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Piscina ago

Ignore the trolls. The time you spend on other posters is time you don't spend on pizzagate and helping children. You're letting yourself get sidetracked and you're wasting your time.

I notice there have been a lot of attacks on Gothamgirl. The same Gothamgirl who has been supporting Honey Bee Mellisa Zaccaria. So all you people attacking Gothamgirl are inadvertently attacking Zaccaria. Careful, you'll catch yourself out!

Shizy ago

Oh please with your illogical connection! Questioning Gothamgirl isn't an attack on honey bee! That's just a ridiculous statement form an overemotional woman!

Crensch ago

Jew logic:

I notice there have been a lot of attacks on Gothamgirl.


The same Gothamgirl who has been supporting Honey Bee Mellisa Zaccaria.


So all you people attacking Gothamgirl are inadvertently attacking Zaccaria. Careful, you'll catch yourself out!


Let's show how absurd this stupid cunt is!

@Gothamgirl attacks srayzie.

Srayzie supports PizzaGate researchers.

Gothamgirl is attacking PizzaGate researchers and defending child-fuckers.


Gothamgirl attacks srayzie.

Srayzie supports Taco Bell (by buying delicious tacos!).

Gothamgirl is attacking Taco Bell.

@srayzie @Vindicator @think-

I'd lose sleep over having written something so fantastically stupid, but I guess stupid single-mother whores just have no standards for themselves at all. It'd be pitiable if she wasn't very obviously paid to post here.

Crensch ago

Note to self: Bold negates pings.

@Gothamgirl see parent, because it's a better parent than you'll ever be to your little bastard child.

srayzie ago

Ohhh SNAP!

srayzie ago

Stop sending me videos of men whore.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok so wash your mouth out you have children, and look at the link then. Especially Jangles comments.

srayzie ago

You need to wash your mouth and other places out. You’re the single mother fucking strangers you meet on a pizzagate forum. Who had child porn on her phone.

Gothamgirl ago

"You’re the single mother fucking strangers"

why do you make up these lies?

You tried to play matchmaker and messenger, then you intentionally send me a video showing me the guy talking about his wife not to long later, who does this lol? We never meet. Thats where I feel your mind games started.

The other person I spoke to you about, was not from here, and I never meet that person either. He was part of Cicada3301/Synt/Q - and not even remotely close to my location.

Are you saying because I was single I shouldn't be dating and looking for love, but your married, and it's innocent to flirt for only YOU on Voat? Interesting.

srayzie ago

After you told me how much you liked FlynnL1ve5 and I found out he liked you, all I did was tell you and you were excited. I don’t know what you’re talking about sending a video of someone’s wife. I didn’t even know he was married. You are the one who knew his identity and told everyone when he was shot.

You have tried slandering me time and time again, I prove you wrong, and then you just look worse because you’re exposing yourself as a liar. I’ve said before, my husband knows how I am. I’ve been with him since I was 13. All my kids have the same father.

I don’t need marriage advice from a whore who brings strangers off the internet into her home when she had kids. You even admitted to putting your son in danger by having his information public. You even got a threat that he would be kidnapped. Wow. Wonderful mother! Someone planted child porn on your phone? That doesn’t sound like some mother “dating” and looking for love. How many men, and what kind of men are you inviting over?

You say you care so much about kids, yet you put your need for dick before your kids safety. So you can butt out about my marriage of over 20 years. You're a jealous trashy lying manipulative limited hangout with no sense of humor.

I am playful here. You’re just mad because the guy you fucked was sending me hearts and I sent him hearts. All publicly and playfully. He’s the one who said he was gonna get me “nekked”. It’s a shit posting sub. You are soooooo jealous. It shows because you keep bringing it up.

I’m a fun person who laughs a lot and I don’t get offended by things that a lot of women do. I was raised by my father. So I don’t give a fuck what you think about my personality and sense of humor. I’m not spreading my legs or putting my kids in danger. You are.

Crensch ago

So you took screenshots of your inbox, not outbox, so we don't KNOW what you said, however:

Chronologically bottom to top. You either asked her to take screenshots, or happened to be curious about what he said exactly.

No you made it up.

There's really just not a word strong enough to express how stupid you are. You just proved @srayzie correct while claiming in the same comment that she "made it up".

@shizy @think- @Vindicator

Is this the typical IQ level of PG usernames? Of the trolls? Shills? There is some extreme retardation being presented by this username.

