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srayzie ago

Next time someone tries to tell you that Fake Thomas Paine proved Q was a Psyop, just break it down really well with one sentence using his own words...

He was a Freemason, a Jesuit, a monk, NSA, did exorcisms and was born clairvoyant!😂😂😂😂

Fricken priceless! If you read the screenshots I made, so that the post wouldn’t be too long, it gets into depth and makes it even more clear what a FREAK the guy is. Add narcissistic to themlist.

Oh, and listening to the Jason Goodman video is a must. The dude is NUTS!!

@CheeseBoogersGhost is one of the biggest shills here. He’s the one that posted the video that I just debunked, as well as another video he posted that was debunked. He even deleted it out of embarrassment because @Crensch challenged him and it wasn’t pretty. 😂 Oh and he usually comments all day long. Well, he went quiet 2 days ago and his last comment was responding to @Crensch, who had just destroyed him and his attempt at dividing us.

Here is that post...

This should be an example to the shills that come here just to say Q is a LARP... They may want to really know what they are talking about before posting in a sub full of people that have followed along since the beginning.

@Vindicator @Kevdude @Shizy