DevilintheDetails ago

FROM a fb pg investigator:

^John Wayne Gacy had strong ties to a massive trafficking ring, involving government officials; david norman the pedo sex trafficker -evidence of this was quickly covererd up, dismissed and "lost". I find it hard to believe that an index of thousands of names would just disappear. Gacy told police from the beginning, that there were many others involved ;and that the only thing they even had on him, was the fact that he owned the house where some of the bodies were being stored!

^Eyewitness' testimony says Gacy had at least one accomplice, in at least one case, but possibly 3, or more.Gacy himself said he was not acting alone. There is much evidence to support this theory.

^ Gacy was a secret service agent during Carter's presidency. He was a Democratic Party leader in chicago &a member of the jaycees. He was arrested for sexual assault and murder,well before he got caught with the bodies in the crawl space.Each time he got special treatment in jail, and got out of jail relitively quickly.He had protection on the inside. Government did not want anyone knowing their secret service, democrat leader, well respected member of the jaycees, was a child trafficker and murderer-Because many government officials were in on it with him.

^ one supposed Gacy 'victim' was later found alive, and well- the victim's family were told by police that their runaway son was a gacy victim- he actually was a runaway, and was never kidnapped by gacy -this shows shoddy police work on the case& misidintification of victims &a rush to pin it all on the serial killer secret service pedo clown democrat jaycee,JWG

^ a 1977 archive from the chicago tribune, about the giant sex trafficking ring that Gacy was involved in , this was an ongoing story involving trading child pornography thru the mail, politicians, and lower level players, drugs, police, prostitution etc. Gacy bragged about having police protection &remember he dressed as a police officer to lure victims -how did he get the uniform?! Again, no one in chicago, or D.C. wanted the elites connections being exposed. The chicago political machine was in dire straights at the time, so they were more than happy to let Gacy alone take the fall.

^ ANOTHER mistakenly identified victim - the victim's mother was told her son was found, And was a gacy victim; she never believed the official story, and had dna testing done-the body was NOT her son!! more Hurried police work?! How can we be sure of anything they said in mainstream "official" reports about Gacy, when a mountain of evidence was lost, and ignored?! It shows at the very least- that no one was focusing on the whole picture?!!...a sex/human trafficking ring is more plausible; considering ALL the evidence that paints an even more disturbing picture, than just one serial killer.

^ cold case detective works to identify gacy's unidentified victims, some found alive,some dead; Discusses how the police department mishandled and mistreated unclaimed remains& how missing persons cases are not a priority. Many were never entered into the FBI data base (not just Gacy Victims, but missing people&unidentified remains as well) talks about how this type of behaviour effects the rate at which missing people are found&how cases go unsolved because of it

^ gacy was involved with john norman, a child predator and human trafficker. Discusses the child pornography ring they operated thru the mail,drugs,prostitution. Gacy told detective other people murdered people at his house while he was away. Police recieved leads and tips before during and after gacy was charged , but refused to persue any of the leads.

^ biography of gacy&various official stories, gacy insisted that fellow jaycee's opposing him were trying to set him up and blackmail him! Gacy endured ritualistic abuse at the hands of his father,but still loved him unconditionally.official time line&stats on this page. Gacy was found to be mentally competent,some witnesses testify he was brilliant and kind,others tell a different story. He volunteered at hospitals and other places as a clown for childrens parties.he operated a hotel that was a well known front for drugs and prostitution

^ in depth discussion if gacy's ritual abuse,mind control programming, blooding ( desensiting someone to violence) he worked as a mortuary assistant. His branch of the jaycee's were notoriously involved in scandals and prostitution.Jaycees are basically like freemasons. He was involved in the junior chamber of commerce founded in hawaii in 1920 and boasted connections to bill clinton,a pizza company founder, presodent nixon and many others, please read the full text.

