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Piscina ago

Ignore the trolls. The time you spend on other posters is time you don't spend on pizzagate and helping children. You're letting yourself get sidetracked and you're wasting your time.

I notice there have been a lot of attacks on Gothamgirl. The same Gothamgirl who has been supporting Honey Bee Mellisa Zaccaria. So all you people attacking Gothamgirl are inadvertently attacking Zaccaria. Careful, you'll catch yourself out!

Shizy ago

Oh please with your illogical connection! Questioning Gothamgirl isn't an attack on honey bee! That's just a ridiculous statement form an overemotional woman!

Crensch ago

Jew logic:

I notice there have been a lot of attacks on Gothamgirl.


The same Gothamgirl who has been supporting Honey Bee Mellisa Zaccaria.


So all you people attacking Gothamgirl are inadvertently attacking Zaccaria. Careful, you'll catch yourself out!


Let's show how absurd this stupid cunt is!

@Gothamgirl attacks srayzie.

Srayzie supports PizzaGate researchers.

Gothamgirl is attacking PizzaGate researchers and defending child-fuckers.


Gothamgirl attacks srayzie.

Srayzie supports Taco Bell (by buying delicious tacos!).

Gothamgirl is attacking Taco Bell.

@srayzie @Vindicator @think-

I'd lose sleep over having written something so fantastically stupid, but I guess stupid single-mother whores just have no standards for themselves at all. It'd be pitiable if she wasn't very obviously paid to post here.

Gothamgirl ago

Attacking Taco bell? No there is a tunnel underneath it, just like Mcdonalds with the Hamstead kids.

Srayzie supports PizzaGate researchers, doesn't everyone, thought that's why we here?

Why do keep attacking my child? Thought we were here for children.

Are you mad because I was single and looking to date someone last year and your cunt mod played a mind game with me? Which lead me to say what I said to her.

I support all the mods and anyone in pizzagate that seems to care.

Crensch ago

Attacking Taco bell? No my guess is a tunnel underneath it, just like Mcdonalds with the Hamstead kids.

What a fantastically stupid response. What was the point of this? Do you think you're funny or something?

Srayzie supports PizzaGate researchers, doesn't everyone, thought that's why we here?

Apparently you and your crew do not. Go defend the verified disinfo shill Jem a bit more, cunt.

Why do keep mentioning my child? Thought we were here for children and coming from a mod makes me really wonder why you are here running this sub.

What was it you accused Srayzie of? You know, the thing where I said, "You researching PG AND having your CHILD on FB is YOUR fault and no one else's."?

And then about her putting CP on your phone?

And THEN you seemed completely at ease with srayzie's picture being posted, and even took the time to take a jab at her over her looks. You're a hypocrite, and very obviously jealous.

Are you mad because I was single and looking to date someone last year and your cunt mod played a mind game with me? Which lead me to say what I said to her.

There's no excuse whatsoever for what you accused her of, or what you seemed OK with after accusing her of your own mistake of putting your child on FB with her picture being posted here. Nice double standard you have there, single mom; I'm sure your child will grow up to be such an upstanding cunt, too.

I support all the mods and anyone in pizzagate that seems to care.

Then maybe you should stop supporting disinfo shills and attacking the mods that really do care. It doesn't seem to bother you that srayzie has been right this entire time, and you and your crew have been objectively wrong and subversive here?

No, of course it doesn't, because you're lying about really giving a shit.

Gothamgirl ago

They're not my crew, they have tagged my name, I follow their stuff because it makes sense to me. Do you see me defending their comments?

I have apologized 2-3 times already so there is nothing more I can do.

You make alot of unfounded accusations yourself, and to carryon talking about my disabled child your a disgrace.

I made that comment about Srayzie because she has called me every name possible, and something looks off with her EYES.

Giving a shit like everyday since I got here.

Crensch ago

They're not my crew, they have tagged my name, I follow their stuff because it makes sense to me.

You are frighteningly stupid, then. Dangerously so, and detrimentally so to anyone who could actually accomplish something here.

I have apologized 2-3 times already so there is nothing more I can do. Srayzie asked me to leave so I left.

You are still here. You are not wanted, but you continue to return and post and say the kind of shit that belongs on WorldStar in a "best of" video. Your thoughts are so nigger-tier that I can hardly believe even a nigger would have them.

You make alot of unfounded accusations yourself towards me, and to carryon talking about my disabled child, your a disgrace.

You have the power to stop all of this. You can shut your fantastically stupid whore mouth and move on, or you can keep opening it and begging to get slapped around. You're too stupid to make this end with you in any kind of favourable light - every time you open your mouth you prove that you're not qualified to comment on any subject at all.

I made that comment about Srayzie's pic because she has called me every name possible, and something looks off with her EYES. Plus she herself has posted her pic multiple times.

You probably deserved every name you were called. Guess what happens when someone that always tells the truth accuses someone who always lies or is wrong of something? Most people will simply believe the truth-teller.

That's what you get when you prove yourself to be a single mother.

Giving a shit like everyday since I got here, but once you people go away, I will keep to myself.

You're more than welcome to post your shit elsewhere. Nobody is keeping you here, and if you don't see that you're as unwanted on Voat as you are IRL, then that's a personal problem, and I'll continue making sure your self-esteem stays where it belongs.

Why can't you guys decipher that Stratfor email? It states Angelina Jolie films porn and theyre having sex with 10-12 year old sexbots, clear as day, amongst other things.

Why can't you find a beta provider? Oh, right, because not even a beta would want someone as empty-headed as you. Even a beta would require some substance to their character beyond what you seem capable of.

And why can't you make a submission that obeys the sub rules and prove that you are capable of something beyond following the disinfo shills?

Taco bell, George Takai, camp arrowhead was my point.

Nobody cares about you.

Crensch ago