queenhootie ago

they are some sick people

amyrebeccajames ago

Here is another email I stumbled on which is titled the 4th annual pig roast If a pig being roasted is really a human sacrifice reference, then they really like to do this a lot. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4833

alliecapone ago

Apologies if someone asked and I missed it, I didn't wanna make a new post for it, it involves Podesta and his gmail account. I wonder did he have a google drive in which he might have kept things?

Forgetmenot ago

A proper investigation would clear up all doubts but also expose the guilty. As long as these innocents that you are referring to: avoid an investigation they will appear to be hiding something. I myself would welcome an investigation because I would not want my reputation smeared. But Andrew breitbart said it best: what are you hiding in your closet podesta? Innocent people don't avoid an investigation.

arrggg ago

Fuck off pedosta fan.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

My parents believe it. Friends not so much.

I just meditate more than ever. Shit keeps me sane and working out allows me to direct my anger constructively.

neo50 ago

For what it's worth, the house in the email on California Street is owned by Helga Flores Trejo. It might be another name to watch for.


A Google search reveals that Helga is a multilingual expert in foreign relations. The following is a Podesta email stating that she wanted to work on Clinton's campaign.


creep ago

How do kids make a party?

followthebucks ago

Michael Werz is German, so the strange wording and early beer drinking doesn't seem so suspicious to me. I lived in Germany for several years, and beer and wine are everywhere, even at school events. On the other hand, I'm curious why a German national would be a fellow at John Podesta's Center for American Progress...

DarkFae ago

Wow. That made me think of that weird art piece that Podesta had. The human/pig with sucklings. I'm not familiar with how to post images. Maybe someone could dig that up?

amyrebeccajames ago

Also, Cathy O'Brien talks about how from the time she was a baby her father used to substitute his penis for her mother's nipple. A "suckling pig" meaning a nursing baby could either be some sort of animal sacrifice reference or child sex or child sacrifice reference. Or maybe they like day old tortillas with gelatinous pig meat a whole whole lot, and everyone planned on traveling by train to a metro station, hopping off and walking 10 minutes to eat a gross collagen filled stale tortilla taco and drink a shot, while bringing along all the extra children they could make available.

Forgetmenot ago

I had to upvoat this.

amyrebeccajames ago

I think you're right. I thought that at first, as well. Since Satanists enjoy both pedophilia and human sacrifice it makes me wonder if they planned on killing a baby. "After seasoning, the piglet is cooked by skewering the entire animal, entrails removed, on a large stick and cooking it in a pit filled with charcoal. The piglet is placed over the charcoal, and the stick or rod it is attached to is turned in a rotisserie action."

Earlier, here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1503255

I asked if the chicken sacrificed to Moloch from one of the earlier Wikileaks dumps might actually mean a little boy was sacrificed.

Someone responded that there was a poster from HRC's favorite NY pizza place that had a Solstice celebration ad with roasted chickens. Seriously though, what Solstice (witchcraft) pizza party would need to have roasted chickens on the menu? I've never once ordered roasted chicken at a pizza place.

From this post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1501634

The place is called Roberta's Pizza: https://sli.mg/QQNvJq.pngPNG

More on Roberta's Pizza: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1483755

I just went and looked at this post some more. There is a poster of Roberta's pizza place on the post and it has little kids dancing around a maypole with skull heads, and a skull headed child getting a "face painting" of pizza. The poster is for a Summer Solstice celebration but it features these kids around a maypole. This I have realized is a human sacrifice reference. According to this Satanic calendar, the Maypole dance occurs during one of the 8 Sabbaths on April 30. Since this references the maypole dance I am thinking there must be human sacrifice implied. If you look here: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/satanic_calendar.htm 30 April May night/Maypole dance April 30 Walpurgis night/Beltane: One of the most important nights on the satanic calendar. Blood rituals and human sacrifice take place.

Someone else asked if anything special is going on on December 28 on the Satanic Calendar. I think it's part of the Winter Solstice stuff, but it could be in between their Winter Solstice celebrations and the Druid Feast Day.

http://www.theopenscroll.com/hosting/SatanicCalendar.htm: Date Celebration Type Usage Age Dec 22 Winter Solstice (Sabbat Festival) (Feast Day) orgies oral, anal, vaginal any age (male or female, human or animal) Dec 24 Demon Revels Da Meur High Grand Climax any age (male or female, human and/or animal) Christmas Eve blood Receive body parts as Christmas gifts infant male Jan 1 New Year's Day Druid Feast Day 15-33


December 22 Summer Solstice: Animal and human sacrifices are made. 24 Demon revels: Male and female sacrifice. 25 Yuletide: Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess. The satanist's own birthday is very important. The satanist says: "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one". (LaVey, the satanic bible). Jan 7 - St Winebald day: Blood rituals, dismemberment. Animal/human sacrifice.

fifibrindacier ago

June 21 and December 22 are also known to be "international pedophiles day".

amyrebeccajames ago

Makes sense - now, how many pedos are also Satanists? Coincidence? Probably not.

eyeswim ago

Probably flown in on convicted Pedo and Clinton close associate.Jeffery Epstein's jet... You know , the jet Bill and Hillary flew in to Pedo island? Yeah , that jet.

Mtnchan ago

Suggest that same scrutiny be applied to what you're reading into the message as applied to reading it literally. In this case it doesn't make much sense either. The wrong people, the wrong place, too many kids, if tortillas are kids and they're flying in kids, what do they need all the other kids for, that seems like a lot of kids involved. It is phrased weirdly, but this one looks real in nearly every other way, including the roast pig, there's no where to roast a whole pig at the place of the party, so it would have to be cooked in an oven, or catered in. It doesn't have hallmarks that the Tony P emails do with the all the sketchy people, in the Tony emails it's easy to imagine the after after parties (still in the torture chamber comment), described in other cases such as boystown and pedowood. This one just doesn't have any of that. Keep in mind these bad people would also be invited to many perfectly normal parties too. The people in this email aren't in any of the others that JP seems to be engaging in illicit activities with, like in the pizza map emails where they rented a house for vacation with another couple, who are billionaire political puppet masters btw that no one's really liked into very much btw, where they clearly had some kind of special pay there, which you can surmise bc there's a common thread of that kind of discussion. I think that what we're seeing in the podesta emails, which makes it so hard is just the residue, the more innocuous ones that didn't get deleted. Where are the emails that discuss the planning, there just seems to be a lot of holes in the conversations, questions without answers, or the phone was picked up and the conversation completed in that way. But email seems to be the main way that Tony would communicate with John to make plans, so there are likely emails missing, the most incriminating ones.

