Dressage2 ago

My question is: Who has a cookout on December 28th in Washington D.C.!!!! You can only imagine how cold it would be there to be outside for a cookout. The whole thing smacks of nefarious conduct. Hang 'em high,

Geo_synchronous ago

Wheres the beef ? Post link to email.

rickman ago

Rear of the property

Front of property

Above view

So its a cookout but you can tell by that last link they don't have a child friendly large garden. Or even a garden that would be pleasant to stand around in all afternoon. It's a pretty small patio area considering the open invitation to bring all available children. The end of December is also not ideal to be standing outside anyway, this is presumably a suckling pig cooked outside and then served inside.

That period between Christmas and New Year can be pretty boring for kids. I'd like to know how exactly a party where adults will begin drinking at 3pm is catered for them? There's no mention of what makes it family friendly that would convince parents this will stop the kids from being bored. How many parents would also think their child watching an entire pig being cooked is appropriate anyway? There's plenty of adults would find that sight unsettling, goodness knows what it would do to a child.

Z11Mama ago

It's very odd that a time is listed for vegan and kosher food as if it is different timing than meat. What is up with that? Never seen such a thing.

tholinz ago

I never saw this one, but I think I know why. Pedestal had a ton of distro list mail from various sources. American Progress was one of those. I always dismissedthose out of hand because so many were invitations to things or roll-ups of WaPo articles. Might be worth going back and looking deeper at those.

This is creepy as fuck. You don’t need to fly in tortillas from Mexico. Any abuela can make them from scratch perfectly.

waxdino ago

This has been discussed on here before if you want to read more: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1524629

This is one of my favorite examples of obvious code in the podesta emails, and so timely right now.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Slit their throats and be done with it already.

letsdothis2 ago

Matt Duss has a brother Brian Duss who works for World Vision USA https://imgur.com/a/LdsyalX

aid workers trawled the Haiti tent cities to pick up young orphaned girls as young as 12 for sex - World Vision named also

Prince Harry's Meghan Markle has a background that needs further investigation... she appears to have all the connections a cabal person would have

In 2016, Markle became a global ambassador for World Vision Canada, traveling to Rwanda for the Clean Water Campaign.

Root of Corruption - Annex: Matt Damon

ONE was founded in 2004 by a coalition of 11 non-profit humanitarian and advocacy organizations, including DATA, CARE, World Vision, Oxfam America, and Bread for the World, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2007, ONE announced that it would be merging with DATA.

DATA was created for the purposes of obtaining equality and justice for Africa through debt relief, adjusting trade rules which burden Africa, eliminating the epidemic of AIDS in Africa, strengthening democracy, furthering accountability by the wealthiest nations and African leaders, and transparency towards the people. In 2007, in the United States, DATA and Bono were jointly awarded the National Constitution Center's 2007 Liberty Medal for their groundbreaking efforts to address the AIDS crisis and extreme poverty in Africa.

Start-up funds came from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, financier George Soros, and technology entrepreneur Edward W. Scott.

letsdothis2 ago

Helga Flores: According to her CV has been a key member at the Inter-American Development Bank since December 2008. Between 2003 and 2008 she was Executive Director Executive Director, North America Office, Heinrich Boell Foundation (see: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2609143/13139482), Washington D.C. In 2002, she was Senior Advisor, OSCE Mission to the Former Yugoslavia, Democracy Promotion Belgrade, Serbia.


The Inter-American Development Bank (IADB or IDB or BID) is the largest source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Wikileaks: https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09BERLIN1610_a.html

  1. (SBU) SUMMARY. Per reftel request, Embassy Berlin finds no evidence suggesting the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) or its affiliate organizations share ties to groups that support pedophilia. Per UNV representatives, the organization does not grant official status, accreditation or recognition to any organization that promotes, condones, and/or seeks the legalization of pedophilia, or that has any subsidiaries or member organizations that do. END SUMMARY.