Speaking of:

Have you seen the 911 submissions to /v/PizzagateNoMod that are "translations" of complete gibberish that appear to be botted submissions?

Stuff like this

Pornographic because and on Digital Rupert Murdoch Sucks on for Consumers refuse to buy High Fructose Corn Syrup Kills about Digital for Homosexual and and with about for NFL

19 pages of the crap - nothing ever done with them, just supposedly copied from some website.

Shizy ago

I'm thinking she's her own special kind of retarded! Probably barely graduated high school judging by her constant misuse of simple words!

Vindicator ago

Is this the typical IQ level of PG usernames? Of the trolls? Shills? There is some extreme retardation being presented by this username.

No, not typical of pg usernames. Definitely typical of suspicious characters. Other iterations are playing dumb about the ruleset when they have been advised about it. Repeating the same talking points without evidence and/or in the face of evidence opposite what they are saying.

This particular situation may be a case of a person I suspect has Dissociative Identity Disorder who first appeared here under the username @Psychanaut and doxed herself multiple times. I initially found her posting really good quora articles about Podesta art and helped her figure out how to write them to get more traction on Voat. She kept acting like she had forgotten conversations we had had. When other (shilly) users attacked her and doxxed her, she wigged out and blamed me. There was a post from her about it in v/pizzagatemods. She was weirdly protective of Gothamgirl at that time, and they always were working on the same things. I figured they were the same person. She started pizzagatenomods after I exposed some of the unwarranted claims she was making about mods.

The retardation you speak of may be an act. It may be drug related. It may be caused by more than one person running an account and not getting up to speed properly when taking over his shift from what the previous operator posted. Or it may be an alter personality in a person with DID.

I haven't poked around in their sub. I wonder if there is a psych term for people who write gibberish like that? ...hold on...

Yep. Sure enough. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is incoherent speech aka "word salad". Strikingly similar, don't you think? It would explain why she can understand it just fine.


Gothamgirl ago

Oh wow I always stuck up for you. I am not Psychonaut. I am not on drugs. I was just asked to copy it here like 15 months ago.

The reason I understand it, is I have googled every item on the website.

It's part of Cicada3301 and they have planted information on this entire site and the entire internet, not just there.

You can't understand 1 puzzle without seeing them all, and they definitely have predicted the future with accuracy.

srayzie ago

This is about more than your puzzle games. You have outed yourself in many ways. You and Sarah started attacking me on the same day. Normally calm, to the point of boring, GothamGirl suddenly has a complete shift in personality. You’ve been exposed.

Crensch ago

It would explain why she can understand it just fine.

You kill me.

That's very good information. Thank you!

Vindicator ago

Well, there are some folks in here who were raped and tortured as kids and some of them exhibit strange behavior when they get stressed out. I'm sure some are shills LARPing as broken survivors. Most of the ones I suspect are real don't ever say anything about having lived it and in fact deny it when asked and change the subject if the conversation moves too close, so I am inclined to trust my gut.

Crensch ago

Sounds eminently reasonable. I fully agree.

Gothamgirl ago

LHOHQ is part of Cicada3301, and Cicada3301 ran Q. Sorry if you are unable to understand the data. I understand it just fine It's Military Jargon

Shizy ago

Are you touched in the head Gotham? It's a serious question?

Gothamgirl ago

By Christ. I am named after him, and my surname comes from Cyrus the 2nd.

srayzie ago

WTF. Did your Sarah personality come out here?

Gothamgirl ago

No what I said is fact.

Only you understand and know Sarah's personality.

I think you should apologize to researchers here too.

Maybe this wouldn't have happened, and you wouldn't have been on my radar. If you yourself weren't blaming and lying on great researchers.

For someone so FEARFUL of Sarah, you seem to conversate lots with her. Like your obsessed and unafraid, which is quite contradictory of someone who feels threatened.

srayzie ago

Since I screenshot and archive everything you say to me, I will include all this for public record. 🤓

Gothamgirl accused me of horrible things, such as planting child porn on her phone when we’ve never met, and threatening to kidnap her kid. That’s just SOME of her accusations that spanned a couple of days...

@Crensch finally made a post showing her accusations and proof that she was lying.

Finally, @Gothamgirl apologized to me...
Gothamgirl Apology - DM’s

Here she apologized publicly...
My Sincere Apologies to Srayzie and Pizzagate Mods


Was your apology not sincere? You made a public apology after Crensch’s post showing your false accusations towards me and showing proof that you were lying.