Jeremy20_9 ago

I have seen some cases where the code words are doctored, but even in those cases there is an illogical nature to it. This email for example has a nonsequiter array of ideas, where the subject is less about the food than the circumstances of finding the food: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/50332

Also, words and phrases that don't belong, "changing strategies", dominoes.

This is what it looks like to me when sick minds wax poetic with code words.

OP could be right, but I'm not seeing the code here based on what I've seen.

Chance903 ago

There are so many shills in this thread defending Podesta makes me wonder why...why so much attention. either there is something here or they are deflecting from another post.

Ksolver ago

Except everyone knows day-old tortillas are about as authentic as buying from the local grocery store.

dickface8 ago

The attatchments are pictures of tacos... who does that?

Ksolver ago

I also can't decide if "bring all children that are available" is just weird or rich talk.

AgainstTheNWO ago

New member. So as first, thanks, thanks for all the hard and good work! Found a new (for me) one too a couple of days ago.

Wikileaks email 57482

Dictionary Mandolin

search4truth ago

Welcome. Compare your findings with this thread:https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1498300 This is the background of the people involved in that email.

Good luck researching.

speckledcat ago

please dont deal with seaman he is a zionist shill and cant be trusted.

dont forget that a lot of celebrities fly in food too. I wonder if it is the same kinda thing or actually food? I remember BSpears flying in ice cream or something.

amyrebeccajames ago

Ice Cream = Ice Cream Sundae = Sucking ice cream out of a woman's vagina. Had to look that one up a long time ago when some perv messaged me.

Chance903 ago

I am so sick to death of you Pedophile loving scum suckers that come here and stick up for child fuckers like Podesta, Clinton and that whole mess in Washington DC, please choke to death SLOWLY. How dare you speak against Seaman, just eat shit and choke.

speckledcat ago

fuck off piece of shit. I want them dead. I speak about him because he is one of them you fucking moron. He is leading you down the path if you cant see that then tough shit. Oh I get you are a pedo shill. Fuck off.

cheetoboat ago

Im latina and have heard of the expression "making tortillas" be used as a euphemism for sex. (It has to do with the sounds - you can use your imagination) I don't know if its a common expression or what, but the post made me think of it, of course. With these sick people you never know.

EQJ ago

The wording is definitely off. I'm not tech savvy, but here is the original email with 2 attachments of identical pictures of 3 tacos. Why is the 2nd attachment file twice the size? Could anything be incripted? https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/17313

Ksolver ago

The image that is twice the size is at higher resolution.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Urban dictionary says tortillas are young girls whose breasts are still flat as tortillas. He's not hiding anything. Ask a Latino.

Mtnchan ago

This one seems legit, googled the players, and mapped the location, think you're all reaching on this one, flying in tortillas is stupid and wasteful, so they're stupid. I was once at an elitist event where ribs were flown in from famous rub houses from all over the country, so everyone could try them all. The location doesn't look good for a party of any kind really, but especially not the kind you're looking for, very crowded neighborhood, no privacy.

awakenaware ago

Seaman has now covered this.. he must have seen your comment..


Ocelot ago

Ah, I see.

fr33europe ago

When your comment history includes only statements made from one point of view, on one topic, then there's reason to make that claim.

postfascion ago

Anyone interested should actually read this guys posts.

Freemasonsrus ago

Good idea to stay away from public events w large groups of people. I fear a Kenyan mall type incident. Way too easy to have happen. Happy/relieved we got through Christmas without incident.

alliecapone ago

I wont go anywhere in a crowd unless I'm with my husband, he has permit to carry, and does where he can. I don't go where he can't. Cinemas also...they're filling up with people wanting to see Star Wars still. Some are seeing it multiple times.

Freemasonsrus ago

Too many soft targets.

Freemasonsrus ago

Save your breath. You're dealing w a shill.

AreWeSure ago

Podesta did not throw this party. He was invited to it.

je-sui-pepe ago

this has to have something to do with all the unaccompanied minors that were showing up on the border during this time... thoughts?

Ocelot ago

Yeah, although these people are so extravagantly wasteful that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it were just tortillas. Because to people that have that much money, food tastes better when you obtain it through unnecessary means such as this.

amyrebeccajames ago

The last comment - fetal pig - makes me think I am right about the date and the human / infant sacrifice. See my other comments on this thread. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1524629/7423113

Freemasonsrus ago

Funny you mention this. I can't remember the reference but I mentally took note that one of CPP's associates made note that babies/fetuses don't have eyebrows. I wish I could remember where I saw that bc it instantly reminded me of the pig eye pic.

dogwalker ago

They say fresh, but one day old isn't fresh, I wonder why your tone is so upset?

lostinthevalley ago

When asked what she always carries in her purse, Hillary said "hot sauce".

WatchListMe ago

All your comment history consists of statements vaguely dismissing pizzagate and criticizing Donald trump. Looks like I found me a shill, CTR account.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I love when an obvious shill gets called out and people dont turn on the one who said the word shill. Fuck shills.

postfascion ago

I looked as well, being anti trump, and taking a sceptical view of pizzagate does not necessarily a shill make. His comments aren't dismissive, just calmly questioning. Its healthy to have people with that perspective around, even if to you and I feel the evidence is conclusive.

nobodysnobody ago

Yeah, a shill is more likely to exaggerate and rile up people, so that we all seem crazy. That way it can all be dismissed as a bunch of internet loonies imagining things. Calm and rational responses should be given consideration, if only as a good contrast to figure out what's actually weird in the email.

If the shills were calm and rational, they'd be doing us a huge favor. Bring more shills like that, please.

postfascion ago

Right. I enjoy hurling insults over the internet as much as the next person, but yeah, calm intelligent debate is a fuckload more productive, and therefore benefits those being traffiked/abused all the more. Shouting shill without thought can be just as damaging as the shills themselves. It's up to us to increase our ability to discern.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

A guy trying to find links between Silsby and other parties is not a shill. He's just skeptical of codewords, which could vary in meaning. Our assumptions could be wrong, partially wrong, or correct. And to what extent is still unknown.

Same guy you're referring to has other posts where he appears to support the existence of high level pedophile rings, so idk about your assumption here.

