samhara ago

The original post from "Above Top Secret" ? Was it forged. Only one archive which looks strange. Background looks to be the wrong color.. Seems scripted - - Seems coincidental?

Gothamgirl ago

That world corpo video was called "Fatherhood" Synt youtube has 3 video's called "Childhood" & the art on both websites look very simular. I think all these sites are connected to one another. There is cp or abuse deplicted.

Omnicopy ago

There artwork of a woman with a baby in her arms. It looks like her legs are cut off, stomach opened up and maybe something done with her vagina. A Satanic sacrifice! The artwork is on the Justin Bieber html webpage

Gothamgirl ago

It says she was raped & killed in Ughanda by Brett Hart, also behind her is an eye, & the pupil is not round anymore. It looks fried.

Gothamgirl ago

I think this is a cypher not sure for which of these sites though. 2nd post down using the letters around the octagon on the main page of

Alan_Gordon ago

In Rhode Island, POLICE PROTECT rapists preying on Special Needs kids.

Omnicopy ago

If you follow the directions of EDIT 2 when you click on Massage a webpage comes up that talks about Rampant Devil Worship.

Jem777 ago

After reading all the submissions and the historical account of the Madeline McCann disappearance this should be flaired as new evidence. Just what @jangles contributed alone regarding Peter McCann (Madeline's uncle) speaking at the Order of Malta and involved in Castle Craig's an alleged "treatment" center for addiction for Military. Also the facts he payed out of being Tapas 8.

For those who think it is too strange the Podesta's were sneaking through the night in Portugal to grab a child you might be right in those exact terms. That is why the whole case is one big confusing mess that no one can move on from. This was organized, purposeful, intentional. The level of the McCann involvement unknown, the level of multiple governments involved obvious. @gothamgirl good work

Gothamgirl ago

Originally I found the link to all of this posted here on Voat. What you guys are all doing is truly amazing!

Mellowmountain ago

this is all quite strange.... Just another wednesday on /v/pizzagate. I love it here

Stormer-chan ago

Do a reverse search, the image is on other sites, probably nothing.

Gothamgirl ago

What sites? I hope it's nothing.

jangles ago

audio stego

Gothamgirl ago

Some of gif's remind me of the Fatherhood video site.

Gothamgirl ago

In the pdf Aaron Svendersk here there is a pic on page 8 or 9 Thats these people

Gothamgirl ago

I apologize, and I hope I am wrong.

Vindicator ago

@Caratacus, I am flairing this "Possible Disinfo" because I think this may be a deliberate rabbit hole set up to distract investigators. One reason is the Madeline McCann emphasis. Men as wealthy as the Podesta brothers don't stroll the streets at night, in Portugal or anywhere else. It's a security risk. If they wanted a girl, they certainly wouldn't take her themselves. The whole e-fit thing is a scam.

privatepizza ago

Hi Vindicator : )

Just wanted to say that imho this isn't disinformation and I feel the flair should be removed. We did find Madeline McCann's name on these sites we were investigating yesterday (Kudos to @Gothamgirl who found it). Here is an image taken from the pdf file found -

John Podesta's name we also found in there, in 2 places. This could be important to us, and I don't feel it's dissinfo - it's fact that we found them. What it means we don't know.....

Thanks for your amazing support as always : )

Vindicator ago

I agree it may be important. It also may be bait. For now, I am going to leave the current flair in order to keep people vigilant and using their best security setup. If anyone finds anything solid enough to change this flair to "Potential Lead" or "New Evidence" please ping me and I will consider doing so. Carry on! :-)

privatepizza ago

Understand your point, it's important that people know to be vigilant here. And will do. Thank you @Vindicator !

Gothamgirl ago

You guys are doing amazing things right now.. Way to go!

Gothamgirl ago

Just curious how do know the efits are a scam?

Vindicator ago

Because I know rich people, and they just don't do shit like this. Also, the timing is suspicious. The whole proposition defies logic.

The odds are much, much higher that it is part of the known attempt to characterize the pizzagate investigation as a neo-Puritanical witchhunt with so many crazy claims, all the evidence can be dismissed.

Remember: all the people with actual power to hold the Podestas to account, formally investigate, and prosecute are all rich people who wouldn't walk around at night, or personally abduct a child either. They will automatically dismiss the whole idea.

samhara ago

I think they do their own work at times. It's safer. Plus it's a feat, such as Prescott Bush going and digging up the skull of Guantamo, for the "Skull and Bones" club.. Many are atheletic and love risk taking - to prove their mettle. The "rich people" you refer to are the "Bourgeoisie" Also, "Podesta" comes from a working class family, from what we are told.. He's a servant to the real players.

