Jem777 ago

@ESOTERICshade this is the time to explain Babylonia Talmudism what it is and why it is the religion of Saudi’s, Rothschilds, Soros and the CIA (Jesuits) All that Work we have put in on this. Explaining Khazars, Cannanites, Nephelim, etc.

ESOTERICshade ago

Also Saud does not print our money and people that print the money are the Lord. Q is not stupid enough not to understand this. The Lords are the banking oligarch families. Period.

ESOTERICshade ago

@Millennial_Falcon I wish you would reconsider the banning of @commoner. Who else is doing work like this in the forum right now? He was attempting to reconfigure a post so that it would meet the rules. That is exactly what posters are supposed to do. I saw @sensitive2 and @vindicator and I think you give those same instructions to posters in the last week. I wish @commoner would have been given the same chance. Please reconsider the banning of @commoner. His work is too good to be relegated to the back page.

Vindicator ago

@Commoner, I found you three or four pages back in the ban list, with "Spamalek" as the reason MF gave. He told me awhile back that he test-bans people he thinks may be Amalek alts and if they don't DM complaining, figures they were dispensible sock puppet accounts. Two minutes looking at your submission history confirms that is not the case, though, so I just unbanned you.

Thank you for posting speculative and indirectly related research here in v/pizzagatewhatever. It makes our job so much easier. Please ping me if you have, or see, posts here that are directly related to Pizzagate and should be cross posted.

And thank you for your patience! ☺

Jem777 ago

@Vindicator why do you keep me banned? You can look at my posts going back a year. I was banned after posting about Saudi Waleed, Las Vegas, Paddock, Danley links to Uranium One, child trafficking, etc.?

Vindicator ago

I banned your naughty alt that ignored the rules, Jem, as we have repeatedly discussed. But you have others and I haven't banned them.

Jem777 ago

I do not have a naughty alt. Show me where. I have been posting for over a year at great risk having to fight through PTSD to do it and yes I have been assaulted and then threatened with death. I never mentioned it when it happened to not scare people except to @jangles & @dressage2 @darkknight111 in PM who saved the threat.

And I have no others except @Mej777....I actually refuse to have fake alts.

You are either unaware of the danger of silencing victim/witnesses again or are intentionally doing it.

Which is it? Can you point out for everyone one thing I said that was disinfo? Even one? You have smeared my reputation here calling me disinfo, accusing me of lying, trying to connect me with all the shadilay accounts, etc.

I am the one who actually worked so hard to isolate those accounts until I could find the real identity which I have to be able to battle back with truth...

You guys are so caught up you did not see this occurring. I have three direct victims of MK Ultra high profile children I have been entrusted with their stories as they watched Voat pizzagate for months to see who they could trust.

You think they picked me because I Post disinfo? They did because I personally know the darkest aspects of pizzagate.

But when threatened you ban me and smear me and will not say one thing that is disinfo??

Not one.

Another poster on this forum was doxed by extremely dangerous people besides me and attempted to post again last night.

MF deleted immediately. He is a top researcher here on Voat as well as in real life.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx bro.

Vindicator ago

I'm not seeing @Commoner in the ban list. Is he still banned? Also, what was the ban for?

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

If he has been banned, that would be a crying shame. He is the sanest person here. @Commoner

ESOTERICshade ago

This is the exact reason I stopped posting, and no other reason. I see no reason for me to dig up details, struggle to fit the rules, and get banned for it. This situation has gotten good posters banned and many stopped posting at all.

finska ago

This is also why I very rarely post. They have truly sucked the life force out of this forum. I have asked this before is there a way to get rid of the moderators who are derailing this investigation?

Vindicator ago

@finska, it was never any mods intent to suck the life out of the investigation. It's very difficult moderating v/pizzagate because there is constant heavy shilling by people paid to post false leads, nutty theories, offensive rants and other forms of shite to push actual research posts backed by linked sources off the front page before people see it. It's not always easy to tell what's what, nor are we supposed to make subjective judgements. We are just supposed to remove what does not satisfy the submission rules the community put in place. We have a v/pizzagatewhatever sub for ALL material that doesn't satisfy the research post rules. Almost nothing is ever removed from it. I don't understand why someone folks don't want to use it or why they think we want to stifle posts. It's exactly the opposite.

finska ago

'it was never any mods intent to suck the life out of the investigation'

Too many good contributers and posts have been banned for me believe that. Sorry.

