Sackajahweeda ago

Did you all see the things that Tracy Beanz uncovered in that Snowden movie as far as name connections go? Really amazing wizards and warlocks and others really good stuff. it was her last Q video go check it out!

ZX4jBXu ago

Almost as funny as how the database of different Muslim extremist groups was labeled as "The Database" in Aribic. Which translates to "Al-Qaeda".

That's how a big bad enemy is created, by giving it a name and repeating it in the media 1000 times a day until people think that there is an actual group of sand warriors calling themselves Al-Qaeda and they want to eat your kids.

madmama ago


AnthraxAlex ago

While the utah data center alone can hold 12 exabytes of data. Total Internet traffic for one year is just now exceeding 1 zetabyte which is 1000 exabytes. Now here's the magic, most of the internet traffic is redundant, transmissions of copies of data and the largest portion of the content is video. With proper indexing they don't need to store all the traffic just references to the content and who was viewing it. This fact makes it likely that they have capability to store all of the unique content on the internet and all of the traffic history for that content.

ESOTERICshade ago


Q was correct and leading us this direction.

Q is an old school conspiracy but who saw an opportunity to perpetrate the greatest LARP in the history of the chans.

Accurate predictions by Q are a zero indicator of the motives behind the peoples responsible for the events. All events are only points in time connected to other events in a chain that is linked to a goal or objective. Correctly predicting an event does not disclose the purpose that the event plays in the "chain of events" that remains unseen.

It is unwise to assume the motive of an event is known without being able to see the rest of the hidden chain of events and what it is ultimately attached to.

The whole Q chain is a series of many events whose final destination is assumed but unknown. Confirmation bias leads to the rabbit hole.

Blacksmith21 ago

If I were a betting man, I'd give 5:3 odds that Voat overall is backed up by the white hats. Consider the resources required to collect OSINT and turn it into actionable intelligence. /pizzagate is essentially a fusion center with a minimum of several hundred analyst/researchers working the topics, more likely a couple thousand active members.

If/when the hammer comes down, don't be surprised if the information collected here, and intelligence produced here, has and will be used in the issuance of warrants and arrests, and will likely be used as the basis for prosecution.

This will be even more true if trials occur under UCMJ versus the US legal system.

Interesting times...

madmama ago


YogSoggoth ago

By white hats I imagine anonymous sources. I wear a black cowboy hat up North to keep my head warm. Johnny Cash sings "Man In Black" for the first time (with intro)4:10 Johnny Cash sings "Man In Black" for the first time...

Blacksmith21 ago

White Hats = Good Guys

YogSoggoth ago

Maybe you need to listen to the lyrics.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't know if its still there. Seems like I looked and it was gone. But Voat was on the list of Y Combinator companies. Should have taken a screen shot of it. It was on Wikipedia on a list, listed as either a Y Combinator Company or in the Business Incubator category. I saw it myself. Here, I just looked. Unless this is the wrong page its gone now.

Blacksmith21 ago

Interesting. hard to say what intel ties may exist with Y Combinator. It doesn't look like an In-Q-Tel model, which is more overtly intelligence oriented. (Did you ever see some of the companies they have invested in? Includes a cosmetic company that does DNA matching compounding!)

FWIW, I believe the missions of Dyncorp and Palantir are diametrically opposed. Palantir is likely what has been digesting all of the fact and fiction put forth on Voat to develop all of the relational maps, among a myriad of other taskings. Dyncorp is old school, knuckle dragger dirty work and was born out of the CIA. Sure they have developed offensive technical capabilities, but they do not do what Palantir does. But, they have the weapons and platforms - very important. Both companies are contractors with different clients and differing missions.

DeathTwoMasons ago

I struggle to read 4chan. The format sucks and I don't know how to find things there. Needs a face lift.

madmama ago


sentryseven ago

Me too. It’s nearly impossible.

Snailracer ago

This is interesting enough, but it really belongs in pizzagatewhatever, since it isn't really relevant unless you can tie it to PG.

madmama ago


Snailracer ago

Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue, but maybe I should stick with another Goldwater quote, in your heart you know I'm right. Thanks for the random crumbs even if you can't be bothered to sort them.

carmencita ago

Some of this article is funny and scary both. A must read. In the article it calls CIA HQ as "the Farm". Who else that we know called it that? Please also look at this, an eyeopener Something that may not surprise, but here it is in black and white.

madmama ago


DomKeyhote ago

The Farm is the agent training facility.

VaginalCanal ago

This is an amazing find.


