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Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I seem to have made a wrong turn. I was trying to get to v/Pizzagate, but it looks as though I've stumbled into v/SoapOpera instead.

Oh, wait.

to distract you all and cause burnout on the mod team

Crensch ago

So, no defense of Gothamgirl? Just an attack on the outing of a liar and word-salad poster that certain other well-liked and respected users here seem to have an affinity for?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I've barely had any major interactions with GothamGirl to make a comment on anything about her or if she likes to bed married men or even if FlynnL1ve5 is in the middle of a divorce and looking for a night cap. The entire thing seems wierd as fuck to me that this is even in this sub. Although, this has given me the idea to start a dating site for Q believers. It would be a great way to avoid dating libs...

Crensch ago

Although, this has given me the idea to start a dating site for Q believers. It would be a great way to avoid dating libs...

It would. Q is about to become a household name, so jump on that ASAP, IMO.

I realize it's REALLY weird. It really, really is. A little context:

The past month or so, we've had long-time users - well known ones, and often well liked - that have shown themselves to be, at best, an account that changed hands. More likely, though, they were long-con shills.

@CheeseboogersGhost is one of them that I, personally, did not enjoy destroying.

@Gothamgirl has been, for almost the entirety of the username's existence, non-confrontational. Why now?

@Jem777's supposed death brought out the PG long-con shills that propped her up as a martyr like the normies and MSM are doing to McCain right now. Many of them accused Vindicator of being responsible for her death.

Ever since Jem777's fake death, the mods here have been getting attacked constantly. Srayzie has Gothamgirl, who befriended her long ago and they shared this lie? true? half-true? girly friendship that became the center of an issue involving multiple well-known/liked usernames supporting GG.

It's unfortunate that understanding these (likely) shills requires an understanding of multiple other usernames and youtube personalities and what crazy things these usernames seem to obsess over.

George Webb needed to understand Jem777.

Jem777 connected to codename(we don't have a real name, multiple alts like amalek) "Sarah"

I personally hate this kind of thing, which is why I want to destroy these usernames so I can fuck off back to the rest of Voat while the mods here do their jobs better than I ever could.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I share your frustration, but people are going to have to figure things out for themselves when it comes to whether or not someone's a shill and if they should risk getting closer to someone. More trolls are on the way, so skin them alive, block them, and move on. Alefantis' ex-squeeze, David Brock, just asked for millions of donations to build another troll army. (Sorry I can't link to the story at the moment. Saw it on Drudge earlier today.)

Also, the Q dating site is already dead in the water. I don't want to be the one to bring a Q supporter and ShareBlue shill together. shudder Fakery and baiting would abound, and we can see from this thread how easy it is to get close to someone, then fuck them over. Not worth the stress and aggravation.

Crensch ago

Any Q follower should know that expressing their support or position is a dangerous game. Like you recommend above, "people are going to have to figure things out for themselves".

Yes. But the forum sliding disinformation and the reputations some of these users have needs to be addressed. If nobody can make a case for not flairing Gothamgirl, would it not benefit everyone here to put the flair on her and then everyone can move on? Then when a user asks, "why?" we can link them here.

So if it's a shill username, they're basically burned and have zero influence here, even with their past posts and comments.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I suppose handing out Scarlet Letters will work, and it will help the trolls find their teammates more easily, too. Kind of a Catch 22, you know? Like sending someone to group sex addiction therapy. You know there's going to be a hook up.

Crensch ago

Hoping to do a little better on the odds than that, but I suppose we'll see. Thanks for your input, bud.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Sure thing and best of luck to you. Should be interesting!