WatchListMe ago

I don't see any of the comments you're talking about.

winegrapes ago

lol, I know right. Kids really do make the party, especially when I can say they will be in that pool for sure, for entertainment.

joeysaperv ago

I'm starting to believe that in pedophile circles "family friendly" means you can expect that kids will be there. Perhaps another shorthand or code phrase.

B3nder ago

Who the f... says "...so you should bring all children that are available." Is this normal talk? Asking because not native english speaker..

dogwalker ago

Also, the emails that mention asparagus are very suspect, this is a blurb from this one


"Nora was thinking of creating a menu around seasonal produce so a possible menu (but still very much a work in progress): grilled & sauteed asparagus cheese pastry cup with spring garlic & herbs sweet rhubarb compote and maple syrup "

Asparagus is a known euphemism for young boys, and if it is food, it's odd that it would be such a big deal that it needs to be communicated over email. I mean, it's just asparagus.

I believe asparagus is mentioned 15 times in podestas emails.

bopper ago

IlluminatiKing ago

I know this is probably nearly impossible to trace, but we somehow need to find their common methods of transport back and forth. They have to have a kind of system to smuggle these children so freely.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

If imported tortillas were code for something like drugs, why would children be mentioned? Unless perhaps that was code for prostitutes.

AreWeSure ago

The only evidence for taxpayer money being spent on "pizza/hotdogs" is an email from a guy in Austin without firsthand knowledge. It's basically a claim with no supporting evidence.

Googling Six Billion Missing gives me this as the first result.

Cant_Call_It ago

The $6 billion was not missing or stolen — it had been doled out in a number of contracts — but the paperwork was missing.

Oh well that just clears everything up. They aren't missing $6 billion. They just have no proof of where the $6 billion went.

Politifact is full of shit.

AreWeSure ago

The 6 Billion figure comes from a specific report from the IG's office and the IG has clarified the money was not missing and people were misinterpreting the report.

You claim Politifact is full of shit, show me how they are wrong on this.

Cant_Call_It ago

First, show me where the $6 billion was spent. Wait, there aren't any records of it. So how was trump wrong in saying that the $6 billion is unaccounted for? All this politico says is we are suppose to take their word for it that there were contracts, but there just isn't any records of the contracts.

AreWeSure ago

Most of the 6 billion was spent in Iraq on 115 different contracts. Another billion was on the Afghan police.

He's wrong in that the Inspector General never said any money was missing let alone 6 million. The issue arose was during "audit of the contract closeout process" and the issue was mainly some missing paperwork. The Inspector General issued a report that dealt with Contract File Management Deficiencies, NOT missing money. The Inspector General later clarified the report when people began misinterpreting it. The Inspector General said they needed better record keeping practices or else it

**could expose ****the Department to substantial financial losses.

Trump also said this was under Clinton and most the contracts were from the previous administration. So he was doubly wrong.

Here's the report https://oig.state.gov/system/files/224580.pdf Here's the clarification from the Inspector General himself.

Cant_Call_It ago

I appreciate the response. A lot of times these conversations just turn into a name calling shit show.

I'll give those links a look later when I am done at work. Politifact just has a clear bias. That's what I meant when I said they are full of shit.

eggmunkee ago

"No worries, it's totally legit, we just don't have any records that provide any evidence of that 'fact'. Nothing to see here." This was the same type of thing as Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon's missing $2.3 trillion. Don't worry it was spent somewhere on something. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU4GdHLUHwU

AreWeSure ago

This is true. 2.3 trillion was never missing from the Pentagon either.

The only way you can believe that is if you have no concept of a trillion dollars is.

AugustaJulia ago

Dr Glinka is lauded as a saint by Russians and is seen as evil by Ukrainians. I really don't know enough to weigh in on this controversy. She was married to an American attorney Gleb Glinka and she started her own NGO charity called Fair Aid. I think that she was also involved in homeless shelters.

ejd4500 ago

I read this and was thinking about it as well. Here's my take - if you're Clinton and you're doing your own, very, very suspect charitable operations there - you don't need/want someone else getting into the mix that you can't trust. From what I read of Glinka, she's praised widely. I guess I don't really know about the Ukranian side, but I honestly couldn't find anything negative about her. So, if you're Hillary Clinton and someone like Glinka - tied to Russian opposition of her - is flying to Syria, you want to cut that off pretty quickly.

I don't know if you follow George Webb on youtube doing the 'where is eric braverman' videos, but Hillary has a lot of weapons including Stinger Missiles, shoulder launched. I think it's entirely possible that the plane was brought down. Now, if the 'choir' was really a weapons inspection team, then that's another reason for them to take it out of the sky.

Just some thoughts.

AugustaJulia ago

Yes, the hive mind coming up with connections that even a brilliant individual mind wouldn't be able to consider. The internet is a very interesting phenomenon that has changed the collective human nature.

I think that the choir was the legitimate choir, the Alexandrov Ensamble. I believe they even published the names of the singers, although I haven't double-checked.

As for Syria, it is probably a great hub for child trafficking right now. It must be total chaos with many orphans.

Forgetmenot ago

Is there anything going on dec 28 on the satanic celebration calendar?

Chance903 ago

Demons Revels was over on the 25 of december

amyrebeccajames ago

Maybe they just had a suckling baby sex afterparty without human sacrifice

DarkMath ago

Tortillas sounds a lot like the "Tomales" code word which is Pedophile lingo for little girl. Tortillas mean little boy? Amanda Kleinman mentions "Tomales" in her disgusting pedophile speech at Comet Ping Pong, the one where she says "We all have our preferences. Tee hee.".

ejd4500 ago

There is an urbandictionary definition "A term for a mexican girl's vagina"


srayzie ago

I'm on an iPad and it doesn't show up. What image does it show? It says there is an image

AugustaJulia ago

Just signed up to make two comments:

1) A suckling pig is very small. It easily fits into an oven. I can't see how it should be enough for a big party. Could "suckling pig" be a code?

2) This is unrelated to this particular thread. But I feel too shy to open a separate thread. This concerns the Russian plane crash that occurred on Christmas day. The investigators are saying it was not an explosion. I don't really trust them, and I don't think it was an accident. However, what does it have to do with Pizzagate? One of the people who died in the crash was a very famous Doctor Liza (Elizaveta Glinka). Famous in Russia, I should say. An interesting coincidence is that Doctor Liza used to traffic children out of East Ukraine in order to bring them out of the war zone. The Ukrainian side was very angry at her. Many people said that it was unnecessary to take them out of the country because she could have easily taken them to safe zones within Ukraine. The Russian side thinks that she is an angel. I don't have an opinion. I am not claiming that she was evil. Perhaps she was totally legit and really was an angel. I just thought that it was curious that a plane crashed and that a famous person who died was involved in a trafficking controversy.