  1. Q was correct and leading us this direction.

  2. Q is an old school conspiracy but who saw an opportunity to perpetrate the greatest LARP in the history of the chans.

This article was written in 2000 which makes it entirely plausible that Q had read this article at some point over the last 17 years. It's even more plausible if Q happened to be one of the 2.9 million residents residing in Chicago in the year 2000.

The other possibility is that the OG Q was legit but due to failing to use trips, every Q afterwards was a LATE.

My point being that I don't trust ANONS. I want to believe in Q. I want to believe with everything I am. As we go further along, the more skeptical I become.

Yes, many of Q's predictions have become somewhat true. However, almost every thing posted can be confirmed to have been posted after it was publicly available.

I'm done with Q, as well as any other anon, until one of them posts something that hasn't been publicly released and what they post must then be made public after the fact.

An example would be:

"Trump will post this message on Tuesday the 14th of November "........." and then Trump posts, verbatim, that tweet on that day.

No more speculation.

I'm simply over it.

Hannity and his stupid fucking "tick tock" bullshit can go to he'll. He's using key words to drive ratings. Not a single one of his tick tocks habe amounted to anything more than a bunch of people speculating and urging action. Not a single indictment for any of his quasi bombshells.

Yes, I believe there indictments that are sealed and pending. Yes, i feel like they right leaning news stations are slightly more giddy than their left leaning counterparts whom seem to depressed. Yes, i believe everything posted by the ANONS could be completely plausible.

Unfortunately, I also believe it could be an epic LARP. If this is, indeed, a LARPER, I will quit investigating everything.

Three way these communities shift their focus is amazing. A week ago, we were on the verge of WW3, the arrest of the Clintons and possibly Obama. This week, it's all about pizzagate and two weeks ago, it was the the Hollywood bullshit.

Until Q, or someone else, gives us an exact action that is to occur on a specific date and actually happens, I say we quit giving ANONS any credence.

madmama ago


SterlingJB ago

Much of Q's info can be found in c theorists books like David Icke's. Not down talking Q, or even Lizard man Icke for that matter (the world keeps proving the guy right about most things; stop it world), but much of Q's content has been repeated before. If a larp though, it sure seems like a professional one rather than your average autistic joe or jane, and I wouldn't be surprised if T or team would utilize the 4chan info dissemination/creation machine.

YogSoggoth ago

" I say we quit giving ANONS any credence." You have failed the test of humanity or you are a shill. YOG.

YogSoggoth ago

OK maybe I raised your hackles. When you say, "I'm done with Q, as well as any other anon, until one of them posts something that hasn't been publicly released and what they post must then be made public after the fact", you are stating your own frustrated thoughts out to others in this forum who are not as frustrated as you and wasting others time because we thought you had something to say. Put simply, you are muddying the waters, thus the shill remark. I hope you forgive me if I am wrong.

VaginalCanal ago

You're a fucking idiot. Check my post history.

I'm on the Trump train 100% but at some point you have to recognize real. We have no verifiable proof that anything Q had said has come to pass yet we have proof that nothing Q has posted came prior to its public appearance.

I've been there since the beginning. I didn't sleep for 3 nights. I'm not saying every question hasn't been relevant. In fact, I believe it's taken us further than we could've gotten on our own.

I'm simply stating I'm over the hype.

singleservingfriend ago

There's another possibility, LexisNexis. I've read that Andrew Breitbart used this research resources to investigate records for Arianna Huffington - It's a resource for journalists. It could be LARPing to determine collective behaviours, PR to land credibility, or true; But at best we should research and call bushit if it ultimately yields nothing or if "certain" landmark goals are attained despite seemingly negative outcomes to "certain" groups.... "certain"

P.S. "certain".

P.P.S. "certain", lol

ESOTERICshade ago

This Q anon thing might have come with packaged cheerleaders too because there are a ton of names I have never seen pushing it forward. Saudi thing is about global trade. Period. If the Clintons take a lick in the process then even better. While the rest of the world, the big money, moves forward to pound Lebanon, and Iran probably, the truth movement, at least much of it, fell into seriously deep rabbit hole with no fukin idea where it leads.

Womb_Raider ago

Don't quit investigating, just be more skeptical. Gotta keep investigating.

dooob ago

Agree. If you consider that 4chan is heavily controlled and monitored, informing us what is the next move is in most cases idiotic. When was the last time an anon used a timestamp and badge or something to validate himself?

carmencita ago

I pretty much feel the same way. I will read things on here but will take them with a grain of salt. All very interesting, just as this find. But again, I will file it away with others.

