notdivided ago

Again, Cathy O'brien is a limited hangout. She is still under control by her handler and allegedly continues to be a programmer herself. You guys are really treading in some dangerous water here and going for all the wrong bait.

Hint: if someone says they are SRA run. It is so traumatizing most people cannot speak about it, let alone form coherent thoughts or narratives about it. When they can it is so bizzare and unseemingly they won't tell anyone the full details, they might disclose pieces but only to those they are very close to. It's like realizing you are crazy- you don't run that down the street to tell every tom, dick and harry. Healing takes SOO long, anyone doling out advice better have been out long enough to give it.

notdivided ago

I can say for certain the organizations specifically associated with dissociation should be avoided. Personally, there is no safe place for survivors to disclose in the mental health system. It's nice to want to help, but not helpful to give advice that isn't based on anything. Some therapists would freak if you handed them the greenbaum speech.

Da-Cat ago

Cathy O'Brien allegedly mind controlled a teenager according to the girl's family. Critics claim she is part of a limited hangout by her handler Mark Phillips:

Colin Ross MD was exposed for malpractice drugging patients & trying to convince them they were brainwashed. Granted Satanic types are promoting the story, the lawsuits were real.

11-11 ago

Best Christian Resources

David and Donna Carrico (Evansville IN)

They participated in the attempted prosecution of the satanists operating in the Evansville Public Schools in


Bill Schoebelen. Has been in ministry since about 1986 dealing with this issue. Is located in Iowa

He is a former satanist / now a follower of Jesus Christ

Neither of these ministries recommend hypnotherapy and, actually, strongly urge against it as it is based in witchcraft (from long ago) and can cause a bad situation to become worse

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I agree about hypnosis being something to be very cautious with. Therapists are difficult to choose. I found that if they are advertising Trauma Therapy, this is a good indicator. A local psychologist I see, had that specialty listed. He is familiar with MK-ULTRA issues and has treated several impacted patients he felt were sincere. They often described similar events.

But what has worked the best for me is** writing my memories down before discussing them** with anyone including a therapist. I'm following Cathy O'Briens advice as she explains it in several books.

Her basic method as taught to her by her husband Mark Phillips, is to not vocalize a memory, until it's been put down in writing first. To stop ones self from speaking it out and backup, Writing it down is for me a remarkable therapy. That is her and Marks message, keep a notebook just for this. Also, wear a watch, (it's been working for me) and use the herb. It prevents present day mind control (all the trauma) and limits past controls.

Then your trauma, can be spoken of without so much re-tramatizing of ourselves and our difficult to find listener therapists. By writing a memory first, it gets a narrative that is stable.

It stops being a disconnected kaleidoscope of imagery and emotion. Writing makes it have a beginning, middle and end. "Where were you?, what happened and then, how did you leave it?' The start and finish she says are the most important parts.

The self done therapy she teaches is in her latest book called PTSD. It's not long, easy to read and has a special focus on Veterans. It's on Amazon for about $12. I got two.

I can't recommend this approach enough. Write it out first for yourself, that's who you need to help.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Two other resources, or three beyond Cathy.

Dr. Collin Ross, Therapist extraordinaire and author of The CIA Doctors. The best authoritative resource for all this SHIT. Runs several full time clinics devoted to assisting RSA etc. victims. The source for the frequency of childhood sexual abuse of males. Helped me a lot.

Jim Hopper Phd. Harvard. The scientific basis for the claim of 1in6. Also the person who identified the hyper-masculine profile of the pedophile. Please look for that, think Dick C.