EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@GothamGirl if all of this is true, then I apologize for anything I said about you. Hope you feel better soon.

ESOTERICshade ago

Gothamgirl I have been messed with in real life. It was also because of this cause we fight for. It changed my whole life in a huge way. Its tough and its rough when the perps figure out who you are. Hang in there. Stay strong. I am sorry this is happening to you.

Vindicator ago

If you are being messed with in real life, Gothamgirl, I can see how the crazy psyop we've been sorting out the past few weeks on here would put you over the top. It takes a big person to admit they got things wrong and to apologize, so hat tip to you. In my almost two years of modding v/pizzagate, I have learned that one thing that draws us all together after this long of time is past difficulties with abusive shitheads who ought to be wearing piano wire neckties. Sometimes the shills figure out a new way to take advantage of that and push everyone's buttons. We get through it. Thanks for making this post.

ESOTERICshade ago

Vindicator, that was big of you bro. I have new respect for you.

shadow332 ago

You sound like a paranoid nutter to be fair. Why don't you see a fucking shrink and get off the goddamn computer? You have waaaaay too much time on your hands.

This shows me every time I come on this site, I forget that I could be talking to total crazies instead of normal people I meet in the street or at work.

Gothamgirl ago

Your right, it probably wouldn't hurt to talk to someone, seeing all this abuse towards children none stop, was traumatic and life altering, and has took me way out of my character.

shadow332 ago

Yes, then instead of making threats towards people, which you can eventually get arrested for, get off the computer and doseomething else.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't make threats to anyone. I made inappropriate questions and comments. I am an adult, I will figure it out thanks.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for your advice and I am trully sorry for the grief I have caused everyone here. I really don't know how it happened and as you can see my guess was horrible, so I will let the police deal with it.

srayzie ago

Thank you @Gothamgirl

I know that must have been hard to admit. Thank you for clearing things up. Like I said in our DM’s, I didn’t know you had been seeing zyklon-b. If you wrote me and told me, then I wouldn’t have been flirtatious back. I took it as being playful. He would just put hearts. I did the same. We didn’t even know each other. He did act protective of you once, so that shows he cares.

I accept your apology. I wish you nothing but the best. I hope you find whoever did those things to you.

@Crensch @Vindicator @Shizy @Think-

Gothamgirl ago

I wish you nothing but the best to, and thank you I know I don't deserve it.

Gothamgirl ago

Well I don't think it was my neighbors they are old and nice, but I will let the police deal with it.

Gothamgirl ago

All my insecurities, were targeted in a profound way, doesn't matter what screen name I used. I was attacked by accounts that looked simular to Srayzies art, calling me a whore, bad mother and everything else everywhere, No matter what I commented on, those responses followed me.

TheBuddha ago


srayzie ago

@TheBuddha Remember me? My Indian name is Bob 😁 Your Indian name is David.

Have you talked to @Zyklon_b lately? 🤔

He got me in all kinds of trouble this week.

@heygeorge I haven’t talked to you lately. Is everyone scared over there now? 😂🤣

Literally, the last one I talked to was trigglypuff like a week ago. Zyklon caused a dramatic shit storm for me that’s lasted like a week. When the drama started, he got the fuck out of dodge lol.

Has all this been spreading like a wild fire over there? Or are people unaware? I need to know how to go about making my next shit post. Haha.

@Gabara same question. Your boy Zyklon put me in the middle of a love dispute. I feel like I’ve living thru an online version of the Jerry Springer show.

Gothamgirl ago

It was my fault only, and he won't be on here for a couple of weeks.

srayzie ago

Why won’t he be on? Because he was being attacked? Are you guys back together? You can tell him I won’t be mean to him. Don’t worry. I’m not going to flirt with him. Are you ok? Doing better?

Gothamgirl ago

I am fine. No he hasn't been on since his last comment and it's unrelated. He can explain if he wants to, when he gets back.

srayzie ago

Ok good.

heygeorge ago

I only saw gothamgirl getting attacked as a shill, then thought ‘odd, that doesn’t seem like her’ and moved on with my life.

Then I saw her (I guess this) post and considered messaging you that AFAIK Gotham girl is good people. I also figure you as good people, so you’d either figure it out or I’d perhaps change my opinion on one or both of you.

That’s entirely the extent of my thoughts on this matter.

I haven’t seen beats around much, but that’s not too strange. Sometimes he likes to disappear for a month or two.

Shitpost at will!

gabara ago

You're Bob Odinkirk?

srayzie ago

@TheBuddha gave me the Indian name BOB, because he was drunk while talking to me and watching Black-On-Black midget porn. Now he won’t change it.

@heygeorge’s Indian name is “Dances with Niggers”

Ok, I stole that but whatever. 🙄

gabara ago

Black-On-Black midget porn exists? That sounds like the funniest thing ever.

srayzie ago

Oh yes. @TheBuddha was supposed to send me a funny YouTube video one time, but his boyfriend had just dumped him because he caught him smoking crack in the church bathroom with some Mexican chick who had MS-13 tattooed across her forehead. He wouldn’t get his act together. So he got dumped.

He got angry and invited this Muslim tranny over that he met at the porn shop on 5th Avenue. The Muslim tranny took advantage of poor Buddha. He/she convinced him to take some bath salts.

After assaulting the naighbor with a broom, he flashed his noodle at the old church ladies 2 doors down. They called the cops so he ran back in the house.

He was frantic because I had been asking all fricken day to send me the YouTube video of him doing cartwheels down Main Street during the Thanksgiving parade.

He finally logged on and meant to send me the video, and that’s when he ended up sending me black on black midget porn that he acquired illegally. He likes all kinds of crazy shit.

Remind me to tell you later on about the time when he was stalking his bosses pregnant wife and got stuck in the tree. The guys a mess. 🙄

TheBuddha ago

LOL No, I've been exceptionally busy lately.

srayzie ago

So has Zyklon lol

TheBuddha ago

He's the hero Voat needs.

srayzie ago

Not this week 🤣

Demonsweat2 ago

You only need 3 lugs to make a plane so you should be good.

Gothamgirl ago

One of the cars they drilled out the hub so it's going to be costly.