57005-177 ago

Karla Homolka is living the good life as she married an attorney or relative to one. She has a child too.

Podge512 ago

Thank you! Absolutely! Homolka tells the police that Bernardo made her participate but when the police saw the tapes, it was very clear she was every bit the willing participant! The signs of SRA on Kristin French was mentioned in the Lolfieldandlove video (Part 13 I think it was) which I think was based on the book New World Order: Corruption In Canada, which I couldn't get hold of, unfortunately.

carmencita ago

These things will not appear on MSM so they will not be believed by the Sleeping Sheep. Sad. The Pedo Satanist Elites don't want this to come out because they have been busy denying the existence of SRA. Think of the multitude of lawsuits to come forward and also they will have been exposed for their sick perverted and beyond blood curdling and horrific crimes. This includes the SRA the RCC and other Religions have been committing as well. Like the SRA committed in the Under Under Tunnels of St Charles Borromeo Seminary in Pa. Their secrets must be exposed. NOW.

lamplight ago

We need to have a completely new police force to combat the corrupt police who allow this stuff to continue to happen.

carmencita ago

The problem is that the police force we now have is militarized. So, if we want to get rid of them we will have to vote out who authorized that in your town. I have read that some towns or cities have small tanks. YES, TANKS. This has frightened me to no end. Yes, I totally agree with need a new police force, but how is the question.

lamplight ago

I believe that the time will soon come when all this evil is exposed. That will be the time to rise up and take control of our towns and cities and eradicate the evil among our police, judges, and politicians. We will not despair and think that evil will win. It will not!

carmencita ago

I hope so. The wait has seemed way longer than it really is, almost 2 years now. I am really ready. I no longer have any idols and can't wait to see them thrown under the bus. Let them all burn.

lamplight ago

Amen. God will judge them!

carmencita ago

I can't wait for the day I am going to vote tomorrow and I don't know why Seems like a waste. They will only flip them anyway. Such a waste. But alas, I will be there.