EyesWideOpen2 ago

Thank you to everyone that has contributed to my post. I really expected to get a kicking for what I dared to post. Your replies have been great, and often very informative. It is honour to make contact with such decent human beings, and I wish only the best for all of you ... and our children!

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Thank you for your comment. It was not my intention to point a figure of guilt at anyone. I only suggest that we all keep our eyes open, and think carefully before we draw any conclusions.


"The interior is several steps above most NYC pizza restaurants"

really?? looked like a total dump to me:


EyesWideOpen2 ago

Thank you for your most cogent response. I honestly thought that my (first) post here would pass silently and unheeded. It is to the great credit of the American people that you actually bother to read what I have said, and challenge what I suggest. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, I am just passing on my observations for others to consider. I dearly hope that I am wrong about all this stuff, and I yearn to stand corrected. I am glad that you brought up the matter of the fire extinguishers, I only mentioned it my forlorn attempt at brevity in my initial posting. However since you bring up this aspect of my original post, I will take that as licence to expand on this small point. You are correct that 'KIDDE' is a common brand of fire extinguisher. I can see 4 fire extinguishers in this restaurant, 2 'Kiddes' and 2 red ones. One of the Kidde's is next to the wine bottles, the other is stupidly placed where the patrons would be int the way: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7051463,-73.9335849,3a,49.4y,267.64h,85.11t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s6_u7w2KMmMAAAAQZDaC4_Q!2e0!3e2!7i13312!8i6656

It should be noted that there is no sprinkler system in this place. There is also no fire blankets in the kitchen or out the back where there is open fire burning. The people running this place have no interest in fire safety, but there is a well placed KIDDE extinguisher next to the suspect wine bottles. The point I am making is that the 'KIDDE" fire extinguisher is for show, and a cue. Feel free to disagree with me, I may well be wrong about this. Everyone wants proof and evidence, as we should. All that I offer is clues that hopefully will lead to investigations leading to real evidence that can be taken to court.

NerdyNoodle ago

Hidden in plain sight.  

I posted about the domino masks a week ago and shills jumped on to say no no no those are not the same masks.


EyesWideOpen2 ago

I am very pleased to hear that someone else has made the connection with the domino masks. it is not a matter for debate, it is a matter of history. It is a pity that you were jumped upon for stating was is so demonstrably true. I must admit that I expected the same in response to my first ever post here. Happily enough, the responses have been intelligent and broadly supportive. I take great heart from this, it makes me think that we can actually do something to stop the severe abuse of children.

dreamdigital ago

Thank you for all the research and info. I will say that this truth does not free us even if all this gets exposed and people brought to justice. We will be forever plagued with the thought that all of this has been going on for decades.

