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Onetime1 ago

Simply outstanding topic to highlight, Podge, as these cases NEVER receive the attention they deserve.

The commutation by GW Bush of mass murderer Henry Lee Lucas certainly ranks amongst the more curious and egregious of these types of affairs. Lucas was the only murderer shown this treatment from the notoriously hard nosed Texas governor.

Likewise, the arrest in 1983 of Brooklyn DA Eugene Gold for assaulting a 10 year old may directly tie in with the handling of the serial killer Son of Sam a few years earlier. Berkowitz' trial was moved to Brooklyn when the far larger number of slayings took place in the Bronx.

The fact that numerous witnesses emphatically, consistently identified multiple killers throughout the months' long spree prompted widespread suspicion concerning a "Lone Killer" being quickly railroaded through a sham - read, NO substantive investigation - trial under the auspices of pedophile Gold.

The subsequent fate of Sam Carr's kids (Sam being the source for the "Son of Sam" labellling), should also raise more than a few eyebrows.

Excellent work.

3141592653 ago

What happened to his kids?

octoma ago

I'm so glad someone brought up the Son of Sam issue. Maury Terry's book Ultimate Evil is an excellent resource for understanding the Satanic elements of the cabal. I know people who grew up in the town where Carr "committed suicide," and it seemed like lots of people understood that it had to do with his involvement in Satanic activity. It was talked about openly in social circles. Then there's the matter of the Minot Daily News man who died when his brakes failed during a road trip. Didn't one of the Carr brothers die under similar circumstances?

Podge512 ago

Thank you! Actually, part 3 is about Henry Lee Lucas and Otis Toole.

derram ago :

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 90 (Dean Corll, Elmer Wayne Henley & John D. Norman) - YouTube :

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 116 (John Wayne Gacy & The Delta Project) - YouTube

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