dundundunnnnn ago

Certainly, it wasn't the first time Lucas had received unwarranted leniency from the criminal justice system. In 1970, he was released from prison after serving 10 years of a 20-40 year sentence for the murder of his mother, despite telling the parole board in no uncertain terms that he would kill again if freed. Within a year of being released, he was back in jail for the attempted abduction of a young girl. This time, despite his criminal record, he served only 4 years before being released.

This is horrifying to think about. We have seen judicial leniency for violence against children over and over and over again. The courts are absolutely in on it. Someone is in charge of recruiting and grooming pedophiles for positions of power. How do we effect change on this?

Sickening. God help us!

lamplight ago

I am sick to my stomach and crying after reading this. These monsters must be stopped. What punishment could possibly equal the horrors these people commit? I can only support death as punishment and let God take it from there.

carmencita ago

Eating dog meat as a child

I would not be surprised if it was his own dog and they made him kill they dog himself. this is what they do, how they start and escalate from bad to very bad and then to worse. I know of a Victim/Survivor who on her 1st visit to her place of SRA was told to bring her pet cat. She was 9 yrs. old and they skinned the cat alive right in front of her. This is horrid stuff and things that some people won't believe. This is how they are allowed to continue, since it is so heinous many just don't want to believe the truth.

SurfinMindWaves ago

See RULE #1

toutedesuite ago

I am very troubled after reading such graphic and brutal details😨 I know it is up to each of us not to look away if we hope to end these monstrous criminal acts, but a trigger warning would be helpful.

Onetime1 ago

I can certainly appreciate how a heads up/warning type of notice might be appreciated by many, yet the cold blooded horror of these types of activities needs to be disseminated as widely and forcefully as possible if effective action is to take place to stop this shit.

I have personally heard - first hand - of several dozens of men who either committed many of these kinds of abominations, experienced it themselves as youths, or - frequently - both.

I mention this in an ongoing attempt to validate the truthfulness, the all too crushing reality that so many of these extremely bizarre, horrific events can and DO occur.

Stories like Fiona Barret's, Cathy O'Brien's, Brice Taylor's and so many others should not be dismissed simply because we do NOT want to believe them to be true.

A 10 minute viewing of the Paul Bonacci video being interviewed by Gary Cardori puts an in-your-face perspective of what we are fighting against on this site.

Definitely not for the squeamish, but I'm certain the abused 5 and 8 year olds felt the same way.

toutedesuite ago

I agree it is important for people to learn the scope and depth of what this horrific abuse looks like, and I said as much. You seem to ignore my polite, perhaps too subtle suggestion that a heads-up trigger warning would be appreciated. Do you not understand that this material could re-injure someone who has PTSD from abuse?

3141592653 ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

skyscrappercity - https://archive.is/HouJq