smokinggunspizza ago


To see the chain, you have to follow it's links! Please click on this link:  https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7050868,-73.9335705,3a,15y,106.11h,86.47t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1OEW5dejVKwAAAQZDaAqgA!2e0!3e2!7i13312!8i6656 It is a Google street view of the inside of 'Roberta's Pizza' restaurant. This is a favorite pizza place of the Clintons' in New York. Or, if you prefer you can find this place on Google maps and navigate your way inside using street view and have a good look around inside. The wine rack is halfway inside on the right. It shows a paedophile style image on the label of one of their wine bottles. It depicts a curly haired toddler sitting in a nappy, and apparently performing oral sex. The white 'cut-away' of the toddler's cheek revealing the red 'object' inside gives it away. The 'all seeing eye' motif at the top of label is worth noting too. There is another bottle (to the left), with a demonic image on the label. The top of the label reads 'ENFER', (the 'E' has been rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise to make the head of a pitchfork, and to disguise the word). 'Enfer' is a large collection of pornography kept in France that dates back to the 16th century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfer (http://archive.is/wRDN2))  The bottom of the label reads 'DARVIE'. Norman Darvie is a well known artist. He does work in a similar style to the bottle's label: http://www.normandarvieart.com/ (http://archive.is/PWg4S)TheseThese) bottles appear to be deliberately placed next to a fire extinguisher labeled 'KIDDE'. Use the normal Google maps controls to zoom out to see all this, and more. The wine list at this hipster pizza joint is interesting, prices range typically from $50 to $150 per bottle. That seems like a lot to spend on a bottle of wine to go with a $20 pizza. The wine is certainly not in the price range of their mostly hipster clientele. Wine does seem to be inordinately significant at this pizza joint. The satanic symbolism on the chalkboard at the front of the place is quite strange and wine based: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.705051,-73.9335591,3a,24.2y,249.08h,98.78t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sg2n0XTabrcsAAAQZDaDkEQ!2e0!3e2!7i13312!8i6656 We have seen pizza related codes in emails apparently being used to reference illicit sex (or worse), perhaps there is a wine based code being used here. Ordering an expensive bottle of wine with a fellating toddler on the label might not be as innocent as it seems! This pizza shop is really quite a dump, have a look around inside and outside using Google street view. The floor is cracked and filthy, yet they have a valid license to serve food there (and $150 bottles of wine!). The "Go Deep" sticker outside above the entrance door could be a 'Project Monarch' trigger code, but that is a discussion for another time! It is very hard to see the attraction of a dump like this for a former President or his Presidential candidate wife! Their pizza can't be that good!  They must be something else that makes this place an alluring venue to the rich and powerful. The poster on the counter, to the right of wine rack, is worth looking at: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.705051,-73.9335591,3a,24.1y,103.11h,62.21t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sg2n0XTabrcsAAAQZDaDkEQ!2e0!3e2!7i13312!8i6656 Take note of the 'in the back yard' message at the middle left. This image is reminiscent of a photograph from a Rothschild party in 1972: https://www.google.com.au/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=894&q=rothschild+party+1972&oq=Rothschild+party&gs_l=img.1.1.0l10.3594.7024.0.9548. The gal in this photo is not a hired bimbo, she is Baroness-Marie-Hélène-de-Rothschild. Note the tears in the eyes of the mask that she is wearing. Which brings me to the 'dominoes' references of John Podesta in his emails: "Susan whipped Sherry and me at Dominos. Using the Podesta method, she made up the rules as we played." Mary and John I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them. Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well. I miss you both Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Herb Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta? Using the suspected code this reads as: Do you think that I'll do better playing dominoes on 'little girls' than on 'little boys'? Ok, so what is meant by 'dominoes'? Here is my take on what this might actually mean. It goes back to the 'Carnival of Venice' from the 12th century: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival_of_Venice (http://archive.is/NydY8)) From that article: "It encouraged licence and pleasure, but it was also used to protect Venetians from present and future anguish.". The wearing of masks was a big part of this festival. The 'Bauta' mask was/is a favourite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival_of_Venice#/media/File:Carnaval_Venise_4.jpgJPG (http://archive.is/TOb3i)) This is the same mask that was featured in the movie "Eyes wide shut": https://www.google.com.au/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=894&q=eyes+wide+shut+mask&oq=eyes+wide+shut&gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.2614.6535.0.9279. Here is the 'domino' connection: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domino_mask From the (http://archive.is/Oh9Vt)) aricle: The name in use to describe this partial mask derives from the Latin for dominus, for "lord" or "master",[1] combined with the word mask (itself deriving from medieval Latin masca, for "specter" or "nightmare").[2] Masks of this type became known as domini because they resembled French priests' winter hoods, which were white on the inside and black on the outside. It is worth noting that a nun's 'habit' is of the same basic form, a white face surrounded by a black robe. Kubrik showed us just what playing dominoes actually looks like: https://www.google.com.au/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=894&q=eyes+wide+shut+mask&oq=eyes+wide+shut&gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.2614.6535.0.9279. Lots of white faces in black robes. All looking much like stacked dominoes! I suspect this is what John Podesta was referring to when he spoke of playing 'dominoes'. This brings me back to the movie "Eyes wide shut" and the Rothchild's party from 1972. Kubrik's movie 'Eyes wide shut' was filmed in a Rothschild mansion, perhaps an instance of art imitating life. He died before this film was released, make of that what you will. The film starred Nicole Kidman, whom Fiona Barnett accuses of witnessing her abuse, at the hands of Ms Kidman's father. Here is one link to Fiona's story: https://pedophilesdownunder.com/about-fiona/ (http://archive.is/Df5FP)) Fiona claims to be a victim of the "Monarch project" mind control programme. Look again at the images from the Rothschild party from 1972: https://www.google.com.au/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=894&q=rothschild+party+1972&oq=Rothschild+part&gs_l=img.1.1.0l10.3458.9458.0.12719. https://www.google.com.au/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=894&q=rothschild+party+1972&oq=Rothschild+part&gs_l=img.1.1.0l10.3458.9458.0.12719. Or how about this pic from that Rothschild party. A most unusual table decoration I would think! : https://www.google.com.au/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=845&q=rothschild+party+1972&oq=rothschild+part&gs_l=img.1.1.0l10.2301.9940.0.14375. The cannabalising of babies is a commonly used technique for trauma based mind programming of children. For those interested in seeing beyond the veil, I recommend reading this online book about the 'Monarch' mind control programme. It is a long read, and very distressing in places. However it will provide a very valuable insight into what is really behind the horrors that most of us can can barley imagine from a distance, and is being done (right now) to many children all over the world. http://educate-yourself.org/mc/IlluminatiFormulaindex.shtml (http://archive.is/ZsHYK)) It is not in my nature to exaggerate or dramatise, but when I say horrors that children are being exposed to, I mean horrors many times greater than most would ever imagine possible. And not just a few moments of terror, but every day for hours on end under medical supervision. The truth may yet set us free .... at least I hope it will!