GHDW ago

Hmm, really. Out of all the people here I thought you'd be a part of the awakening.
This troubles me too much, why are you taking this stance?

SoldierofLight ago

Because @Carmencita isn't jumping up and down for these promises from an anon source she's not part of the awakening??? How dare you accuse her of anything of the sort. What other rules do we have to go by in order to pass your eligibility criteria?

3141592653 ago

Right on. Carmencitas got a whole army of light behind her.

carmencita ago

TY. I will have my 1 Yr. Anniv. on Dec. 1st. and one thing it took me a while to learn is too be happy about new clues and news, but to keep my perspective, that is all I am saying. I will ping you to join in research btw in whatever.

SoldierofLight ago

Sounds good. ;-)

carmencita ago

Yes, we believe there were kids kept there. Trying to find out more by researching.........

SoldierofLight ago

I'm on it. Can't provide details.

carmencita ago

Nothing has been corroborated. We are going on the word of an Anonymous person. I am not disbelieving it, I am just keeping an open mind. I was copying many of the 4chan comments for a long time for everyone to read. I did that because I think we should be open to everything so that we can make up our own minds. I am not asleep just because I do not agree with others. Btw, I do not believe it to be untrue, just know that others were not what they seemed to be.

GHDW ago

Please understand that I wasn't attacking you personally just felt surprised at you not being joyous. In this time of darkness we need all of our soldiers, like you, to keep the open mind and a positive outlook. Positive thoughts transcend beyond our bodies and help all those who need it. Think of "spooky action at a distance" but with positive energy.

carmencita ago

I will try, I guess it all comes down to not wanting to be disappointed again. Sigh :}

GHDW ago

That was me a few months ago. After spending years "shouting" at people in chatrooms I became completely disheartened with society, nearly lost everything because of it. I'll save you my amazing grace story but suffice to say I'm taking everything positively, even the failures

carmencita ago

I completely understand, :)

SoldierofLight ago

Don't apologize, Carmencita. You can be open minded and positive and still not be a Q flag waver until or unless Q earns it. Meanwhile, continue your work on PG. Not getting caught up in the hoopla in the meantime simply means if he is a larp, you won't be devastated. If he's not a larp and all of his promises come true, there will be time for celebration later.

carmencita ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

Looks like Trump is using the NSA to take down the CIA.

DeathTwoMasons ago

No chance in hell. The CIA works for the Banks that Trump is beholden to. Your wasting your time thinking that good guys are in high place battling the people that have a stranglehold on the entire system. You are not allowed on the ballot unless you are one of them. Trump was not a write on.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Didn't I already call you out on your BS ? OH YEAH, I DID:

[–] DeathTwoMasons 0 points (+0|-0) 7 days ago  (edited 7 days ago) How about things being revealed ever? Zero arrest. Zero charges. CIA still running things. Trump was part of the 9/11 lie and you think he is fighting them and not one of them. You are being thrown bones. You have been wrong for a year about this investigation existing. Chronic sceptic for sure. Weinstein's groping is some PG victory to you guys. The system will never arrest themselves and outsiders are not on the inside. All media is controlled by them. Put it together and you are continually being had by the same tactics. They know your need to feel like you are winning so they let you feel that way but you never actually win and they continue their daily business. Arrest are imminent! permalink parent save source reply report

[–] Oh_Well_ian 0 points (+0|-0) 7 days ago  (edited 7 days ago) You're the worst of all shills. You're a Downer Shill. You admit the facts and identify the criminals and then you insult people who you agree with because they don't view current events so cynically, like you. You don't even bother explaining how these arrests in SA, the accurate predictions of the Anon, the timing of the Presidents trip and his stops, etc. are NOT related. You group everyone into 'you guys', shit on any optimism, and smugly walk off. That's because you're a downer shill. permalink parent save edit delete reply report

Shillaxe ago

shill v shill

ESOTERICshade ago

You don't even bother explaining how these arrests in SA, the accurate predictions of the Anon,

Accurate predictions are a zero indicator of the motives behind the peoples responsible for the events. All events are only points in time connected to other events in a chain that is linked to a goal or objective. Correctly predicting an event does not disclose the purpose that the event plays in the "chain of events" that remains unseen.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

This is why President Trump called Al Waleed bin Talal DOPEY.

JustAnotherUser ago

Holy shit

Scablifter ago

I am happy.

madmama ago


Rmm ago

Genius find! Very impressed, from the "real" media too lol

jbooba ago

Yeah read it back in the days but forgot... True.

madmama ago