kazza64 ago


YogSoggoth ago

Notes taken from John Ramsey’s offices in Denver Colorado in December 1996 include the phone numbers of Oliver North, Edwin Meese and former U.S. President William Clinton. Sources close to the Denver Police are now finally reporting that this evidence was taken in December 1996 and then classified under a National Security Decree." Maybe Judicial Watch could file a FOIA?

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Thanks for that. Needed a refresher. These links give a really strong scent of luciferianism attached to these murders. Really important not to let these connections dry up.

carmencita ago

Williams may have worked for the FBI, but I believe they made him a scapegoat for all of the crimes. I believe he may even have been MK Ultra.He seemed way to docile for someone that has been accused of all those murders, unless of course we were not shown the backlash. When I first saw the special they had on CNN I kind of believed he did it. Now since a few years ago, I question outcomes especially with all the lawsuits of the wrongly convicted. I don't think he did it. I also believe the CIA is behind cults and may be using MS-13 now to do a lot of their dirty work too. The RCC is aiding and abetting with their family cults and FLDS as well. There are Satanic SRA family cults but also those under the CIA and their pedo elite friends so they can have their Sick Fun.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=4mXbj_wMmpAYouTube :

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 2 (Jeffrey Dahmer & Wayne Williams) - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=xCOF2WmNHOkYouTube :

CIA And Satanism - - YouTube

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