DeathToMasonsASAP ago


SweetChicken ago

Jen (Jem777) Moore was a former cop. This shit needs to break wide open. Enough is enough. So many low level people are aware of the abuse that it makes it plausible that Q and the white hats are finally making moves to take down the cabal. My heart goes out to her family. RIP

WalnutSauceGoat ago

She looks to be 35-40 years old in this clip, which would make her 75-80 today... fwiw...

Lansing-Michigan ago

Think it was Cathy O'Brian who said that Bill Clinton was homosexual.

Dressage2 ago

The crack of daylight isn’t safe with Bill Clinton.

Shizy ago

So is she the latest victim that will be added to the Clinton body count? I'm so fucking sick of the Clintons and their filthy ways!

SterlingJB ago

Anyone find any other sources besides TP about this?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago


twistedmac11 ago

I'm wondering that too. I don't trust George Webb, but he seems to be the only source for this. I can't find any other sources besides two or three unsourced articles on possible disinfo sites. I hate to be a dick, but also considering Webb's history, is there any chance this death is fake? A red herring or a false flag of sorts? It's not sitting right with me.

Shizy ago

I tried searching for a local story about a body found at the hotel listed as where she had been staying. Nothing came up. You would think that a local station would have covered a non elderly woman being found dead in a hotel room

twistedmac11 ago

My thoughts as well. Surely someone would've covered it, but nothing. Maybe something will come up in the next few days, but for now, this seems fishy.

Gothamgirl ago

Jem777 and I were the only ones really that stood up for George Webb on here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago


Gothamgirl ago

There is so many variations. I use 777 to because it equals 21 which is my birthday.

Dressage2 ago

I did all the time.

Gothamgirl ago

My apologies, I knew there was just a few of us.

RIPJem ago

JEM was the Real Deal.

We know this to be absolutely True.

There are many questions about George Sweigart.

JEM knew The Truth.

Gothamgirl ago

Bless her soul she was a great researcher, teacher and it's pretty heartbreaking to lose another one of us.

Trump and team needs to step it up before we all dead. Enough is enough.

drj2 ago

Jan 1, 2019 is when the orders are set to begin. You can't just lock a few high players up and be done with it.

Gothamgirl ago

"You can't just lock a few high players up and be done with it."

Who said to do that?

I think they all should be snatched from their homes and hung from a phallus and fuck tribunals. People are dying, being stalked, harrassed arrested for doing whats right. I have had threats towards my children, and cp put in my phone. I am about to go looking for these people myself soon.

IndigoEyes ago

RIP JEM777. She was a wonderful truther..

In_Cog_Nito ago

Her name was Jenny Moore.

Omnicopy ago

RIP Jem777 I didn’t listen to George Web very much.

Pizzalawyer ago

is this Jem777?

Dressage2 ago


exposethecriminals ago

@Vindicator would you be able to clarify if this is the same Jem777 who was outed as a bot/shill in the recent v/pizzagate sticky?

Or perhaps I'm reading all this wrong?


Recent stickie:

Hey folks, seems that the very large spaming ring that hit voat during the Vegas shooting news cycle is at it again. Here is the updated list of chat bots and general cunts responsible. (politics) by @Camulos

( Original OP of list: /u/brandon816 )

I've added and updated the original list of faggot chatbots and the cunts that seem to control them:

Always up to date list stickied in /v/ProtectVoat which you can find here

Chatbots. All of them. Check the other thread referenced in the OP and look at the common usernames.

Most of the time, the bots just post their insane rubbish, rarely does whoever controls these bots actually use them to post coherent responses to people and by that I mean replying to comments with a sentence that makes sense. BUT, when they do, they do it to try and play off that they aren't bots or that the only way people (like myself) can track them is because I have a magical list of IP's associated with them or somesuch nonsense. It's pretty easy to spot these bots, no need for tech wizardry, version 1.0 eyeball is all that's needed.

The list of bots associated with this user: and < Appears to be real accounts, but there's always one of the other bots welcoming him back whenever he posts in a thread. And many of them seem to ping him whenever a certain buzzword is said ( not sure about that list ).




Vindicator 5 points (+5|-0) 12 days ago

Thanks for the documentation, @Camulos. I've stickied this thread in v/pizzagate. Let the downvotes multiply!

Vindicator ago

It seems to be the consensus among v/pizzagate users that Jem777 is Jenny Moore. I have not seen a post giving evidence that they are the same person.

Just to clarify, the thread you quote above was not posted in v/pizzagate, nor did I or any of the mods add Jem to that list. It was posted elsewhere by non-pizzagate Voat users who had noticed patterns of bot-like spam behavior from the noted accounts. I stickied it, because we (and other large Voat subs) were experiencing a massive wave of forum-sliding from similar accounts a few weeks ago. If you look at the recent ban list, you'll see some of the worst offenders.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago


exposethecriminals ago

Thank you. I didn't even look down the v/pizzagate page today, so I just now saw there are actually threads on Jem777 being Jenny Moore.

This thread was linked to in @gamepwn's thread, and in one of Jem777's comments she might have been saying she had personal identities she was unaware of who had other Voat accounts, I don't know:

I am the one who actually worked so hard to isolate those accounts until I could find the real identity which I have to be able to battle back with truth...

I don't know anything about DID nor Jenny Moore, but that might explain why many of her comments were not decipherable, such as the two below. Poor woman, rest in peace.

fellowkikepeople ago

Yes. Bless her.

wwwwwwwwwwwww ago

People need to stop seth rich'ing themselves. these are real killers with real world orgs. You are not the military. You are not equipped to manage this. They are true in the noble cause. Yet, when you chase the rabbits down the hole and you get bit by a snake don't be shocked. THIS IS NOT A DISNEY MOVIE.

drj2 ago

This is the time where you repeat the motto "live free or die" This is real life.

Shizy ago

Not everyone is willing to sit back and take this. God bless the strong and courageous like Jem for doing what too many others are too scared to!

wwwwwwwwwwwww ago

Yeah noble cause. Hence the term noble. It surely is a lost and a tragedy not saying it isn't.

Omnicopy ago

This is real. They are doing disinfo, pysops, distractions, distracters, and false flags to keep us trapped in the lies they have told us over the years. Break free people

DeusVultDeusVultBot ago

Big Brother is here

wwwwwwwwwwwww ago

Since the election.. the red coats have been here the red coats have been here.. this is what i am hearing..

con77 ago

flung himself into a pit full of komodo dragons? why would anyone do that?