this is a big one guys. too many big hints here and its their favorite pizza place! fuck these people.

EDIT w/ mega links of image backups:

Link: https://mega.nz/#!pw8lga7a

KEY: !xTFOb3FhvSnaPUf5RRgfXVjoq6sAEESrNWnYVed0_8c

edit 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LUIg2QMdmk first result on bing video for enfer wine. lots of weird shit. probably nothing but definitely MK ULTRA like. apparently from this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1433528/

also the other wine : http://sli.mg/0Q8WZW http://archive.is/GxYqM

EyesWideOpen2 ago

I can see that you already get what is going on, as much as any of us can. Finding a way to wake up millions of others is our duty, and a very tricky task for anyone!

smokinggunspizza ago

edit 3: look at the guys youtube account. Also has a jerry lewis video. Jerry lewis married his 13 year old cousin. Charlie Chaplin was also a pedo.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

In the book that I referenced earlier, it was mentioned. in passing. that Elvis Presley was a mind controlled slave .... that explains a lot about him!

smokinggunspizza ago

Did you archive these links?



I screenshotted the googles in case those disappear. will archive is on my own. good work.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

I store everything. I suggest that you do as well. The images inside Robert's pizza will soon outlive the promotional purpose and will soon disappear. Much like the 'Besta Pizza' logo disappeared when exposed.

goodguy1367 ago

Everything would be in code For these sickos and most of it is probably in front of all our faces like this, we can probably find this everywhere if we keep looking AND WE WILL SHILLS.. Keep up the good work. Why the fucking creepy deer head on that chick but!

blind_sypher ago

I just wanna take a moment to admire the fact that I was just beamed a 3d reprsentation if that store to my phone and I could actually get up and walk around in it in real space.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Good! This not 'fake news', you can go inside this place and see it all for yourself. Pass this on to your friends, it will help!

SomeD ago

You're talking about this label in the first link ? https://i.sli.mg/tnfg3M.jpg

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Yes! Well done on finding this label. I looked around for it, but could not find it. The imagery speaks for itself, even more clearly - thanks to your find. Again the red cheek is the key to understanding this symbol. If others disagree, then so be it. Your more complete image with hanging grapes (balls) rather adds to my interpretation I would think! It looks even more like a cock in this clearer image. Well done!, good sir or mam. I suspect the label is more important the the bottle, it is a pretty good though and not cheap: http://www.wine-searcher.com/wine-73428-0001-olek-bondonio-la-berchialla-rosso-giulietta-langhe-italy.

smokinggunspizza ago

http://sli.mg/0Q8WZW http://archive.is/GxYqM

LOL. look at the books in the background.

sixgorillion ago

Can you stop posting google links? We need archives and screenshots. If what you found is juicy, it will get cleaned up quickly.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

I think that I now understand what you are saying. I agree posting screen shots would be much better. Alas I do not how to that here. I do not have a 'smarty phone' so I do not know of their limitations with clicking on links and such. However, I am more than happy to learn if anyone can give me a few tips!

sixgorillion ago

I think you misunderstood me. It doesn't matter what device you use to browse the internet. You're still never supposed to click on any links. That is how you get fucked.

You should go into http://archive.is and then ARCHIVE your link before sharing the archive link, because the archive page wont do anything 'fishy' with your computer that the original site was designed to do.