AreWeSure ago

1) A suckling pig is very small. It easily fits into an oven. I can't see how it should be enough for a big party. Could "suckling pig" be a code?

How do you know how big a party it was? Perhaps a suckling pig was exactly the right size for this party.

Chance903 ago

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Long%20Pig slang term for human flesh prepared as the flesh of a pig. Usually used to sell human flesh to tourists in East Asian countries. Long Pig is best when avoided entirely. long pig is people!!!

amyrebeccajames ago

whoa nasty =(

AreWeSure ago

That definition is totally wrong about East Asia. Also long pig was not on the menu in this case.

Chance903 ago

I did not say Long pig was on this e-mail had they said that someone might have the FBI investigating right?? They said suckling pig which is a baby pig if you have never been around a ranch. or Texas cookout.The point was missed by you, some people on here are not too swift on the uptake.Shills mostly.

AreWeSure ago

I prefer Texas Beef Barbecue myself.

Are you claiming they were eating human flesh and suckling pig was code for that?

Chance903 ago

I never made any such claim are you stupid or just that well paid to troll here, How does it feel to sleep at night and know you approve of this shit?>You know what just choke to death, POS Pedo lover.

AreWeSure ago

I'm so shocked you jumped to a conclusion.

Chance903 ago

Shill Voting habits Submissions: This user has upvoted 3 and downvoted 11 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 72 and downvoted 12 comments.

Submission ratings 5 highest rated submissions:

Suspect Named: Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, NC, submitted: 12/5/2016 2:11:25 AM, 3 points (+4|-1)

Anyone looked into Tevfik Arif yet? Arrested in Turkey for prositution ring, submitted: 12/28/2016 4:22:37 AM, 2 points (+3|-1)

Edgar Maddison Welch,........has been worrying about The End of Days., submitted: 12/6/2016 7:13:32 PM, 1 points (+1|-0)

Edgar Maddison Welch might have been having issues. Fire Department cut him loose., submitted: 12/7/2016 3:27:15 AM, 0 points (+1|-1)

5 lowest rated submissions:

Edgar Maddison Welch might have been having issues. Fire Department cut him loose., submitted: 12/7/2016 3:27:15 AM, 0 points (+1|-1)

Edgar Maddison Welch,........has been worrying about The End of Days., submitted: 12/6/2016 7:13:32 PM, 1 points (+1|-0)

Anyone looked into Tevfik Arif yet? Arrested in Turkey for prositution ring, submitted: 12/28/2016 4:22:37 AM, 2 points (+3|-1)

Suspect Named: Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, NC, submitted: 12/5/2016 2:11:25 AM, 3 points (+4|-1)

Comment ratings 3 highest rated comments:

Pic of Tony Podesta's home underground facility to watch "complicated videos" that are "difficult to display" submitted by Orange_Circle to pizzagate AreWeSure 11 points (+11|-0) 10 days ago this is the way you would watch video installations in most galleries around the world. These are not movies or even art movies. They would tend to be much shorter. Walking around the space would be part of the experience for some.

These are video installations and they might be happening on all four walls at the same time.

See this google image search for examples

permalink Tick...Tock...Caught! John Podesta's "Molesta Van" found at center of child trafficking cover-up in Arizona. Is this why Hillary Clinton was called a "lying killer" by Arizona Governor Brewer? submitted by Leastofthese to pizzagate AreWeSure 9 points (+11|-2) 12 days ago I see no evidence whatsoever for this claim about the van

permalink UPDATED: Alefantis' project PEGASUS, summary and many new details including a pizzagate reaction by a PEGASUS employee and a voat site video report submitted by spoor to pizzagate AreWeSure 4 points (+4|-0) 12 days ago Art galleries don't rely on foot traffic. Just like small scale concert venues don't. You go to the neighborhood, because you like the show.

Like espresso shops an art gallery is a signal a neighbor hood is changing

permalink 3 lowest rated comments:

Day 47 - Where is Eric Braverman? Former CF CEO who told journalist to "Follow The Money" STILL MISSING! submitted by Avoid_The_Noid to pizzagate AreWeSure -4 points (+0|-4) 20 days ago Because someone does tweet. It does not meet they are missing. Was he "missing" for the two months he didn't tweet after Aug 3?

Or the two months between April and June?

And why are his family, friends, coworkers not claiming he is missing, just some folks who want to involve him in some conspiracy.

permalink Save Trump From Assassination - With Sources submitted by party1981 to pizzagate AreWeSure -3 points (+0|-3) 4 days ago So Mike Pence is part of Pizzagate? Interesting.

Also there is zero evidence Trump is going to Davos.

permalink Political consultant pleads guilty to child pornography charges submitted by Sobell to pizzagate AreWeSure -2 points (+0|-2) 6 days ago The more I read about this and the more I discover about it, the more it appears that epidemic pedophilia exists among the world’s elites. This seems to be one of the crucial results of the citizen-journalist investigation. This is a very good example of confirmation bias. Our brains aren't perfect and haven't several ways of fooling us. Confirmation bias is one of them. If you research a prior belief and find more examples of exactly the thing you are looking for, it tends to confirm the belief. But you are not looking randomly or with proportion. For example, what percentage of pedophiles are connected with politics? Let's say it's X%. Is that higher or lower than the percentage of the general population involved in Politics?

I have never heard of the type of car my brother bought as his first car. Afterwards, I saw them everywhere.

AreWeSure ago

Look what you've done!! I'm melting, melting.

Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world

Chance903 ago

ON a side note. http://gawker.com/the-chilling-case-of-fat-longpig-the-cannibal-with-a-493196615 For several years, someone calling himself "Fat Longpig" haunted a variety of online forums, discussing with anyone who shared it his unique interest in "abducting, raping, murdering, and eating children," trading child pornography, and, in at least one case, attempting to arrange a kidnapping.

Meanwhile, away from the keyboard, as court documents reveal, Longpig was building a basement dungeon, stocked with a cage, a child coffin, a butchering kit—and two freezers.

Longpig, real name Geoffrey Portway, pleaded guilty on Monday to soliciting the kidnapping of a child and to the distribution and possession of child pornography. According to the Department of Justice, Portway, a UK citizen born in Spain and living in Worcester, Mass., had solicited a Kansas man, Michael Arnett (pictured), to kidnap a child whom Portway "would ultimately rape, kill and eat." ("Longpig" is slang for human flesh when cooked, and appears frequently on cannibal-fetish sites.)

