DerivaUK ago

Another excellent lump of research. Thanks for this

Dies_Irae ago

I HIGHLY recommend the documentary Cropsey (2009) many jailed serial killers, cult leaders, rapists or abductors have documentary, there is the main narrative, but many refer to a unsubstantiated story of devil cults and underground networks of tunnels for trafficking. Crospey has a good section about this other version of events, and has an interview with someone who knows, but can't say. Thats all i see now, like david icke, he never meant reptilain people, he meant people so inhumane they lacked humanitty and were as cold as lizards. leanr their comms so to speak

Podge512 ago

That is what Princess Diana most likely meant when she called the British Royal Family lizards; that they were cold blooded psychopaths. And the thing about needing an infusion of human blood every few generations obviously meant staving off the symptoms of inbreeding (the 'Hapsburg Jaw' and whatnot).

carmencita ago

I believe that some of the serial murders/cases were actually committed by others as a cover up. LE is happy to comply in many areas across the country.

Podge512 ago

Case in point: Police were happy enough to let Richard Ramirez take the fall for all of the purported 'Night Stalker' attacks, even though evidence showed that he had at least 1 accomplice and one of the murders appeared to have been mob related.

derram ago :

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 8 (Kenneth Bianchi & Angelo Buono) - YouTube

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