hookednosedjoooo ago

here is a quick rundown on mccain http://imgur.com/a/FwRW2

hookednosedjoooo ago

good work bro

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

His real name is Chris Kutcher. He is from Cedar Rapids, Iowa that is along the ratline network from Chicago over to Omaha. He became close friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton through Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, and has since become an integral figurehead for Freemasons, Kabbalah, and the link between the RNC, DNC and Hollywood through the Emanuels, Podestas and other families involved.

They recently created a new organization in Racine called The Fight to End Exploitation that is linked to corrupt area foundations and groups, and is also tied to the Clinton Foundation, McCain Foundation and Ashton Kutcher. He backed out of appearing at a recent event after it is being exposed as a cover for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

This all connects back to Black Nobility, Kabbalah, Pilgrims Society, the Council of 13 and the Committee of 300. They have infiltrated every level of the network from local to global and use the lie of Sustainable Development and Community Policing among other initiatives in Agenda 2030. They are in a race to control the population and information through tech companies to change the current numbers where people outnumber the elite who are involved. Once AI takes over, they will have the control they need to keep everyone living in a state of fear and surveillance while controlling all resources from money to oil to water.

cantsleepawink ago

Interesting. Thank you.

cantsleepawink ago

Glad you've brought up NCMEC and THORN again. Absolutely the whole technological infrastructure for 'catching' child traffickers and abusers needs intense scrutiny. Fyi, I wrote about Dr. Seto here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1698620

And have you noted the new feature brought out by Snapchat called Snapmap...causing much concern amongst parents: The new Snapchat feature that's causing concern for parents and safety groups - and how to turn it off

pbvrocks ago

Did you look deeply at Chambers? Just the UN tie in's seem suspect and the UN is luciferian central...I might go back and do some digging here if not already well plowed...

cantsleepawink ago

The only stuff I've done on Chambers is in that post of mine that you included in your post: Another THORN Board Member, Bush's '1000 Points of Light' and the UN's New Age Agenda - TechNews

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I would put money on it that the part they aren't disclosing is RFID CHIPS.

Perfect for tracking the choices of the kidnappers.