Is your handler Sarah putting you to work again? How about you go tell “Sarah”, that I will leave her alone if she leaves us alone? We are sick of being pinged all day. I have to keep blocking several accounts a day. If she wants to stop, I’m on board. But I’m not taking shit from anyone and that includes you GothamGirl. Or are you wanting a round 2?

You sticking up for Sarah after all that you’ve said, denying that you were not part of the Sarah group, is priceless. Sarah doesn’t care how you appear. You’re being used. You’re his/her puppet. Think about that before you go fight Sarah’s battles.

@Vindicator I’m just informing you that GothamGirl is up to old tricks so you can keep your eyes open. She shows up 11 days after this comment was made.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually I asked you questions not made accusations. Go back in your screenshots and look. My apology about that was sincere, and still is.

I think you owe some people apologies to, but if you don't feel like you do, that's fine.

srayzie ago

I don’t owe anyone an apology. I exposed Voats biggest shill that I had documented since like October. I and Archived threats.

The fact that she has gone ape shit and is trolling everyone isn’t my fault. That’s on her. Apparently, she’s pushing you to do her work again.

I think you’ve caused enough drama over this Sarah deal. I don’t even reply to her anymore and I encourage everyone else she pings not to talk to her.

I accepted your apology and have been very nice to you. I’ve left you alone. I think it’s time you move on. I have more important things going on than Sarah and GothamGirl drama.

If your apology was sincere, then drop it. Don’t include me in your drama.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't have drama. Your post about Jenny was the trigger for Sarah and pissed off a few people, and you continously bring her up on here.

You blamed Jem777, and Kevin Flynn for being Sarah too, you don't think you should try to fix that?

Nevermind be you. Take care.

Gothamgirl ago

Trump is talking about Cyrus, today which is my birthday ☺

srayzie ago

I haven’t even been on pizzagate for days GothamGirl! You’re stirring up old shit. Let it go!

Shizy ago

Yeah that seemed outta nowhere. But then again she's been saying a lot of things that don't really make sense!

Crensch ago

LHOHQ is part of Cicada3301, and Cicada3301 ran Q.

Prove both of those claims. Then explain why copying the text to Voat accomplishes anything at all. No comments on MOST of those submissions.

Did you like how you proved srayzie wasn't lying, and that you were? I did.

Gothamgirl ago

I followed it starting here on Voat, and was asked to copy it over.

Crensch ago

Dug through the site and found a page that had some comments, like a guestbook (Can't recall but it was somewhere on the site).

"muh can't remember because unimportant or somethin"

I searched the files areas and came across a .pdf on This file page (Warning: I did not verify if this was a clean file) Its the second link, which is a .pdf mentioning "deciphering"

"Here's a .pdf that it's not safe to download, just take my word for it that the contents are real!"

Then a bunch of your gibberish that you so happen to enjoy copying and posting as if it's important.


Nothing came of it, nothing was proved by it, and you're showing just how stupid you really are. Again.

Gothamgirl ago

You missed the comments and obviously forgot to watch the video, Titus came up with exact same conclusion as I did. I told Srayzie on several occasions. So are you knocking his work to?

This is what you missed in that thread.

soon to be new By age kennedy Missing identification card?runk rn and I'd hope you'd do Qhe *ork for meXXX As for *haQ drove me Qo DG, iQ *ould definiQely have Qo do iQh Qhe experimenQal aspecQ Qhey bring forQhX MeQal kinda alays gives Qhis !hey, you're angry and *eirdX Guess *haQ, QhaQ's OK!! And honesQly DG furQhers QhaQ by saying !hey, Qhere are primal subconscious urges deep *iQhin youX Defying Qhem and indulging Qhem makes you sQ

Crensch ago

You missed the comments and obviously forgot to watch the video, Titus came up with exact same conclusion as I did.

Who is Titus, and why should I give a shit if someone else came up with the same conclusion?

I told Srayzie on several occasions.

I don't care.

So are you knocking his work to?

I am, apparently.

soon to be new By age kennedy Missing identification card?runk rn and I'd hope you'd do Qhe *ork for meXXX As for *haQ drove me Qo DG, iQ *ould definiQely have Qo do iQh Qhe experimenQal aspecQ Qhey bring forQhX MeQal kinda alays gives Qhis !hey, you're angry and *eirdX Guess *haQ, QhaQ's OK!! And honesQly DG furQhers QhaQ by saying !hey, Qhere are primal subconscious urges deep *iQhin youX Defying Qhem and indulging Qhem makes you sQ

Looks like bullshit to me. Looks like very possible intentional disinfo or bot diarrhea.