  2. (SBU) The list of partner organizations includes 22 UN agencies and seven other agencies, which can be found at www.unv.org/partners/partnership-list.html. Information about the 22 UN agencies is either requested directly from other posts in reftel, or is most readily attainable from USUN; as such, Embassy Berlin did not look into these agencies. Of the seven other agencies, three of them - the European Union, International Federation of the Red Cross/Red Crescent, and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) are well known international organizations based outside of Germany.

So, The Embassy Berlin did NOT look into the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) for pedophilia. Convenient.

letsdothis2 ago

Interesting. Michael Werz is a member of the Atlantic Bridge https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Werz

voat post: Cambridge Analytica, Atlantic Bridge, Thatcher's govt, Michael Hintze, Espirito Banco and the financier of the Hampstead cult.

He also seems to be associated with the German Green party: https://www.boell.de/en/node/151860 and very favourable towards Angela Merkel's policies.

Well here's an article on the German Green Party: Pedophile Links Haunt Green Party

In the 1980s, some members of Germany's Green Party advocated the legalization of sex with minors. Now the party wants to come to terms with this dark chapter via an independent review of internal documents -- some of which show that the influence of pedophiles on the young party was much stronger than previously thought.

tech-adm ago

"fresh, handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico the previous day" - who the hell does this? The Idle Rich? Have they never heard of a food truck or a Mexican restaurant? It doesn't make sense, unless that is the point - speaking in code.

Octoclops ago

Don't even Joke about killing Mad Maxine she's a golden goose of nonsense. She probably turns a few people away from leftism every time she talks.

Vindicator ago


mrohm ago

This guy is German, so he might say things that sound off. I know German speakers who say things that sound odd, but aren't.

I don't doubt that Podesta is weird and creepy, but this is a reach. Many of these people are foodies, and getting "authentic" food is a badge of honour. I know this will be voted down, but for me, finding codes in emails is a stretch. Focus on Tony's child porn collection.

letsdothis2 ago

There are videos of him online. He's quite fluent in English. After all the stuff I've found on him and the others in that email, I don't think this was a broken English language issue.

Shizy ago

He's American, and he's not even of German descent- hes polish and Italian. There's no logical reason for him to be speaking in such a strange way!!!

Tzitzimitl ago

shes not valuable enough to ✡️them✡️ to bother protecting

infact ✡️they✡️ might be trying bait somebody into killing her

slwsnowman40 ago

The same reason you would fly "hot dogs and pizza" from Chicago....

elitch2 ago

No, I did not. I try not to watch retarded niggers do anything.

ANyhow, you don't need to get close. Any moron can make a 300m shot with the proper weapon.

unclassified ago

Sounds awfully incriminating.

exposethecriminals ago

January 29, 2014:

Government requests transport for 65,000 unaccompanied minors, 50 percent via commercial air. The Blaze

December 28, 2014:

Taco party

GreenDell144 ago

What the heck did I just read?! This seems like a big deal. Why would the US government bring 65,000 children into the country?!!

There is only one answer available to that question: pizza party.

This is too insane, could use more verification.

exposethecriminals ago

It's hard to imagine, right? But the verification is in Sara Carter's article.

Just go to the hyperlink for the Federal Business Opportunities ad:


You will see a download link that looks like this:

Juvenile_Transport_RFI_(TONY_Edits_1_29_14).docx (36.76 Kb)

Description: Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children RFI

I downloaded it (again, I also checked it the first time I read it, to be sure) and took a screen capture:


3891776389 ago

Reddit "seems" to flip out when you say that these emails are implying child sex trafficking.

"This is a family friendly event, so you should bring all children that are available."

Wouldn't surprise me if it was Podesta's alt account trying to defend himself lol.

AinzOown ago

Anyone have the image file?

"This is a family friendly event, so you should bring all children that are available."

Worded weird, I'll give you that. Usually you say something like, "feel free to bring the kids." Not, "you SHOULD bring all the children that are available."

karenrussell63 ago

The referenced email above is Podesta's reply, if you view the original message: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/17313 you will see the image there.


The attached image is sourced from: http://www.pbs.org/food/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/2012/04/takorean-tacos-3.jpg

SweetChicken ago

Missed this one. This fucker needs the Joan of Arc treatment

TrudeauianEyebrow ago

High of 57°. Light rain.

