MAGABoomer ago

This video which is described in the comments as "Doug W5 years ago real classy. White trash foul mouth fat registered sex offender attacking a 13 year old girl."

has been data moshed

Datamoshing seems to be a thing. I can't spot anything odd on Scotty page, just really bad artists.

MAGABoomer ago browsers crashed with all my tabs open so I'm not sure if I'm on the right thread again. FUCK FF.

OK found it further down this page on another post (safe...did not find anything disturbing other than what I said.)

This is the only photo on the tumblr page that was curious...taken at the white house. The rest of the art on the page is just bad graphic art. There were three photos/art things with pizza but nothing that stood out. She has a crush on Jackie Chan, writes terrible animae fan fiction, and is very angry when tweens steal her artwork. She is a herpatologist of some sort...lizards, turtles, snakes...

The photo on the tumblr is found in google image

AdVict0riam ago

Having clicked through the majority of the Tumblr links, I officially want to die.

The "child's POV" gif is unnervingly similar to the old Baloo from Jungle Book masturbation meme/gif from like 8-10 years ago.

llm2016 ago

Clintonlovespizza wtf?

AdVict0riam ago

Wikileaks Hillary Email #14333

This shit is real, people.

MeatballPizza ago

Their wine list is online. PDF of it. Has an inverted cross in it.

MeatballPizza ago

The place is mentioned by Podesta in Wikileaks and Bill & Hillary visited there as well. There was a dispute between the owners and it was purchased by a ... . BILLIONAIRE.

Must be lots of dough in pizza!

Caratacus ago

Click thru some of the tumblr pages from others. If that isn't creepy/relevant, then I don't know what is.

MeatballPizza ago

I looked through it. Can see why they took it down!!!

Pentagram Pizza! Remember, Comet or this place has a popular pizza called "Christ Cheesus." Aren't they clever chaps?