^ gacys connection to police,politicians A new outlook on the case detective says "We are in grave danger if our government obscures crimes to meet political ends" ^chicago political leader vito marzullo's grandson at the scene when police arrested gacy!!!! ^ JWG receieves special treatment, cigars,alcohol etc in prison ^ detail of time line ^ video, gacy involved in human trafficking with david norman, sex trafficker,pedophile Victims missing person report was tampered with,cover up

At least 2 serial killers and one pizza franchise founder -members of the JCC/jaycees ^jaycees commentary on pizza gate ^video of gacy's suspect involvement in trafficking, list of thousands involved goes missing

DevilintheDetails ago

I'm surprised this doesn't have way more voats

dontkillmehillary ago

Thanks :) I was hoping more peeps would see the value in it :/

DevilintheDetails ago

Someone (maybe you) posted it on fb. Just keep spreading it around! I bookmarked it and will keep thinking about this info..

dontkillmehillary ago

Lol, it was you posting in the thread! Thanks I missed the user name when I read it.

DevilintheDetails ago

I wasn't the fb poster, but I'm in that thread haha!

dontkillmehillary ago

Not me! But i just saw the post someine made in this!

JesusRules ago

Chicago has highest homicide rate, victims all very young. Perhaps their organs are being sold by DynCorp or other sick CIA crap like Serco. I got the Idea from George Webb. ??

dontkillmehillary ago

If you really want your reality to melt in front of your eyes, start google image searching the term " Delta". See what your phone does then! lol!

dontkillmehillary ago

Wow, nice find on the Childrens Museum!

The greek motif seems to be a common one. Alefantis Instagram pic was a greek statue was it not?

NikitaVerite ago

Holy shit!!! This is insane info - wow! How does one submit a FOIA request? Is there a link? I'm assuming you have to give them your name and address and such? I've submitted one to the UK before, and only had to give my email address. They responded, but with a really long explanation about why they couldn't release any info to me (it was about the Madeleine McCann case). Ugh.

dontkillmehillary ago

Here is the link to the Chicago PD FOIA request page. What makes me hesitate on this is that the info is published online and I'm not sure who would want to potentially sacrifice their online anonymity for this.

NikitaVerite ago

Ok, it looks like you can just email them a request? In which case, the only info they can publish is your "name" (ahem) and email address? How bad is that if someone uses something like protonmail? Do you think they'll actually attempt to track them down and/or harass them via email?

BestRolledAgent ago

This is so huge. I hope you guys can get some this info. Great job, awesome work everyone! Keep digging

dontkillmehillary ago

Thank you. That makes sense.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I wonder if we could get an organization like Judicial Watch to help with a FOIA. They do FOIAs all the time.

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Judicial Watch is the preeminent public interest group specializing in government open records research and litigation. Because of this, Judicial Watch launched the “Open Records Project” to share its expertise by providing technical, research, and litigation assistance to conservative non-profit public interest groups that may not have the experience or resources to obtain critical information about government activity.

We can help in any step of the process: •Determining what agencies have the information needed •Defining requirements and composing document request strategy •Making the request •Reviewing information and providing analysis of document production •Handling denials, exemptions and the appeal process •Managing the court process •Getting the information into the hands of the general public and raising media awareness

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Jem777 ago

The biggest name on the list might be R. Eman...

dontkillmehillary ago

Who's that? I haven't come across that name yet.

Jem777 ago

History will help. Just put out a list of politicians/operatives/power who are from Chicago or ties to Chicago. Let everyone connect the dots

VIrginiaPerson ago

I'm sorry, I don't have a link because I don't remember where I saw/read this (numerous places) but I have a tidbit about Gacy. He used to write back and forth with people, who were supposedly his fans. More than one of them said that if you provide pictures or information about your kids to him, he would write you more often and send you valuable things, such as paintings. Ramirez also wrote to large numbers of "fans." Manson still does. God knows who else. Could be another angle of how creepy people are involved in this kind of stuff.

Blacksmith21 ago

Manson may be on here.

FriesischShipping ago

Nice work, we got so lucky with Pizzagate because it is the whole bonanza that covers (1) pervert pedophiles (2) satanic ritual pedorapists (3) child trafficking for $$$ and (4) child sex blackmail. Is this just pedo-pervert-rapist slave ownership brotherhood or were they also blackmailing and gaining a political foothold? Again, excellent stuff.

dontkillmehillary ago

No idea about the blackmailing. Dallas PD had a gold mine of contacts but the State Dept. destroyed everything. I can only imagine there was a lot of high profile people in that 30,000 list.