Arnett has since been arrested, and the statement of facts released by U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz reveals an alarming flirtation:

At least as early as 2010, PORTWAY utilized Skype and other programs to communicate with ARNETT. PORTWAY and ARNETT traded child pornography and images of injured, mutilated and deceased children while chatting about the sexual abuse, rape, abduction, murder, and cannibalism of children. Over months, PORTWAY repeatedly solicited and endeavored to persuade ARNETT to kidnap a child for him, with the intent that ARNETT would do so and PORTWAY would ultimately rape, kill and eat that child. These solicitations for help abducting a child included discussing real children, by name and photo, that ARNETT claimed to know and have access. In the chats, PORTWAY and ARNETT discuss different ways to kidnap children and the age range PORTWAY prefers. During the time that PORTWAY was soliciting ARNETT, he had been told that ARNETT had helped others with such requests before and that he had experience with the abduction and sexual abuse of children.

AugustaJulia ago

Of course, I don't know. And perhaps the word was used imprecisely. Perhaps they meant a young pig for roasting. But if it were a true suckling pig, it would just be enough for a small group of people (8-14?). You wouldn't be writing and email asking people how many are coming and you wouldn't be flying in tortillas from Mexico. We are talking about a sit-down dinner sized crowd around one suckling pig.

AugustaJulia ago

I think it's deceptive marketing. A pig that is between 36 and 50 pounts does not suck on its mother's teat. It's way too big for this. A suckling pig has a special taste because it feeds on milk.

AreWeSure ago

It's an industry standard term for a young pig which are easier to roast, because the meat is more tender than a hog.

AugustaJulia ago

No, it is not. The term "suckling pig" has a very specific meaning. You are obfuscating on purpose. I looked at your other comments, and I don't trust you.

Because of your flurry of activity, I wonder whether we have hit a nerve here by focusing on the term "suckling pig."

AreWeSure ago

Whatever. Your not liking my other comments doesn't give you the right to question my veracity or claim I'm arguing in bad faith. Especially in this case, because you are incorrect. Suckling pig has multiple meanings, in a culinary context it differs from the scientific meaning. In the cooking world, a suckling pig is a pig whose muscles haven't firmed up yet.

Google "suckling pig for sale" and see what results you get. Here's some I found

Wikipedia In culinary contexts, a suckling pig is slaughtered between the ages of two and six weeks.

Serious Eats While technically a pig is only a true suckling pig when it's still drinking its mother's milk (up to the age of around six weeks), you'll often find pigs that are quite a bit older still labeled as "suckling." This is fine. For all intents and purposes, we care about their size and muscle development, not the technicalities of whether or not its lips were firmly clasping its mother's teat at the moment of slaughter. Because a young pig's flesh is so rich in collagen and has yet to develop strong, robust muscle fibers, roasted suckling pigs is incomparably moist, tender, and delicate, bursting with sweet, sticky juices. .....As for the pig's size, any pig under about 40 pounds will yield extremely tender meat,

Dartagnan.com Fancy meat store Suckling Pig, Variations

Fresh / 41-50 lbs $276.24 $324.99 Frozen / 31-40 lbs $229.49 $269.99 Frozen / 41-50 lbs

I also found a Canadian farm that sells to high end restaurants that milk feeds it suckling pigs to 60 pounds, St. Canut farms.

AreWeSure ago

Suckling pig is a common food term. Butchers use for any pig under 50 pounds

amCassandraAMA ago

this is a very small ensemble bring all children available..

srayzie ago

I think it's weird how instead of simply saying, "children are welcome", it says "you should bring all children that are available".

bopper ago

Authentic food. Tortilla? MR. Podesta?


I feel like the "fresh, handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico the previous day, " is legitimate since these people have so much currency that they can do that. But the "you should bring all children that are available" is definitely a bit weird.

Shawngood ago

Another paid troll...

Shawngood ago

I'm betting you are a paid troll.

amyrebeccajames ago

Possibly true, but also possibly not the case here, with this guy everything is about pedophilia. And I stand by my statement that there is no reason to ship in "fresh" tortillas. Anyone who knows good Mexican food would think a day old tortilla isn't an item of desire.

openminded ago

A bunch of elitist dbags flying in tortillas isn't suspicious. These narcissists thrive on "one up manship". You would get them from Mexico to show that: A. you are rich enough to do that B. because you are foodie chic enough to know some special fancy tortilla maker in Mexico. ON THE OTHER HAND......bring all kids "available" is just plain WEIRD. Family friendly or kid friendly is sufficient. If you were wordy then you might say "Family Friendly, so there's no need to get a sitter, please feel free to bring the kids with you". The word "available" just seems very off. If the things coming from Mexico aren't foodie show off bounty... then I shudder to say it but the slang "hair taco" and "fish taco" etc. come to mind...............

bopper ago

I was raised on Alice Cooper myself.

Azagthoth ago

Raised on Sabbath over here. Look into Laurel (spelling) Canyon. Very mysterious location for the entertainment elite where they used to congregate in the 60s. Its been a good 6 years since I dove into that shit, but I staunchly believe Sabbath played a hand in the cultural downfall of the west...even tho I still jam Sabbath lol

bopper ago

I've looked into it too, not deeply though. Weird stuff, Zappa, Jim Morrison, even a Manson connection. Who the crap even knows who he really was ...several theories. Beautiful area though, but downright spooky now.

throwitawayn0w ago

A cookout, with a suckling pig, in winter?

Forgetmenot ago

is the term suckling pig code for a baby?

Don-Keyhote ago

The available is a dead giveaway, as the idea behind letting someone know its family friendly is KIDS OK not PLZ BRING ALL THE KIDS YOU CAN, and implies that at any given time they're being pimped out, ie huge clientele. God help us

hardrock ago

Despite the fact that the buzz words "Family Friendly" were used as more or less legitimate political rhetoric in Hillary Clinton's campaign there are TOO MANY references in the Podesta emails where family friendly is obviously being used in some OTHER sense. In other words , I think that in many instances the term "family friendly" is itself being used in the pedophile code-word sense. Co-conspirators would know which sense was applicable, based on context.

msgtw123 ago

Yeah, the whole tortilla thing doesn't make sense. If flown in the day before, they are not fresh. And as the poster noted, its not like D.C. has a shortage of homemade tortillas. https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=Homemade+Tortillas&find_loc=Washington%2C+DC I don't know why someone would go to the expense of having tortillas flown in from Mexico.

fifibrindacier ago

Not to mention there are also several allusion to alcohol, starting to drink at 3pm, for a family event...

bopper ago

Good thinking.