Is that all you have? Really?

You have no standards at all for what convinces you of things, do you?

srayzie ago

Who is Titus, and why should I give a shit if someone else came up with the same conclusion?

Titus Frost is part of the small circle of cunts that have a new story every other month “proving that Q is either a LARP, a psyop, or not the same Q since January 5th, OR not the same Q since the the one from the end of May. There is so much disinformation from these people that I can’t even keep up.

I think I’ve mentioned Defango to you. He’s a narcissistic asshole who has even tried to make people believe that he was part of Q. Many people think he works for the CIA.

Defango is the one that convinced AMERICAN Intelligence Media “Thomas Paine”, that Q was a Psyop. Then he made the video that went viral, “Q is a psyop”. That’s the video that CheeseFaggotGhost posted. Remember, Thomas Paine from AIM, is the guy that was clairvoyant, did exorcisms, was a Freemason, a Jesuit, and a monk... all by is own admission. LMAO. I made a post about it...

DEBUNKING the Q EXPOSED AS PSYOP video by American Intelligence Media

To make a long story short, Titus Frost thinks Defango is one of the smartest people he’s ever met. This small circle is so obsessed with discrediting Q, that it seems like it’s their life’s mission to convince us to change our minds.

I followed most of these people before Q came along. They know each other and will even pretend they are fighting. Their job is to take each one of their large groups of followers and cause division. Just get everyone confused. It doesn’t take long before each attempt fails, and Q blows them out of the water in regards to “proofs”. Then another story to “prove” Q is a LARP comes along to replace the previous one.

Titus Frost goes along with the theory that Q is Cicada3301. How these people convince others to believe them is beyond me. There is NO WAY, for anyone that is seriously following Q on a daily basis, to deny the fact at this point that Q works right along with our President. What @Gothamgirl would always do, was send me some lame screenshot where something in the past was posted that could fit a phrase Q uses. Like “Calm before the storm”. Since she saw that, she thinks Q stole it. I’d like to see the cunt explain how Cicada3301 predicted McCain’s death down to the day, a month ahead of time. I will show you. It’s unbelievable.

The following will show you what a genius GothamGirl is. She thought for the longest that FlynnL1ve5 was Q. That’s the one that she denies liking because he’s a married man, yet I just proved she was lying about that too using screenshots. Notice that she also says that Sarah is Montagraph.

See these...

Montagraph thinks Q is Hillary Clinton and he HATES Titus Frost. He’s always making memes about him. Montagraph is a mean mofo and will dox anyone that accuses him of bad things. It happens a lot. He has a colorful past. Well, Gothamgirl’s boy decided to piss Montagraph off by calling Timothy Holmseth and letting the call be recorded as he tells him that Montagraph is into REALLY dark things. Like snuff. I’ve done a lot of research on him and I won’t even touch on that because, Montagraph scares the hell out of me.


FlynnL1ve5 made Montagraph so mad, that he obsessed over Flynn for over a month. He even had FlynnL1ve5 twitter taken down. Sadly, it also made Montagraph go after Timothy Holmseth. He doxed him and was accusing him of lies so that he would get arrested. Well, he got arrested. He was getting threatening calls. It was sad. You’re an idiot if you think you can go after Montagraph. Him and his friend hackers are ruthless. So since I didn’t like Sarah, she told me that Sarah was Montagraph to scare me. Yet, she says that she trusted me, and how that was a mistake because I am the one that supposedly played games with her. 😂

@Shizy @Crensch

Vindicator ago

This list of names is interesting srayzie. They're all the people on Twitter I stopped listening to a year ago because they ping by bullshit sonar.

The only thing I really found believable was Titus' interview with Bigfish, the original Comet hacker. Did you think that was BS, too?

srayzie ago

Other usernames would be Unirock, Roy Potter, David Seaman, Isaac Green, 0Hour1, Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec.

I’ve always wondered about Bigfish. If you listen to him, he sounds convincing. It’s true or he’s a really good actor.

I’ve really learned to not trust people because I liked many people on this list. Jerome Corsi was a big lesson for me. How I feel about Titus Frost now makes me not trust him.

Gothamgirl ago

Funny your Mod Srayzie just asked me not long ago if I felt Kennedy was connected to Q, wonder what in the world made her ask me that.

Crensch ago

You act like that is some kind of indication of your Authority on the subject and not an indication that she's just a really nice person that tries to be friendly to everyone, even retards.
