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letsdothis2 ago

From another article on the case:

Reputed members of underworld face racketeering trial

Two reputed underworld figures, Santos Trafficante and Anthony 'Big Tuna' Accardo, and 14 other people face trial next month on federal racketeering charges.

John Giardiello, 49, of Fort Lauderdale, president and business agent of Laborers' Local 767, a trustee of the Southeast Florida Laborers' District Council Dental, Vision and Preventative Care Trust Fund (Florida Dental Plan) and the Laborers' Local 767 welfare fund. Related: Serial Killers/Mass Murderers: Elite Paedophile Connections (Part 2) by @Podge512

John Wayne Gacy: Not long after Norman relocated to Chicago, he was arrested and jailed for raping a 10 year old boy. Whilst in jail for this offence, he established a new pederast ring dubbed the Delta Project (it has been speculated that the FBI recognised 'boy lover' symbol may have originated with the Delta Project, as the Greek letter Delta is a triangle). Norman was allowed to use the Cook County Jail's printing facilities to create and distribute the Delta Project's newsletter, Hermes (characters from Greek mythology seems to be a recurring theme among paedo-sodomites).

As for the Killer Clown himself, Gacy allegedly raped and murdered 33 boys and young men and buried them under the floorboards of his home. Whilst Gacy, a violent, sadistic pederast was undoubtedly responsible for some of the murders, it is highly unlikely that he committed all of the murders attributed to him. Whilst he confessed to being a mass murderer, he had very little knowledge of the crimes to which he confessed.

So what manner of associates did John Wayne Gacy have? He was a very well connected guy. He served as a Lighting Commissioner and as a Democratic Party Precinct Captain. He claimed to have been an aide to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and was known to be on friendly terms with Illinois Attorney General William Scott. He also claimed that local columnist Mike Royko and local TV anchorman Walter Jacobson were good friends of his. He was an enthusiastic member of the Jaycees who would gain new recruits via hosting parties with pornographic movies and sex orgies. He claimed to have done work for the Chicago outfit and to have been a cousin of mobster Tony 'Big Tuna' Accardo. And of course, he famously had his photo taken with then FLOTUS Rosalynn Carter. In the photo, Gacy is wearing a Secret Service 'S' lapel pin, indicating that he held a high level security clearance. Another hint of his political connections was provided by one of his prosecutors, who observed that, "Two items on (Gacy's) Chicago Police reports were blacked out, indicating they were FBI matters." He also reportedly lived within a 2 mile radius of Hillary Clinton and John & Tony Podesta. Small world!