Jeremy20_9 ago

It's hard to say because the "bring all the children that are available" line is stranger than the "fresh handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico."

What I have noticed is a certain spareness to the coded emails. There is never any attempt to pad the code words as there is here presuming tortillas are a code word. There isn't discussion of the nature of the meal, choice of wine, sides.

I do think that they want to bring "available" children because they do want to prey on them, or at least enjoy their presence in the most perverse way, but imo I don't see this as a coded message.

Finally, Podesta's response is non-plussed, as it often is, but I would think that he would be more engaged when his prey are being offered to him.

Just some counter-points.

bopper ago

Yes, some good points, but fresh tortillas flown in from Mexico is a bit weird..

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

What the fuck. This shit just gets worse.

poptical-illusionist ago

So they are flying all this stuff in, there should be a way to track plane logs that might help the investigation.

Dressage2 ago

What do you bet this is a shipment of illegals (children) that are pouring over the border without a parent. These kids are disappearing after they are released from being processed.

Forgetmenot ago

The dream movement was researched by someone on voat: I am on mobile maybe someone else can link it up? I think this is a possible connection....

bopper ago

The lady that's hosting the party is one Helga Flores, a common Hispanic name, and she's a self-described 'connector,' 'global citizen,' and she's "always looking for the next challenge."

Sandy008 ago

tortilla n.— «Papaya, tortilla and bicho, farewell.…In some Spanish-speaking countries, the words above are slang for the female sex organ, lesbian sex and the male sex organ, respectively.» —“Spanish-language broadcasters watch their words” by Daniel Shoer-Roth Miami Herald (Florida) June 28, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

Source: https://www.waywordradio.org

FindingTruth ago

Nice find. This is really starting to blow up in their faces. Now Obama taking the BS Russian hack to a new level, this just screams of a pig being slaughtered and screaming. These guys are fighting and I'm sure Trump and his people, not the corrupt ones, in the FBI, NSA, etc. have his back. Not to mention all the military people he has ready. :-) Bring it Satanic Pedophiliac NWO, your days are numbered.

JoJoVoat ago

I just hope he gets rid of all the bad ones asap

bopper ago

Yeah look at drudge headlines (as I'm sure you have) ... they're playing dangerous w/ Putin but the Russies are laughing ... Trump probably already chatting w/ Putin about today's developments.

waxdino ago

We need to check out the Helga Flores that threw this party. It's her house and she does a lot of international work. (Linkedin profile).
Sorry, this is a repost, I accidentally deleted the first one. I think we need some good diggers to see what's up with her.

Arrvee ago

According to that LinkedIn she was Executive Director of the Heinrich Boell Foundation from January 2003 – December 2008. According to Wikipedia this fund backs the German Green Party.

Forgetmenot ago

Check this out involving the dream movement too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tequila_Party

The National Tequila Party Movement is a nonpartisan,[citation needed] Latina-led organization promoting a 2012 nationwide get-out-the-vote for young Latinos. The Tequila Party Movement also promotes the passage of Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) and the DREAM Act at the national level. According to Blase, the organization arose to counter the Tea Party, and a growing anti-Latino, anti-immigrant sentiment within the Republican Party. However, many of its underlying precepts (anti-abortion, working for conservative Republican candidates) still places it on the conservative side of the spectrum.

bopper ago

Surprise, she's Hispanic.

Kwijibo ago

Tortillas = drugs? or little mexican girls?

If pizza = girl then tortilla might be mexican girl. I can't imagine what the call mexican boys?

bopper ago

So we have taco-themed, fresh, and tortillas. The fresh tortillas will be the only thing flown in. Then these 'fresh' tortillas will be the only thing 'not fresh' in the whole party. And 'family-friendly.' There is too much innuendo going on with these people for it to be coincidence.

bopper ago

Yeah, probably would be. Because the 'fresh' and the 'shipment' make no sense, because the two cancel each other out so to speak.

bopper ago

Or just a new batch, or different batch, of kids? dunno

amyrebeccajames ago

well virgins might be preferable because of STDs if they are going to be worried about that... much less likely to get Syphilis from a game of ping pong with a virgin than one who's been passed around. Cathy O'Brien said when she was taken to perform oral on HRC as a child, right after being tortured nearly to death, that she was called a "Presidential Model" which HRC explained to the handler meant she was clean.

bopper ago

if you get a chance (though I've heard of her but never watched her clips) can you give a link and tell me when to begin the clip to hear this, I've never heard of it (HRC doing such a thing, and the "Presidential Model," although I wouldn't put it past her as she is a lesbian and supposedly took several flights herself on the Lolita Express according to Clinton insider Larry Nichols). Also that Nat'l Enquirer guy said he arranged lesbian trysts for Hillary.

amyrebeccajames ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Laon3_ob54A I think she talks about it here. You can see the way that they mutilated a demon head into her external genitalia using an exacto-knife and they actually show it on camera. at 9:49ish.

bopper ago


amyrebeccajames ago


[Bill] Clinton responded, “I don’t care. Get her the fuck out of here.” Hall’s wife led me away and locked me in a back bedroom. After an indeterminate period of time, I heard her telephone Hillary at the guest villa. She then drove me up the mountain through the dark to meet with Hillary.

Although I had previously met Hillary we had very little to say to each other – particularity since I was still dazed and tranced from the tortures I had endured at the CIA Near Death Trauma Center in Lampe. Hillary knew I was a mind-controlled slave, and, like Bill Clinton, just took it in stride as a “normal” part of life in politics.

Hillary was fully clothed and stretched out on the bed sleeping when Hall’s wife and I arrived.

“Hillary, I brought you something you’ll really enjoy. Kind of an unexpected surprise. Bill ordered her out of the meeting and I look her to my bedroom and made an interesting discovery. She is literally a two- faced (referring to my vaginal mutilation carving) bitch.”

“Hmm?” Hillary opened her eyes and sleepily roused herself “Show me.”

Hall’s wife ordered me to take my clothes off while Hillary watched. “Is she clean?” Hillary asked, meaning disease free.

“Of course, she’s Byrd’s,” she responded, continuing the conversation as though I were not there, “Plus, I heard Houston say something about her being a Presidential Model, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean.”