Perfect cookout weather?

Are_we_sure ago

In December? I'll take 57 degrees and light rain.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago


VoatIsForTimmy ago

The blood transfusion gear was inside. So, it was perfect for him.

glassuser ago

Spirit cookout.

lamplight ago

What kills me is everything must be politically correct except decent behavior toward others including children. Ya, I think we've all had enough of these sick pedos.

8_billion_eaters ago

The insane left doesn't care if you know they are pedophiles. They are saying 'fuck you' to your face.

YogSoggoth ago

Tortilla Press - Walmart.com Discontinued at Harbor Freight because of space limitations. Price is still under 9 bucks. Masa at GFS is about 10$. makes a lot of tortillas. Other ingredients can be water, salt, and lard, but usually only H2O.

gamepwn ago

What I wouldn't give to a put a bullet in that piece of shits head.


Go ahead. I didn't see anything.

elitch2 ago

Not to incite or anything, but what, hypothetically speaking, is stopping someone from doing this?

I am often amazed at the lack of assassinations, given the current poliitcal climate.

I reckon they did a good job of culling the alpha males with WWI&II, Korea, Vietnam. I reckon all it took was that solid generational break of beta domination/feminism to completely fuck things.

How many hundreds of years do you think the kikes schemed for this day?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow. Bang on. I’ve always thought this also in regards to the wars. And how certain families sons and fathers got to skip out. Everyone knows a family member at some point in their tree who was fucked up from the war in a bad way. I hope everyone knows now we all stand together and refuse to fight their shitty wars.

Anon145747832 ago

Taking out even one high-profile target would probably lead to governments flexing their muscle even more.

Whatever happened to all those guillotines from the French Revolution?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

They never got rid of alphas. They didn't think that they needed to. This whole SJW phenomena, and demonisation of masculinity to such a great extent is still relatively new. Its damage control.

They didn't realize that things would get out of hand, but when you allow a free flow of information for so long, well, you can't exactly exert solid control on the masses, especially in a society that creates outcasts so easily and at a high rate. Fact is that they created a society than only some can truly be happy in. The rest either plough along, with increasing resentment or outright rebel and call this bullshit out.

Sometimes I wonder whether all of this is intentional.

https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_081018 https://www.scribd.com/doc/403303/The-Revelations-of-an-Elite-Family-Insider-2005

Shizy ago

My husband is very much an alpha male, but what stops him from doing something like this is he doesn't want to be incarcerated and have to leave his young family. I assume this is not an uncommon deterrent for most people.

Cc1914 ago

This whole time I thought you were male ! My husband is also very much alpha . My son as well . I feel safe 🙂

Shizy ago

I thought you were male too 😆! Same here with my boys. I love it!

Cc1914 ago

Hahah ! We are strong ( very female) women !

Shizy ago

I think that often comes across as male in writing 😁

Cc1914 ago

Yes your right ! I've been called bro or dude a few times per my writing .

Shizy ago

Same here. And I have seen it happen a lot to srayzie too.

woodgrain ago

Honestly I think that throughout history the “lone gunman” trope has always been a patsy/ fake story. There’s no assassinations because assassination itself is a tool of the elite. Poor people (I.e. anyone not from a generational wealth+power family) have a morality/ principles programmed into us that is a very different ethos from that of the powerful.

cyks ago

Also, for the poor to recognize any benefit, a single assassination will do nothing. It would take several assassinations across the nation or globe, precision strikes at the heart of (((corruption))) to deliver any meaningful message upward.

woodgrain ago

I really think there are 5000 people at most across the world where, if they were taken out of play, we could probably have a lot of nice things... I think even 5000 is a little high of a number. But... Yeah, precise strikes against a tiny number of people who are highly powerful, corrupt, and intelligent would change the world for the better. I doubt we even know the names of who most of these people are, though.

karenrussell63 ago


Vindicator ago

I think we're going to find out there's something to this idea.

theoldones ago

they THOUGHT they got all the alphas and then they acted too soon.

