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srayzie ago

American Intelligence Media (AIM) Betsy and Fake Thomas Paine Fake Thomas Paine is really Douglas Gabriel

American Intelligence Media made a video a few months ago saying that Q was a psyop. It gained speed for a little while. Just like all the other attempts by the same circle of people that have done their own Q is a LARP theory.

In this circle of frauds is Defango. He has made several claims that have changed over time. He likes to make Q look like it’s from Cicada 3301.

Cicada 3301 is a nickname given to an organization that on three occasions has posted a set of puzzles to possibly recruit codebreakers/linguists from the public. The first internet puzzle started on January 4, 2012, and ran for approximately one month.

Titus Frost from pizzagate is caught up in it. You can see this same group of people on Twitter, basically pinging each other, and sticking together.

Guess who is in that group? Jerome Traitor Corsi!
Also, Roy Potter, 0Hour, Defango, Titus Frost, Montagraph, and more. That’s just at the top of my head. Last I looked, their latest story was that Pamphlet Anon was Qanon.

@CheeseboogersGhost has been on a roll. He told me it’s just beginning. He says he’s going to take Great Awakening and make it his own. Lol. We can expect him to be making more posts like this and then he will call you all Jews. (I will be making a post later explaining some updates.)

Q just posted and I haven’t got to ping you guys yet, but I will gather stuff to show you more about these people and their attempts to discredit Q. I just wanted to make sure I got this out for you guys so you could start looking into it and know what to expect.

I highly recommend this video. This title shouldn’t be taken lightly. You will see a very angry hostile side to The Fake Thomas Paine. He literally threatens Jason Goodman. He gets more crazy in the 2nd half. I’m not saying that I agree with ((( Jason Goodman ))). But, Jason was just giving Fake Thomas Paine an interview. He was very calm.

What it boils down to eventually is that Fake Thomas Paine got the info from Defango. Ha! Surprise surprise. I will be back with more in a while since CheeseFaggotGhost wants to play games.

Fake Thomas Paine Threatens Jason

White_pride_cis ago

You mentioned on Sunday that you were accused of being a Jew. I was hoping that you can address this?

srayzie ago

What do you want to know? How do you prove to someone you’re not Jew? I’m white. CheeseFaggotGhost knows it too because he saw my picture on Twitter before he got mad at me and started calling me a Jew. I eat bacon and I love Jesus. I don’t know what else to tell you. People call us Jews here anyway because of the topic I guess.

White_pride_cis ago

Just checking... You can NEVER trust someone who doesn't eat bacon... I like what you do here and appreciate it, so like one of my favorite am talk show hosts I had to quit listening to once he came out about his sucking babies dicks, I would've hated to have to quit following. Thank you for the clarification.

srayzie ago

Yay! Finally someone believes me. 🙄 Thank you. Something like that happened to me too. After 9/11, before alternative media was a thing, I followed Alex Jones. He was diffeeent then. No matter what people said, I couldn’t believe that he would purposely feed us disinfo. I was so loyal to him. That is until he became a traitor, along with Jerome Corsi, and tried to divide the Q movement.

White_pride_cis ago

I had a similar story to Alex Jones and Corsi. So the father that married my wife and I came over for dinner and to bless our new house (old prairie school house style home from 1907. Surely it has ghosts) and we got to talking about Q. I had just found him when he the republicans were on the train and hit the dump truck. Turns out he was big into following this as well. My wife was so lost in the sauce that she eventually just left the table. At the time, I said Alex Jones was a little off the wall, but seemed harmless and Corsi had a lot of people speaking positively of him. He informed me to watch whom I follow. Sure enough, the following week, Corsi was outed as being an agent of the Jews. Seeing the things he said, I know he was on 8chan, but I wonder if he isn't on Voat as well. I am sure I outed myself with this story.

srayzie ago

Yes! Jerome Corsi really opened my eyes to how these things work. He was friends with Kissinger. He loves Israel. I made a Twitter thread with all kinds of info about him...

Twitter Thread
Thread Reader Version

bopper ago

That still does not sufficiently prove you are not a Jewess Reddit CANCER MOD...

srayzie ago

😂 You’re not helping matters Bopper

bopper ago

Sorry @srayzie I just can't resist sometimes lol.

These guys crack me up calling you a Jew and everything else.

If they only knew what a BORING life you really live can I get an amen?

srayzie ago

I know lol

SpeakSoft ago

We may not agree on everything, but you are Spot On about all of these people involved.

It is all a big elaborate Show with many avenues to take people down the wrong path to nowhere.

Add Unirock to your list, a close collaborator of Fake Defango.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'm just contributing to Voat. You seem to think anyone who doesn't believe in Q is some sort of agent or something. Its bizarre. You guys have become like some weird cult or something. What you posted is not proof. Its just some cult making claims against somebody -The same way you make claims about me.