imperivmsolis ago


IWorshipQAnon ago

There was a post someone made to harass me and she was right in there talking about watching a torture video that was linked in it of a kid being put into an acid bath. I think it's on the zeaux cxt larp I posted about. It creeped me out how involved she was in the thread since I knew it to be total bullshit.

Janice0771 ago

You're being played by GothamGirl. It's a psychological roundabout game designed to make you question yourself, your judgement, your foundation, and throw you into a fight-or-flight defense. Once that instinctual neurochemical process begins, it's incredibly easy to manipulate your victim and create an illusion that the rest of society sees as your victim being the one with the problem instead of you. This, of course, furthers that fight-or-flight response to defend ones self and the cycle repeats ad nauseam.

Makes you feel fucking crazy, doesn't it? That's exactly what it's intended to do.

I agree with you marking her as dangerous.