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Gothamgirl ago

I gave everything I had to police and deleted my social accounts. I will try to bring them up again and grab what I can.

I have never had a problem with any mod before that day. I have actually always defended them.

zyklon_b ago

Im on your side even if you are i the wrong baby

srayzie ago

You’re on her side when she lied about me? I’ve never met the bitch in my life and she tried saying that I planted child porn on her phone and threatened Imwould kidnapmher kid.

zyklon_b ago

I have met her in real life so of course i am goin to wanna protect her.

can yall just agree to not talk to eachother or about eachother and call it done?

Shizy ago

You have met Gothamgirl in real life?

zyklon_b ago

Yes i went to her housr in april

srayzie ago

Gross 🤮

zyklon_b ago

not to me

srayzie ago

Well I like you. I wish that you would have stayed out of this argument because she told horrible lies about me. You are ok with it and defend her so what does that say about you? She’s been making accusations and can’t back anything up, but I have the screenshots proving myself. Yet, she still hasn’t taken it all back. If you get curious and want to know truth, hit me up.