Plan1988 ago

Thank You @srayzie. That couple is tricky. Thank God, when they had a guy on their show

who said he invented the Q concept I was able to bail. Before that, though I felt red flags,

I still held on.

srayzie ago

That was probably the faggot Defango

Plan1988 ago

Yes it was. I forgot his name. DeFango was on their program.

I started following DeFango for a week because I wanted to be sure.

Thomas and Betsy I followed. ❎ one week after they

hosted DeFango I stopped following them and never

looked back. 👍 Thank You @srayzie!

srayzie ago

You’re welcome. I make myself sit they these punks videos so i can keep up with their latest attempts to discredit Q!

srayzie ago

Next time someone tries to tell you that Fake Thomas Paine proved Q was a Psyop, just break it down really well with one sentence using his own words...

He was a Freemason, a Jesuit, a monk, NSA, did exorcisms and was born clairvoyant!😂😂😂😂

Fricken priceless! If you read the screenshots I made, so that the post wouldn’t be too long, it gets into depth and makes it even more clear what a FREAK the guy is. Add narcissistic to themlist.

Oh, and listening to the Jason Goodman video is a must. The dude is NUTS!!

@CheeseBoogersGhost is one of the biggest shills here. He’s the one that posted the video that I just debunked, as well as another video he posted that was debunked. He even deleted it out of embarrassment because @Crensch challenged him and it wasn’t pretty. 😂 Oh and he usually comments all day long. Well, he went quiet 2 days ago and his last comment was responding to @Crensch, who had just destroyed him and his attempt at dividing us.

Here is that post...

This should be an example to the shills that come here just to say Q is a LARP... They may want to really know what they are talking about before posting in a sub full of people that have followed along since the beginning.

@Vindicator @Kevdude @Shizy

srayzie ago

Next time someone tries to tell you that Fake Thomas Paine proved Q was a Psyop, just break it down really well with one sentence using his own words...

He was a Freemason, a Jesuit, a monk, NSA, did exorcisms and was born clairvoyant!😂😂😂😂

Fricken priceless! If you read the screenshots I made, so that the post wouldn’t be too long, it gets into depth and makes it even more clear what a FREAK the guy is. Add narcissistic to themlist.

Oh, and listening to the Jason Goodman video is a must. The dude is NUTS!!

@CheeseBoogersGhost is one of the biggest shills here. He’s the one that posted the video that I just debunked, as well as another video he posted that was debunked. He even deleted it out of embarrassment because @Crensch challenged him and it wasn’t pretty. 😂 Oh and he usually comments all day long. Well, he went quiet 2 days ago and his last comment was responding to @Crensch, who had just destroyed him and his attempt at dividing us.

Here is that post...

This just can’t be left out!

This should be an example to the shills that come here just to say Q is a LARP... They may want to really know what they are talking about before posting in a sub full of people that have followed along since the beginning.

@Vindicator @Kevdude @Shizy

badgoysbadgoys ago

I got more documents on NSA, CIA, and FBI corruption than Q has ever posted. I got my mine the hard way.

But Q says, just sit down, log in, and relax—imma gonna drain your brain and inject you with some of this good shit.

talmoridor-x ago

You don't "debunk" anything here, retard. Nothing but ad-hominem arguments. Although it's safe to be wary of ex-NSA and jesuits, you should directly refute their central point ("Q is intentionally cryptic and misleading").

srayzie ago

Not only should those freaks not be trusted, they provided NO evidence. Not only that, they were asked for it and said they “WON’T SAY.”

I made a comment here, showing that his other post was debunked as well, and he even deleted it after making excuses that he posted the “wrong one.”

talmoridor-x ago

Not a direct refutation. They weren't trying to prove anything, only argue a possibility. Why are they wrong? Keep it impersonal.

srayzie ago

This is what a bunch of people spread everywhere to prove that Q is a psyop. This needed to be done.

talmoridor-x ago

Oh, okay.

mynewaccountagain ago

What type of drugs to you take to believe this Q bullshit?

srayzie ago

😂🤣 Word. 😎

Shizy ago

If you can buy all that for $40 do you mind telling me where you shop bopper???

srayzie ago


bopper ago

Behind the shelter in the middle of the roundabout, the pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray.

srayzie ago

Oh nice!

bopper ago

Speaking of gong places...Q will likely post now while I am out rat killing.

srayzie ago

I forgot what that means. What do you mean by rat killing?

srayzie ago

Ohhh that’s where you got it. Lol

bopper ago

I'm very old.

Rat killing means errands.

Shizy ago

Cool, thanks. Be right back!

Oh_Well_ian ago

what kinda life do you lead when it revolves around obsessing on something you don't even believe in ?

srayzie ago

I trip out on that too. If someone doesn’t believe, then why spend everyday being obsessed over it?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Interesting to see how much information and evidence is produced when debunkers the debunkers...

While the evidence against Q doesn't go beyond: 'Q is a LARP' and 'Why is Hillary still free?'

derram ago :

Q Exposed as Psyop - YouTube :

Anatomy of a PsyOp Vol 1 – White Hats, Black Hats & Ass Hats (Fake Thomas Paine Threatens Jason) - YouTube

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