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Piscina ago

Ignore the trolls. The time you spend on other posters is time you don't spend on pizzagate and helping children. You're letting yourself get sidetracked and you're wasting your time.

I notice there have been a lot of attacks on Gothamgirl. The same Gothamgirl who has been supporting Honey Bee Mellisa Zaccaria. So all you people attacking Gothamgirl are inadvertently attacking Zaccaria. Careful, you'll catch yourself out!

Shizy ago

Oh please with your illogical connection! Questioning Gothamgirl isn't an attack on honey bee! That's just a ridiculous statement form an overemotional woman!

Crensch ago

Jew logic:

I notice there have been a lot of attacks on Gothamgirl.


The same Gothamgirl who has been supporting Honey Bee Mellisa Zaccaria.


So all you people attacking Gothamgirl are inadvertently attacking Zaccaria. Careful, you'll catch yourself out!


Let's show how absurd this stupid cunt is!

@Gothamgirl attacks srayzie.

Srayzie supports PizzaGate researchers.

Gothamgirl is attacking PizzaGate researchers and defending child-fuckers.


Gothamgirl attacks srayzie.

Srayzie supports Taco Bell (by buying delicious tacos!).

Gothamgirl is attacking Taco Bell.

@srayzie @Vindicator @think-

I'd lose sleep over having written something so fantastically stupid, but I guess stupid single-mother whores just have no standards for themselves at all. It'd be pitiable if she wasn't very obviously paid to post here.

Crensch ago

Note to self: Bold negates pings.

@Gothamgirl see parent, because it's a better parent than you'll ever be to your little bastard child.

Gothamgirl ago

Why do you think my child is a bastard?

Crensch ago

Because you mock srayzie for being married and being flirtatious publicly, yet you've apparently screwed users from Voat. I think even the stupidest gutterslut I've met wouldn't be so stupid as to attack srayzie for what she does while being married and fucking random usernames from Voat.

You do know the definition of the word, do you not?

Gothamgirl ago

You're quite delusional at this point, do you make stuff up as you go? No I have not screwed "USERS" from Voat.

Shizy ago

It's not an attack on a child. He/she didn't choose to be a bastard- its an attack on the adults who made poor decisions! One of which was you!

Here's how everyone can assume your child is a bastard: you shit talk @srayzie for "flirting" and insinuate she isn't honoring her marriage vows. If you really feel that strongly about marriage vows, you would have followed the "till death do us part" one. That tells me you were never married because you would still be married now instead of being a single mother.

Now if I'm wrong and you were married, you're a big fat hypocrite! So which is is? Are you a hypocrite or did you pop out a bastard child?


srayzie ago

Good point!

Crensch ago

Stellar point that I let slip by me; thank you.

Shizy ago

Thank you!