Omnicopy ago

I have to disagree with you. The site is definitely satanic so that makes it real. There's something to it!!!! As far as the Podesta brothers taking Madeline themselves, it was late and at night. No one would see them. I read somewhere that some how someone followed them and they took her to a boat.

jangles ago

If it wasn't for Clement Freud the whole Madeline McCann story would have no validity. The problem with disregarding it because "the wealthy Podesta brothers don't stroll the streets at night in Portugal" - You may be correct with this specific hole being "possible dis-info" yet can not disregard Madeline because of her parents associations with Clement Freud.

samhara ago

It's false logic to say "That can't be true because [then insert your own assumption about what is and what isn't possible] - That's how people mistakenly dismissed "9/11" reality. And they were wrong. One has to go on the facts and logic rather than an assumption of "What Must Be True [according to me]" I've seen this fallacy used to miss the evidence over and over again. The "head" of these perps is truly strange / unknown to ordinary people.

jangles ago

Read the English translation of Gonçalo Amaral's book here- Banned in the UK

moonlaundry ago

The notion that there is proof that they were visiting Freud is disinformation baked into almost every pizzagate video.

jangles ago

Madeleine McCann/Herman von Rompuy visit to Malta 2013 6 Nov 2013 - 50 sec

This is "Peter McCann speaking at the Order of Malta Open Day 2013" by castlecraig on ...

Peter McCann was claimed to have been an uncle of Gerry McCann.

PETER McCANN, CASTLE CRAIG -Castle Craig is an exclusive private hospital (but gets NHS funding) in Scotland and all the directors are as follows:

Castle Craig Hospital Directors Peter McCann MA, ICADC Chairman Dr Margaret Ann McCann, MB Bch BAO Medical Director Dr. Michael G. McCann , MD , MA , DIH, MFOM Director

John L McCann BA ACIS Financial Director/Administrator.etc...etc..

http://scotlandonsunday.scotsm.....=753452006/ It is entirely likely that given Castle Craig's experience in treating US military personnel they have sought Peter McCann's advice on treating our own military personnel.

Perhaps Castle Craig even treated servicemen on board the HMS Cornwall, who knows....


-Castle Craig has a branch in Holland. Gerry worked in Holland.

"Gerry McCann was a senior Consultant for cardiology in the highly respected Glenfield Teaching hospital Leicester"...

.."Clarence Mitchel had been working behind the scenes well before the McCanns went to Portugal arranging holidays to Malta, With the Tapas 7"....

Some people think that Peter McCann was the 'Tapas 8 who couldn't be named'.

Jem777 ago

Just that fact alone should send chills down everyone's spine. That Peter McCann spoke at the Order of Malta.

Omnicopy ago

If you click on Contacts instead of Massage it takes you to a page that has a pentagram, Baphomet, all seeing eye all over it in the background. It's definitely satanic!!

NotHereForPizza ago

Check this out. I have a post here detailing this a little bit.

A short while ago, I believe it was on r/pizzagate before it was taken down, someone posted this and sent people down the rabbit hole.

I'm not saying don't check it out, I'm saying a lot of those messages if you go back through them mention 8chin and even link to 4chin. As I stated, they go back to 2008 and talk about weird shit.

I looked around a bit more and found some encrypted files if anyone wants to break out a VM. WARNING LOUD MUSIC TURN OFF/DOWN AUDIO OUTPUT

From > > (augmented then jumbled letters) > click link on top here > click image of Dwight here > click swastika here > boom, you're there

Might be nothing. I'm not going any further.

Crimeofcentury ago

Madeline McCabe patents are both men, cia tranny, Madeline sold into sex trade

anonOpenPress ago

Sick stuff...


title Underground 02 0384 583 workmen experiment bowel spasm carrier


a href=""

audio src="Croatian Terrorist Organization Cryptics - Ukraine.mp3"



Caratacus ago

Clicking the "back" link from the site you linked shows a guy pulling out hair from a cat and putting it on his face. Crazy!

Omnicopy ago

It is saying "help me" Also has a 666

jangles ago

The soundcloud community has wierd shit linked here

soon to be new By age kennedy Missing identification card?runk rn and I'd hope you'd do Qhe *ork for meXXX As for *haQ drove me Qo DG, iQ *ould definiQely have Qo do iQh Qhe experimenQal aspecQ Qhey bring forQhX MeQal kinda alays gives Qhis !hey, you're angry and *eirdX Guess *haQ, QhaQ's OK!! And honesQly DG furQhers QhaQ by saying !hey, Qhere are primal subconscious urges deep *iQhin youX Defying Qhem and indulging Qhem makes you sQ

on this account linked to this file -there are methods for hiding cp in sound are they doing that here

anonOpenPress ago

some (or all I don't know) synt us members have a card, could be like

Identification card: [] x[[]] y[]]]

Omnicopy ago

The Qs are Ts, * are Ws, G is O

Gothamgirl ago

T's are r B's are A R's are x

jangles ago

Can you decode? I dont have time for this, working hard on another lead.

