retreat and others. One of the male members of the New York Rothschilds built a large home by Ventu Park and lived in relative seclusion here in the 1940s.

Karie Rothschild lived in Thousand Oaks but has recently fled due to the wildfire. We need to look further into this area.

carmencita ago

Catilyn Jenner lost his home too. These rich Bleepholes are getting paid for their loss. Don't fool yourself. Just like Bruce was paid plenty for turning into a woman in exchange for getting off of that murderous car accident. This is how they control Pedowood. Could be DEW again, or not. Who knows. Or they set the fires themselves or have a MK Ultra camper do it and then control it. They are becoming so good at these FF Fires now. Trump eluded to Brown not managing water well enough. I hint perhaps?

letsdothis2 ago

You might find this recent post of mine to pizzagatewhatever interesting:

Thousand Oaks shooting from a pizzagate perspective

I looked up Thousand Oaks Church Child Molesters to see if I could find who [adoptive mother] told her was a child molester for the church. I found a lot of child Molesters in the Thousand Oaks/Ventura County Area

Alan Tuthill - who volunteered in several community groups:

William Alan Malgren - former pastor of Thousand Oak Baptist Church; moved to Washington state for a few years, lost his ordination and then was employed as an assistant pastor in Iowa; arrested while in Idaho where for the last decade, Malgren was pastor of Grace Baptist Church; you know there has to be more victims:

Gary Haw - owner of Tan LA a Thousand Oaks Tanning Salon:

Jason Christopher Griego - catholic school teacher; incident took place in Texas, but he moved to Ventura County:

Kevin Barmasse - former priest, lives in Westlake VIllage ("coincidently" the same area Mandee Sanderson's organization VCFPA is):

Luis Manuel Gonzalez - perv molested 3 family members: Salgado, Sergio - perv who video taped people using the bathroom:

In August & October Ventura Sheriff did a county wide sex offender sweep to check compliance of: 37 registered sex offenders. 53 registered sex offenders

Also in August, Ventura Sherrif arrested several in a human trafficing ring & rescued chinese nationalists victims.

In October, two more human trafficking sickos arrested & 1 underage girl rescued: So they obviously they know there is a problem in their county.

I'm not sure if this list of sex offenders helps to see if any of the names link back to #PizzaGate

It seems fishy to me that several sex offenders moved to this county AND were in the same area as Mandee Sanders. As you can see from LadyX's message to me, Mandee "represented" several foster children that had their children adopted away from them. and what is the probability of ALL the people in Ventura, [babyX] goes to a family with a sex offender that attends a church with a sex offender? I don't know folks... but I smell smoke. Is there fire?

I have posed some more questions to [LadyX] and urged her to sign up on Voat to help in the investigation. Hopefully she can get the church name (there are several in thousand Oaks - not 100% sure it's the same church listed above); [adoptive mother's] brother's name (the cop) and the judge's name that is related to [adoptive mother]. It just all sounds super fishy. Can anyone help me research?

This is all I have so far. It may be nothing. But I think it's worth investigating. You all investigate way better than I do, so I'm asking for help. If it's's nothing. I feel for LadyX

UKD ago

That's the same guy who was just raising money for the Israeli army. Talk about double standards.

carmencita ago

Thorn had an event set up months ago in Racine Wi. There was so much info getting passed around about him and Thorn that they cancelled it. What with the stuff on Twitter with Memes, etc. They had to back down. I posted about it here but can't find it now. There was a band that was to appear and they are still pushing the same garbage.

letsdothis2 ago

I think you might be referring to this carmencita

and WIC replied to your comment with:

Notice how Chris (Ashton) Kutcher has been laying low after initially being paraded out as the front man to investigate Pizzagate?

He was scheduled to attend a big event for The Fight to End Exploitation and backed out of it to avoid the scrutiny.

It is because they know we have the truth about him, the Emanuels and Podestas, Clintons, Weiner, Schumer, Byrd, McCain, Graham, Bushes, Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, Scott Walker, and how they are all connected to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption through Racine, Wisconsin, Knights of Pythias, the Pilgrims Society, Kabbalah, the Boy Scouts, Art in Embassies, Agenda 2030, and their other groups that overlap.

carmencita ago

Thanks for finding that! Brings back memories. I sure miss @cantsleepawink too. So Woke. Yes, I also remember when Ashton (Chris) went in front of Congress touting his Fake Org. and blew Butterfly Kisses to Johnny McCain. What a message. BUTTERFLY. MK U. Messages everywhere if we only stop to notice.

naamasteer ago

Baichu ago

Another celebrity that needs to go pound rocks. The world has given these "idols" (barf) the power.