AvariciousNose ago

Why don’t you? You have a family and a comfortable life that deters you from making decisions like that

elitch2 ago

Well, if they ever burn my world down, I guess we'll find out.

MrPim ago

They are burning your world down. Find him, track him, get close if possible, or remain as shadowy as possible. Plug him. Move on to the next. Everyone keeps asking why someone doesn't. It isn't impossible. I'm not suggesting anyone here do so... I'm just saying it could be done, and you could even get several if you were clever.

elitch2 ago

Nah, man. I cut a firebreak a while back. I could just sit here and watch the world burn.

I've no reason to unleash, I'm sitting pretty.

Y'all get a more general sort of uprising happening, I've got your back.

MrPim ago

I feel like goading you. But I don't think that is right anyway. You want the enemy to break first. This is a game of Castles. First around the hillock reveals his position first. The proper course is to wait, for now. But, you guys asked, and one motivated guy could get some big fish if he was smart.

Mylon ago

But who are the Big Fish? Ultimately, Podesta is just a man providing services for clients. If it wasn't him doing it, it would be someone else. Are the clients the Big Fish, or the blackmailed puppets dancing to the strings of another layer?

elitch2 ago

I am genuinely surprised that someone hasn't done this yet.

Blacksmith21 ago

You and me both.

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

You nuts are starting to connect some dots. Or, maybe the dots are starting to connect nuts. I'm confused.

Shizy ago

Well your nuts look like dots, but no one wants to connect with them 🤣

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Epic burn! Fine, fine work. 😗

Shizy ago

Ha ha! Thanks! 😉

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

Indeed, half of every morse code message sent is side chat about my nuts.

think- ago


carmencita ago

You can get handmade tortillas in NY in DC in LA in Chicago in Texas. Why fly them in from Mexico? Hmm. All children that are available. Available for what? When having a party most would say Children Invited or Included, Allowed. Available sounds like, uh, some are home and some are not? If some of your kids are out don't bring them cause they are not available............sounds just plain nuts.

TrishaUK ago

Or bring those that you have available stored in the cages?

carmencita ago

TY. Been out all day. Getting on it now.

GreenDell144 ago

My family has a tortillera. It’s not a big deal. The best corn actually comes from the US. There ARE about 500 different types of indigenous corn down here, in colors ranging from orange to purple to blue. Their rarity makes them a sort of delicacy in local circles, neighborhoods and families... BUT it still seems like a stretch, because none of those types of corn makes a particularly better tortilla. In fact, many Mexicans chip in the extra nickel and spring for wheat flour tortillas. They make more durable tacos.

Some prefer corn, it’s true. I like both just fine.

But really... who’s gonna send out to another country for tortillas? That appears very suspiciously to be slang for something.

carmencita ago

I don't have to send out, I make my own. From scratch. The corn. I make mine a little thicker so they are sturdier. Send out? Ridiculous. You can get the masa almost anywhere now I would think. You can also buy it in a box, the masa flour. So yeah, Kooky really. If they had this fancy chef there you would think he would bring his own masa and press out his own. Rick Bayless does it all the time on TV. I agree. No way. Definitely sounds like some kind of code.

Earthbalance2 ago

You are definitely correct.

Are_we_sure ago

You can get handmade tortillas in NY in DC in LA in Chicago in Texas

You can. And you can get fresh uncooked tortillas direct from Mexico. https://www.mexgrocer.com/50657-00300-5pk.html

So what?

Just because you might do it another way is not really evidence of anything.

All you have here is a story that you have convinced yourselves is true and this based on nothing.

carmencita ago

TY. I don't know why people can't get it. It's easy, right? Yet when you explain it they still say it means nothing. SMH.

mooteensy ago

The only thing that could have made it more obvious, is if he would have put "family friendly" in quotes like that. Thanks for all your great work, @carmencita !

carmencita ago

TY! Anyone that does not think that email is weird, is OTL. Out To Lunch.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

wow, never saw that one.

Blacksmith21 ago

As sublime as the risotto...