Gothamgirl ago

No its just misspellings I found throughout the site. That made me think that.

Omnicopy ago

i don't know what the X and r means. But this is what I think it says "Soon to be new By age Kennedy Missing Identification Card? ____ __ and I'd hope you'd do the work for me___ . As for what drove me to do it would definitely have to do ___ the experimental aspect. They bring forth metal kind of alays gives this. Hey you're angry and weird_ Guess what, that's ok and honestly do furthers that by saying. Hey there are primal sub-conscience urges deep within you Defying them and indulging them makes you st (I don't know what st means, it could be just a part of a word?) that is the best I can figure it out, everybody else help?

Caratacus ago

I don't know if this is helpful, but check out

jangles ago


jangles ago

"Missing identification card?" Follow the Cards

jstayz44 ago

Did you click on the Octagon? It's weird, like the LHOHQ site...fluorescent flashing lights and weird images.

Gothamgirl ago

Behind the octagon is a pic of Hillary & Bill.

jstayz44 ago

Thank you!!!

Gothamgirl ago

I have been digging through this for a little bit. I think these 2 images are possibly Madeline McCann. One is a facial profile. The second is after MK Ultra.

Yuke ago

MKUltra distorts your face? Come on, that isn't true and you couldn't possibly know that anyway.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes it is true with certain frequencies- eliptical seizure. How wouldn't I know that, its explained in great detail on and you can clearly see it happening to the guy on video -same site.

samhara ago

Look what they did to "Alex Jones'" face.. damn. - =

BlackManta ago

Oh hell, I wish I could unsee :(

carmencita ago

Oh my God. How can you tell. If that is what they did to her, we must expose them. Can this be released somewhere on the internet where everyone will see it? That face is so scary and sad if it is true.

Gothamgirl ago

I can't it's just a guess. After combing this site which seems to be full of facts, it keeps leading me back to this so far.

Omnicopy ago

That is the creepiest picture! It looks like a real person. The eyes look real. I tried to look for that unusual dot that Madeline had in her one eye, but can't really see it. It does look like a person who has been thru a lot of trama. Poor girl! God help us stop this!!

Gothamgirl ago

I pray I am wrong.

InnocentAngels ago

I don't know why I get this feeling, but I believe this could be a cloning experiment that didn't go well. Whatever it may be, it's sad to think this could happen to a human being.

Gothamgirl ago

Could be. If you watch the sewer spell video of the guy & the cat, something is clearly happening to face to. It maybe a result of frequency weapons and mk ultra.

Gothamgirl ago

I read Amanda Klienman is a clone of a past president sounds crazy but she does resemble him. In the beginning this site had more info or maybe I just can't figure out how to find it again.

InnocentAngels ago

That's crazy, but who knows anymore. I still think of the clones of sheep, so you know in secret they are trying to clone humans too.

Omnicopy ago

I'd love to look at more links but I'm scared to death of what will pop up on the screen. Real creepy stuff

InnocentAngels ago

I agree, me too. Prone to nightmares.

Omnicopy ago

Yeah, notice how late I'm up!

FreeThem ago

The first pic is about "the .gov accusing me" "lung cancer" "vial"...

A lot of a sick fucks luckily got cancer'd from prosecution. For these people, the shame is the biggest thing. Being exposed is their biggest fear.

This webpage need severe combing through

Caratacus ago

Yes. I'll edit post to reference the text. Very interesting how this was embedded in source.

ThePuppetShow ago

Here is the info that came from carbon dating the site.

{ "self": "", "URI": "", "Estimated Creation Date": "2014-01-07T14:47:57", "Backlinks": "", "Last Modified": "2017-02-22T22:47:57", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "Pubdate tag": "", "Archives": [ [ "Earliest", "2014-01-07T14:47:57" ], [ "By_Archive", { "": "2014-01-07T14:47:57" } ] ] }

Caratacus ago

Thank you. Page 18 of the .pdf shows "Sat Feb 18 12:21:22 2017" which is the only alleged date listed. Interesting how the numbers matchup (eg. page 18 -> Feb 18; time is 122122)