144truth ago

Anybody see the video of Demi Moore throwing her self at a 14 yr old boy. Does anyone know his name?

It is all over YouTube.

Back in the 80s she attended a party and She was making out with him, a young underage boy. Allnon film. Looks like she was a birthday present 🎁

carmencita ago

You mean this? I remember that and it was and still is beyond disgusting. "He's the only one I love." These are not little B-day pecks on the cheek. NOpe. Passionate Kisses. Sick.

Matt_Helm ago

Don't be silly when you were 15 you would have loved the chance to make out with 19 year old Demi Moore.

You have to show restraint and choose your battles wisely. 15 year old boys are very different from 5 year old boys.

carmencita ago

I know all about 15 yr. old boys. I volunteered with Children for years. Raging hormones exist, and that is exactly why SHE needs to do what is expected of an ADULT. What SHE did is totally inappropriate. She took advantage of those hormones and I bet he probably was creeped out by some grown woman Coming On To Him. SICK. That is similar to Asia Argento and HER thinking that HER Child BF was just dying for HER. NOT.

144truth ago

Uggg Demi.

Young and hungry actress? Bu but....

Has anyone found out his name?

con77 ago

I wonder if Kutcher owns guns or has armed guards?

carmencita ago

Of course he does. They all do. They are fakers that espouse what Pedowood Moguls and the NWO Elite write up for them. But they all have gates and you can bet guns.

mrfetus ago


carmencita ago

Dr. Cantor of Toronto:

“Demystifying the cause of pedophilia is charismatic expert Dr. James Cantor. Years of research and MRI scans have led Dr. Cantor to his groundbreaking yet controversial hypothesis that pedophilia is caused by a developmental disorder, resulting in a literal cross-wiring in the brain.

I think Dr Cantor has a cross wiring in the brain when it comes to his rational thinking. There is none

green_man ago

I'm all about gun control. Seriously though guys, use two hands when firing them, using a single hand is pretty silly.

SuckaFree ago

I like how you think.

kevo7777 ago

That 70s show was nothing but propaganda to make the public permanently see Kutcher, and possibly others on the show, always in a positive light. By having Kutcher play a naive stupid teenager, the public instinctively turns off the parts of their minds that sense threat. This couldn't have been an accident. They purposefully did this.

Z11Mama ago

If you really watch the show it was far more than just that. For example, they made it funny that Fes was always being discovered hiding in the closet to spy on the girls, the couples having sex and more. They worked very hard toward normalizing voyeurism. The list of stuff like this goes on. Jackie was the youngest and it was treated as very normal to be sexually active at 14. Etc etc etc.

kevo7777 ago

Jackie was the youngest and it was treated as very normal to be sexually active at 14.

Yeah, I actually looked back on the show and noticed that. Plus, she looked younger than that while Kutcher looked like he was in his mid 20s

NobleEagle853 ago

Of course Ashton Kutcher is repeating the nonspecific rally cry of the left - gun reform now. The article states the following:

Kutcher did not explain what gun controls he wants nor did he grapple with the fact that California literally has every gun control measure the Democrat Party wants nationally on the books, and then some. For example, California has universal background checks, gun registration requirements, a red flag law, a requirement that would-be gun buyers first get a gun safety certificate from the state, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases, an “assault weapons” ban, a minimum firearm purchase age of 21, a one handgun-a-month purchase limit, a ban on campus carry, a “good cause” restriction for concealed carry, and controls on the purchase of ammunition, among other things.

He is just a puppet for the cabal and is trying to protect himself from his wrongdoing (human trafficking). The goal of the left's "gun reform now" is to collect all the guns in the U.S. One of the only things between the cabal's full domination in the U.S. is an armed We The People. Do not tread on me.

mrfetus ago

gun reform

Civil disarmament.

JastheMace ago

The criminals are never disarmed. Private or government criminals.

mrfetus ago

We need to stop using kike words


His operation to put out the flames when pizzagate broke was a deep state psyop, and he deleted a lot of tweets in which he used pizzacode.

Runwithscissors ago

Says the Jew who’s country teaches children how to shoot guns. While in my country jews like you have private security protecting you. You’re so worthless you couldn’t find your car. FUCK YOU KIKE!