Site to upload images: http://sli.mg

Site to archive links: http://archive.is

And then you share THOSE links, because if you share a google direct link then they have the ability to modify/delete the content.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

You make a good point. I admit I do not know what is best to do, I just try to do my best. I understand that any revelation risks sending the suspects deeper underground. If you have any advice about how best to proceed, I would welcome your thoughts. I think our best chance is to have a million eyes 'wide open', but first we have to open our minds. Oooh!, I can feel a song coming on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr1puxzJ-Os With great respect to your concern, I would suggest that is the links that we forge between us that defines and determines our humanity.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

You make a good point. I admit I am not sure what is the best thing to do. Any revelations risk sending the suspects further underground. If you have some advice about how best to proceed, I would appreciate your thoughts.

CrackerJacks ago

The first thing you could have done is do a search on Voat to see if this has been talked about before. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1445061



https://www.wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/19485 6:30pm Hillary went to a party at Roberta's Pizza

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482030 TIMELINE OF PIZZAGATE RELATED CENSORSHIP

Lots of info in those subs that you could use to make this sub better.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Your point is well taken. However I think there is some good in approaching this topic with fresh eyes, as my username haughtily alludes to! I have done a lot of my own research and your links will further add to my knowledge. For that I sincerely thank you. Our strength will grow by learning from each other, and lots of kids that we will never know are depending on us to help them!

EyesWideOpen2 ago

My only aim is to add a bit more to the already considerable body of evidence and observation. Even I can see something that others have previously missed, which I believe I have done. Another contributor here saw something that I had not (about flourescent paint near Roberta's pizza), that's how it works. The efforts of all us are valuable, and every bit counts. Let's work together and keep up the good work, if we do not stand up then no-one else will. The battle has just begun!

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Thank you for those useful links. This is my first day on this website, so please excuse me for being a bit behind the curve with all this stuff! It is great to see that some are so well informed here, you have my respect and gratitude.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

My apologies to all. My post was quite well laid out on my computer, but it got jumbled on posting. Please forgive me, I am new at this stuff!

redditsuckz ago

Alefantis and the Smith brothers... (literally call friends "pedos" and are obsessed with torture)


#TheInevitableBlack - Deth Killers Bushwick





Photos: Bill & Hillary Clinton Went To Bushwick For Pizza At Roberta's Last Night!



The Deth Killers might be using human hides for clothing...


EyesWideOpen2 ago

Wow! That last link you posted is a real eye opener. All this stuff makes me feel ill, but we have to stick with this. May I suggest to all readers here, take a moment to click on the links that the posters provide. That is how we will learn. This poster has really got my attention!

NerdyNoodle ago

Deth Killers:

OAK: What’s your vice? GM: Prostitution, I mean pizza.


CrackerJacks ago

It's cool, we've all started where you are now, but the search tab on this site can be your friend when making a submission. The more info you have on your topic the better.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Thanks, CrackerJacks. It is not easy for me to speak out, but I feel that I must do so about the horrors that children are enduring as we speak!

Gorillion ago

To create paragraph and line breaks, hammer out two spaces after the end of each block of text, then hit enter, then stamp out two more spaces, hit enter again.

Block of Text 1.

Block of Text 2.

Block of Text 3.


Block of Text 4.

The end.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Thanks for those tips. I am very sorry that my well crafted text ended looking like a glob of dung!

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Thanks for those links. I hope that others here will take the time to click on them. They are all pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that we are all trying to put together.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Just down the street from your screen capture is this: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7047887,-73.9342704,3a,76.3y,340.45h,81.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQqa0fIBOdL2rHl7ncV5Xrw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 The fractured mirror image of the girl is a strong metaphor for the 'Monarch project' splitting of a young mind into controlled 'alters'. The tags "Let it go", "low hopes", "some things, never change" are classic Monarch mind control triggers. The owl is a big Illuminati symbol (ala Bohemian grove). It is that which can see in the darkness (it's an illuminati jerkoff thing!) . I have seen this same owl illustration elsewhere in New York.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

I know what you mean. Take a stroll around the block (with Google street view) there is lots of other messages sprayed on the wall there.

Hopevoats ago

I suspect that sprayed messages could indicate the presence of secret invisible messages in UV or infrared; to be viewed with special goggles or glasses.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

That is very clever thinking. I would not have thought of that. You are right though, no amount of deception is beyond these folks. There are lots of codes, meaningless to most of us, that will trigger programmed 'alters' into the required behaviour.

Hopevoats ago

I wish that I could take credit, but I got the idea from a post on David Icke's forum. See my most recent post for more info.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

That is very clever thinking! I would not have thought of that. You are right though, all manner of deception is at work here and nothing is out of bounds with these folks.