When interpreting a contentious point in legislation the judgment must consider the intention behind the law. I dont believe the intention behind our rules here would include deleting genuine leads that can further the investigation.

Vindicator ago

Too many good contributers and posts have been banned for me believe that. Sorry.

If you link me to examples, I will research and try to do something about it.

finska ago

Ok thanks. Its mostly MF that does it but here are three examples off the top of my head Jem777, Dark Math and Hojuruku. Loved these guys. Lets not forget some people here have been victims and even tho their style might not perfectly meet the rules doesnt mean they arent moving the investigation forward. Which I believe is the intention behind our rules.

Vindicator ago

Truth be told, I am the one who banned Jem, and it was because he repeatedly ignored the submission rules even when warned by VictorSteinerDavion. If he'd taken any responsibility, I would have unbanned him. But instead he started spreading disinfo. You can read my recent comment history and see what the problem was.

I miss DarkMath as well, and asked O's to review his banning. They decided he should stay banned. He, too, stopped respecting the submission rules.

Hojuruku was destroying people's research posts with long comments about his own research, as well as not following the submission rules.

In my opinion, these three users are good examples of people who "black pilled" -- becoming so frustrated they lost the ability honor niceties like the submission rules. But Voat requires mods to treat them the same as forum-sliding shills. I don't like it, but I do like having a place we can document the best evidence free of corporate profit-driven censorship, so although I do attempt to show people how to post within our rule set, I do ban those who refuse to do so.

jangles ago

@Jem777 and @Vindicator

You are both Great people Get over it.

Jem777 ago

I will when she unbans me from pizzagate and stops with smears attacks.

How do I get over it when I literally have been banned. All of the points I had not useable on pizzagate. And she intentionally told malicious lies about me being disinfo, shill, bot, etc. Not allowing me to defend mysel.

@Vindicator can change that and lift the ban. I can forgive but smearing me and getting others to chime in is pathetic.

I am willing to let it go and let bygones be bygones but @Vindicator needs to compromise as well and unban my account.

jangles ago

@Vindicator and @Jem777

I am sloppy with my posts on a constant basis. I really should construct some more logical and resolved reference based posts, because I don't I have a bunch of time I place things in a hole until I can verify them. I have defiantly verified disinformation I posted. So I delete it or change it, it is kind of difficult to construct a relevant post that has factual basis and perceived relevance. This leads to people who's intent is good, into posting disinformation without their knowing. We all must do more to validate and vindicate via a basis of claims and references where possible. Serious and crafty disinfo subversion efforts are at play. There are many great revelations exposed by some of jem's efforts and history. Re-posting things without thorough scrutiny in its validity has made me appear ridiculous to some of my family members, and maybe here on voat. I hope people point me in the proper direction and assist in bolstering my posts here when I make them and they get taken down.

Getting to the point and being clear and concise with regards to a piece of a bigger puzzle. Describing exactly where the work someone does here fits into 'the puzzle' becomes convoluted as the specifics have to be resolved and logical. So what do we do? Jem step up your game! you are a powerful person, have great things to say, and have contributed in ways that others can't empathize with due to its nature. Respect and thorough logic bring me back to this community, great work is being done here.

@Vindicator, never much end up in chats with you here. Thanks for you continued contributions and please help us out if you believe we are posting dis-info, help us understand your logic or at least point fellow goats to the info you find that warrants something as disinformation

Vindicator ago

help us out if you believe we are posting dis-info, help us understand your logic or at least point fellow goats to the info you find that warrants something as disinformation

I try to always do that, jangles. Our moderation rules require us to leave up any post that has been made in accord with the submission rules -- i.e. Clearly states the direct connection to sexual abuse of kids by the global elite and provides links to sources that support each major claim. We have to take down any post that fails this test, and ask folks to repost in v/pizzagatewhatever until they can fulfill those requirements. That's how the sub was set up to bolster the investigation by documenting the most powerful citizen research and thwart the disinfo shills. If a post satisfies these requirements but we believe it to be disinfo, we are not supposed to remove it. We are supposed to flair it as such and explain why we are doing so. Personal testimony posts which are unsourced discussion posts have to be made in v/pizzagatewhatever, or in the comment section of any research thread on v/pizzagate (we do not remove Comments unless they are porn, adspam, or actual doxing; which are very rare). Jem has had many posts removed and a couple of alts banned for ignoring these submission requirements.