“It means she’s clean,” Hillary said matter-of-factually as she stood up. I was not capable of giving thought to such things back then, but I am aware in retrospect that all Presidential Model slaves I knew seemed to have an immunity to social diseases. It was a well known fact in the circles I was sexually passed around in that government level mind-controlled sex slaves were “clean” to the degree that none of my abusers took precautions such as wearing condoms.

Hall’s wife patted the bed and instructed me to display the mutilation. Hillary exclaimed, “God!” and immediately began performing oral sex on me. Apparently aroused by the carving in my vagina, Hillary stood up and quickly peeled out of her matronly nylon panties and pantyhose. Uninhibited despite a long day in the hot sun, she gasped, “Eat me, oh, god, eat me now.” I had no choice but to comply with her orders, and Bill Hall’s wife made no move to join me in my distasteful task. Hillary had resumed examining my hideous mutilation and performing oral sex on me when Bill Clinton walked in. Hillary lifted her head to ask, “How’d it go?”

bopper ago

Good grief. Thanks.

amyrebeccajames ago

There is a much longer interview with her, I was looking for the link to the exact spot when she talks about Hillary Clinton raping her. There's an article about it online I'll post. Here's another one worth watching. I'll just post the article and keep looking for where she talks about it. It's in her book too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGtQOhcltn8

bopper ago

Thanks very much. I've always passed her clips by (so many other things I was looking at) but I will now check her out ... will watch this today or tomorrow.

chickyrogue ago

think of the carbon footprint alone from all that food flying!

damn these rat fuckers

DustyRadio ago

These people don't give a shit about their carbon footprint. They only care about yours, controlling you to control yours, and what you have to do to reduce yours. I loved Michael Crichton's sendup of the climate fucks in his book State of Fear. Actually, all his books were excellent. He died quickly of cancer.

WakingUpisHardToDo ago

State of Fear was the best book ever. It finally let me sleep through the night after Gore scared the crap out of me about global warming.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

State of Fear was excellent. Insane how much propaganda exists these days, and how much off it people are normalized to and don't even see.

Al Gore wanted to tax carbon emissions. He just happened to own a company that got a kickback every time a carbon trade was bought or sold. He also lives in a goddamn mansion that has a carbon footprint of about 1000 normal homes and regularly flies around in a private jet.

Rules for thee and not for me, indeed.

chickyrogue ago

thats a shame the good always die quick and the bad linger on

Vic138 ago

As did David McGowan who wrote "Programmed to Kill" and "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" about the CIA and societal engineering in the 1960s. He lost over 100lbs in a couple months and died very quickly - he never had a chance. He was gaining immense popularity right before he died.

cosmicmind ago

If it were rats they were f'ing it would be a good fit, but so sadly it's not. I think even rats are too good for these scum.

chickyrogue ago

point taken [upvoted!]

bopper ago

Wouldn't they be a bit 'not fresh' after making them, transporting them, loading them, flying them, unloading them, then delivering them? Oh, and a day old prior. These people be weird.

Forgetmenot ago

I also would like to add because of the water issues in Mexico it would not be ideal to fly perishable food like that. When I went to Mexico we ate only prepackaged foods and very well cooked food to avoid getting sick....we still somehow got violently ill. I myself would not fly in fresh tortillas from Mexico. Tequila would be a different story. But tortillas are so readily available here. Just my 2 cents. The email is very creepy.

amyrebeccajames ago

Taco - slang for a woman's vagina Tacos and Tequila party hmmmmm

bopper ago

And surely an individual slice of pizza is lingo for girl due to it's triangular shape, much as they say the heart symbol (Valentine) is indicative of, well, you know. Ergo, hot dogs, and pizza. (Being serious, not sarcastic here.)

amyrebeccajames ago

https://quizlet.com/3008208/mexican-slang-flash-cards/ una tortillera a lesbian lit.: a tortilla maker, derogatory 

Forgetmenot ago

Good call awww I am sad

doubletake ago

Like Stinky McPissinpants told me, this is totally suspicious, like the $65k pizzas and hotdogs. Do all of these strange orders have a paper trail, i.e. write-offs for business expenses or somesuch?

amyrebeccajames ago

Saying it is family friendly - it does not follow that you would need to say, "So you should bring all children that are available." Unless you are affiliated with pedos, then it makes sense.

Forgetmenot ago

Family friendly and tequila? That does not make sense.

waxdino ago

I get the feeling "family" to these people mean pedo. Like, pedophile = part of the "family." So family-friendly means friendly to pedos. It's used that way in other contexts. Example, the LGBT community often call themselves family, and "I think he's family" means I think he's gay.


Charlie Manson had a "family"

bopper ago

Makes a lot of sense, and the mafia comment, as they are obsessed with 'family' and 'family-friendly.'

Marthvedderette ago

Even if they weren't talking about prostitutes, and children, I would still be pissed about how much of my tax dollars are being blown on feeding the parasites.

AreWeSure ago

WTF are you talking about? Zero tax dollars were involved with this. This is the annual party of a private organization

islandofdelight ago

Wow, how did this go un-noticed. Is is absurd for anyone to 'fly in' fresh tortilla's from Mexico... tortillas?? And from the day before no less...

"This is a family friendly event, so you should bring all children that are available"

This line is also very strange when you think about it. Why would you specifically ask people to bring 'all children that are available'? That's going well above and beyond a general family-friendly invitation.

search4truth ago

There's possibly so much more that hasn't been properly analyzed yet. There are over 50,000 emails (not) counting the DOJ releases. We need to keep working. Hopefully some Anons will give us some help along the way.

bopper ago

Man they use 'family-friendly' an awful lot.

Freemasonsrus ago

Worthwhile search term for emails..

je-sui-pepe ago

"family friendly" means gay friendly... family is gay... (I found this out through my gay friends a looooooong time ago) we used to go to a bar and they would use the code "family friendly" when it was a bar that other gays and lesbians would frequent.

sore_ass_losers ago

I could never see how CPP could bill itself as family friendly, with all the creepy art work & performances. This makes more sense; ironic given common gay contempt for 'breeders'.

amyrebeccajames ago

Islandofdelight - I LOVE TORTILLAS as in food. I live in Texas. We eat a lot of them here. If I am talking about a FRESH tortilla, I want it to be made within seconds of when it was put on my table. The day before is no longer a fresh tortilla. I live in Texas, and we get fresh tortillas at nearly every restaurant and grocery stores (still hot, or made on the other side of the restaurant moments before). Tortillas are a mixture of flour and water or cornmeal and water with very little else besides lard. You don't freaking FLY tortillas anywhere so you are right it is INCREDIBLY absurd. They could more easily hire a tortilla maker to come to their party and make them right there along with that entire roasted whole pig.

