Surviveandheal15 ago

Thanks for this post Podge512, its always good to see a discussion of David McGowan's work here IMO. You mentioned multiple personality disorder, as being a trait many serial killers, especially those with rumored elite connections, appear to have or have had. I wrote a previous post here about the "Greenbaum Speech," a speech by an actual Clinical Psychologist named Dr. Corydon Hammond, where he does go into detail about the horrible, organized child abuse that these cults appear to be using to "create" people with multiple personality disorder or DID. As horrible as it all is, definitely have to eventually confront the reality of what these people are doing behind closed doors. Thanks again for your work!

sodePllAlliK ago

I think you're really onto something here. Have you ever seen the Documentray "I Survived BTK?" It addresses the probability that Dennis Rader didn't act alone, and was just a fall-guy for the spooks behind the murders. Also, George Walker Bush commuted the sentence of Henry Lee Lucas. Thanks for posting!

tet-keph ago

Didn't he admit that he was broadcasting the torture and murder of his victims?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Broadcasting how? Wasn't this before the internet for the most part?

sodePllAlliK ago

He may have, but I don't remember many details. It's been a decade since I've learned about him.

Podge512 ago

Thank you very much! I recall watching a video about the BTK killer and how it was extremely unlikely that Rader could've murdered Joe Otero (Rader's alleged first victims) and his family single handed. Otero was a trained Air Force commando and a champion boxer, his wife and the older kids all practised martial arts and they had a large and vicious guard dog. The surviving son Charlie also said his father was acting as though in fear for his life in the weeks leading up to the murders, such as making his family hide in the closet during a power outage until he could confirm power was out in the whole street, making his son go to a window when a telephone repair man showed up to confirm there was a company van outside and two days before the murders, he attempted to give his son his ring in case anything happened to him. Definitely more to the BTK case than meets the eye.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I read the book, Programmed to Kill. Dave McGowan was a meticulous researcher. He gave many incidences of how the murders done by these govt. trained brain washed people, were actually carried out by a group. When the lone murderer stood trial, this evidence was always kept secret. i.e. JFK . So we would have to ask , what was the reason this was fact was so important , even to the point of implicating those who took part in the cover up. To me, this post explains it. Whom, the real facts lead back to. Thank you citizen journalists anywhere are right here.

3141592653 ago

John Lennon

think- ago

Moreover, his wife was able to secure a teaching job after being released!

Didn't know that. This really sucks. :-/


Moors murderers Jimmy Savile linked to Ian Brady pedo ring. (This story also took place while The Beatles were killed and replaced in 1964) What I think could be happening with these serial killers is a feeling of fear and panic is being put upon the public.

Jimmy Savile and The Yorkshire Ripper. This straddled the period known as "the winter of discontent" in the UK, and the coming to power of Margaret Thatcher

Cyril Smith lookalike was wrongly convicted of the murder of Lesley Molseed and Smith vouched for the man who was eventually found guilty while he was a suspect

derram ago :

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 10 (Arthur Shawcross & The Occult) - YouTube :

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 17 (Edmund Kemper) - YouTube :

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 19 (Marc Dutroux) - YouTube :

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 109 (Belgium Conspiracy - Marc Dutroux) - YouTube

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