Personal testimony posts which are written as research posts, with links to statistics, news stories, scientific analysis articles about child abuse etc. that are relevant to the OP's experience make such posts satisfy v/pizzagate's submission rules, and should be left up. I try to explain this whenever I have had to remove one from a new user. People don't always take kindly to this, however, and become emotional and begin attacking mods, claiming we are corrupt, and further violating submission guidelines by doing so in rants on the main sub rather than in v/pizzagatemods where those issues are supposed to be aired out. Jem falls into this category, and that is why one of his alts remains banned. You will notice he continues to make wild unsubstantiated claims attacking me, with no linked evidence to support any of them. My comment history is there for all to see, including my interactions with Jem and mej.

jangles ago

help us out if you believe we are posting dis-info, help us understand your logic or at least point fellow goats to the info you find that warrants something as disinformation

I try to always do that

THANK YOU! you are the best since @l4l1lul3l0

Jem is honorable and doesn't intentionally spread disinfo, maybe corybantic and excited, probably targeted for spreading disinfo through.

Jem777 ago

Excuse me can you point out any disinfo that I posted? I have asked you repeatedly to do this and you won’t. Point out the disinfo @Vindicator even one thing? You did not even follow that day correctly. I posted about Saudi Waleed, Mandolay Bay, Paddock, Danley and Uranium One. Every thing I posted came true. How did I have that info ahead of time? I might be an actual original source. And I have stated repeatedly the threat I am under by posting any of it but am doing it anyway for these kids, and whistleblowers all over. Then you smeared me like you have here. @ finals thank you. You are correct many top researchers have left pizzagate because of this....

@dressage2 @jangles

ESOTERICshade ago

A post of his got deleted. He read the reasons Mil Falcon gave and tried to fix the post a couple of times to make it comply with the rules. I think he tried twice more to make his post and got banned.

Commoner ago

Well, thank you so much.

ESOTERICshade ago

My guess is that the KEYSTON that holds the three sides of cabal together, that being the Saudi billionaires, Rothschilds , and Soros is our own CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY.

This part is incredibly hard for me to swallow. London has long been known as the financial capital of the world but Q is saying that the Saudis are the equivalent of London? Makes no sense unless London has its money hidden there. The U.S. is a vassal state of the european bankers. They own our ass.

I am under the impression that they lured the House Of Saud into so much debt that they control Saud too. Saud started putting its surplus oil money into buying U.S. Treasuries in the 1970's in exchange for military protection from the United States. The U.S. threatened the Saudis a couple of years ago by releasing the "missing 28 pages of the 911 report" that shows Saud involvement in 911. And Saud was only a patsy in that deal.

I am seeing a pattern of blaming Saud for 911 more and more. Saud is also striking up relations with China and Russia. Seemingly Saud and the U.S. are not the BFF they used to be. Maybe they have served their purpose as middle east patsy and logistical staging point for western oligarchs to destabilize the middle east and are now being thrown under the bus.

Regardless I don't believe Saud is the top dog.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

My guess is London controlled Vatican money is the Keystone. Much older than Saudi wealth.

Commoner ago

Regardless I don't believe Saud is the top dog.

Well, Q did paint them as the richest . . . wasn't it $4B? Rothchilds $2B and Soros $1B?

ESOTERICshade ago

typo, should be trillion. but Saud does not own banks in every country in the world. european bankers do. so how can saud be the top dog?

Commoner ago

Yep, should have said Trillion. I do agree with you that I don't think the Saudis are the top dog. They are just the richest leg the triangle. It is interesting how Trump targeted them first. They controlled the oil/energy for so long until fracking appeared. The Rothchilds appear to control the banking and federal reserve. So what does Soros control . . . the third world countries?

I am still thinking that with the release of JFK files (secret intelligence), the Saudis influence of our government, and the Rothschild's control of the Federal Reserve, it is our own CORRUPT govt. (deep state intels) that connect everyone. Look at Bush, sr.

ESOTERICshade ago

They are just the richest leg the triangle.

That is very possible and in my estimation it is likely that the true owner of that Saud leg is not Saud itself but some european banking families. It makes sense to me that if this leg is knocked out it knocked out a leg in Europe.

Commoner ago

This part is incredibly hard for me to swallow.

Just what Q said. . . . 'hard to swallow'

It is just my theory, but if you remove the intelligence gathering and sharing, the 3 sides can't work together as well.

goatboy ago

No. The Keystone is Council on Foreign Relations.

Commoner ago

Do you have a source on that? And do you think that would shock 90% of Americans?

someone just posted this in P/g