Freemasonsrus ago

Amen! The fact that the phrase "fresh tortillas" was added to "flown in the day before" makes absolutely no fucking sense in the world of Mexican food. Which makes it appear to be code. You'd literally have to be a retard to do that. And how exactly do you find the "flying tortilla company" in Mexico to order from? They couldn't overnight to arrive the day OF the party? IF this was actually true they are the dumbest fucks on planet earth and I want to sell them tortillas.

notintopizza ago

As a fellow Texan, I concur.

bopper ago

Texas, me too. The only way anybody serves tortillas is hot right out of the oven.

NakatomiBaby ago

As a Texan, I can confirm. You could keep them warm for the "flight" but they would just disintegrate when handled. If you microwave them you have about 15 min to eat before it turns hard and chewy.

alliecapone ago

When my friend's grandma would make them, we'd heat them up on the stove top just a little on each side to warm it through. It's almost as good as fresh. They didn't have a microwave, so we improvised

now I want legit tortillas...

Rusdy ago

The wording is indeed very suspicious. Nobody talks like that to their friends who have children if you want them to bring the kids to your party! AVAILABLE! It implies that they are needed, maybe to not be too suspicious when other kids are around.

Destroyer_of_Worlds ago

Yeah, it sounded like "Bring all the kids who are not being used as bleeders & who are not too physically damaged from previous Mexican meals" ... These people really are the scum of the earth.

chickyrogue ago

no to me it implies others are rented out ergo NOT available!

bopper ago

Yeah could be that too.

chickyrogue ago

all the points in these comments are well taken .... something is beyond rotten in the state of "denmark"

Nana66 ago

Maybe they were hand made by some famous Mexican /s

cosmicmind ago

They would have flown the mexican in to make them fresh. Plus, no mention of a specific famous cook/chef - I think a name dropped would be necessary to your hypothesis.

Nana66 ago

I said same about the $65k pizza/dog party. Flying the party to Chicago would probably be cheaper and easier.

search4truth ago

The "you should bring all children that are available" comment is very strange as well. This is good for research. We have a date, time, and place as a lead. If something is off about this gathering, or the invitee, we should be able to find and connect it.

je-sui-pepe ago

unaccompanied minors coming through the Mexican Border during the months before this email was written.... i think that is the meaning of Fresh Tortillas possibly, just a hunch, but it would make sense. Being that MANY of those children are unaccounted for and there were tens of thousands that came to the border. this is very troubling.

logjam ago

I'm not defending the creep - but he did say it was a family event.

srayzie ago

As well as "bring all children AVAILABLE". Not "kids are welcome".

eyeswim ago

excellent point. Like they were hiring children , all the available ones ... Hmmm...

pizzaequalspedo ago

This is such a bizarre way to say "kids are welcome".

I really can't make sense of that, logically when trying to play devil's advocate.

search4truth ago

Mobsters refer to themselves as family.

logjam ago

Good point.

AreWeSure ago

So does my family.

eggmunkee ago

Your mobster family?

AreWeSure ago

That's true my mob family does call itself a family, but it was named after a guy who was born in Naples in 1897 and died almost 50 years ago, so it shouldn't even still have his name.

However, I was speaking of my family, family.

mrjdouble ago

Right, just like Comet Ping Pong? That's part of the whole deal. Pedo's want and feel most comfortable whilst surrounded by children, ie, potential victims, Which is also why convicted pedos are banned from public locations like parks and other places where children congregate.

Not only do they get off on having kids around, but it also masks what's really happening. Like it'd be suspicious af if a bunch of old dudes in suits had some random kids from chicago or mexico running around the place, right?

postfascion ago

Exactly. Aren't these parties for people in politics? I'm not a politician, but god knows I find it fucking hard not putting the world to rights, especially in relaxed social events, especially in the world we live in. Having a load of kids running around is fine, but it sure as hell isn't high on my priority for a good evening. I want good food, some decent drink, and most importantly GOOD CONVERSATION. Kids definitely get in the way of the latter. If these elitist fucks had the nations priorities at heart, they'd value the latter too...I'd put money on it.

Freemasonsrus ago

Shit..I was reading it and wondering if we were really talking about red and white wine for gods sake! Everything now deserves a second look. FFS no one flies in tortillas of all things! I'd be much more gullible if he said tamales.

bopper ago

It is public info, you can google it, and people would be shocked at the number of convicted (and on parole) pedophiles are living all around them.

logjam ago

You're right. Like I said, I wasn't defending him, I was just making note of the email.

So many things - and so hard to digest, and we are fumbling in the dark trying to make sense of it all really.

mrjdouble ago

I know, man. I wasn't trying to snap at you, moreso as I was trying to connect the dots. I just realized I likely come off as an asshole while spitballing and making connections with others, because as you touched on, we're all dancing in the dark on this one.

Same team, I just get fired up. Apologizes for that.

logjam ago

Apologizes for that.

No worries man.

Azagthoth ago

Hey look! Actual friendly people!

bopper ago

"You should bring all children that are available." ??

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It is weird that it's phrased that way. "Feel free to bring the kids!" or "Bring the kids!" would be normal. But the "you should bring all the kids that are available" sounds strangely like a direction rather than a suggestion.

psy0pus ago

Well the thing that's odd is.. "You should bring all the kids that are available.". Why wouldn't your kid be available? I mean I remember when I was a child and my parents would say "Hey Dan.. we're going to a BBQ, are you available?".... more like "get your ass in the car Dan, now." Lol...

eggmunkee ago

It's like the email about hot tub and someone else's children as their entertainment. Sounds like merchandise or professionals.

mrjdouble ago

Sounds like a pimp talking to another pimp, while planning a large money making event.

"How many bitches we gotta bring"?

"Bring ALL the bitches".

winegrapes ago

That's fucked up because it's probably spot on, and it grosses me the fuck out.

bopper ago

Kind of like the following threatening directive to the FBI that they should just "Shut-up." The whole thing is important but start at the 0:57 mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxwnPoMsE7k

Wolftrail7272 ago

Lol he said leakers and not hackers. Thats significant.

PicowattBulb ago

That's a very weird request. That sentence even sounds awkward.