fuck_pedo_enablers ago

The bull photo is interesting. It appears to have one hand pointing downwards and one upwards, like the as above so below gesture in depictions of Baphomet. This gesture is also seen in this bizarre George Washington statue in D.C.

redditsuckz ago

#TheInevitableBlack - Deth Killers Bushwick





Photos: Bill & Hillary Clinton Went To Bushwick For Pizza At Roberta's Last Night!



Another Creepy Factory Place - The Standard Baking Company



The Deth Killers might be using human hides for clothing...


IlluminatiKing ago

"Pedo" "Penn State" o.o

itrunshot ago

That coffin looks like this coffin.... https://i.sli.mg/C93Ldh.jpg

Pulled from this thread that never really got traction https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482211

redditsuckz ago

Pulled from this thread that never really got traction https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482211

Related Threads;

Alefantis Kill Room Found - The Pajama Factory Same Brick Walls as Instagram Photos - Womans Body was found 2013


UPDATE : Alefantis/Smith "kill room" found!


Coffeegate - Starbucks mentioned 109 times and Coffee mentioned over 650 times



There are MULTIPLE Kill Rooms - Comet Ping Pongs Bricks are same inside Restaurant + McCullough Contruction and Chevy Chase Gallery Beside it


itrunshot ago

So far the biggest argument against this was, "its just coffee". All I have to say to that is "its just pizza". Not a very good argument is it?

TokyoJoe ago

I know quite a few hunters and they do lay out their like the photo. I thought the comment of whatever PDX is "dcdroogs" and someone replied about Penn State football hiring h the referred person. I would think it'sa reference to pedophile rapist Sandusky!

pizzahunt42 ago

Anyone know what "the tick tock" is?

The one image says teach them what the tick tock is.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Where Ian the photo with the tick took reference?

redditsuckz ago

Tick Tock might mean the "time to hunt"...like when hunting season starts.

Comment by victorialynnrels on the "killroom" - "Where the werewolves lock themselves up during the full moon"

The brothers have referred to themselves as "wolves".

"dont dance with the wolves if you aint got fangs"


The inevitable Black - Deth Killers Bushwick





Photos: Bill & Hillary Clinton Went To Bushwick For Pizza At Roberta's Last Night!



IsThisGameOfThrones ago


Here's a video that talks about the smith brothers and their connection to the pajama factory

SlackeryTurnBull ago

One would hope. Hillary did win the popular vote, though. There's a vast number of ignorant people out there.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Devil's advocate. And I think it's good to know what they're going to say on the next Stephen Colbert mocking Pizzagate.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Some sick art can be art, though. It depends if the intention is to elevate the spirit or bring it down into the mud. Example: Kim Noble's art is meant to expose Satanic ritual abuse and maybe exorcise some of the demons from having experienced it.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It would be smart to know that's what the defense is going to be. And yes, Marina Abramov or whatever her name is was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2014. We are talking about "art", and not just Satanism on a Christian fear porn youtube video.

I actually lean more toward them being in a cult, simply because the images in the Majestic Ape video are too sick to just be hipster posing. That and a couple other reasons. Satanism seems to be a part of a lot of "hipster" culture.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Male friends could call eachother pedo because one of them once mentioned he thought a young teen girl was hot and it became a running joke. Highly circumstantial. I also think the obsession with torture, killing, nastiness in general, could just be a symptom of how empty culture has become, specifically on social media. Or... they might be hipster cultists.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Except Jeff smith gives it context with the penn state comment

BethesdaDC ago

yeah right. if I used words like pedopfile, bi-polar, or psychopath to describe a family member, it's because they most likely are

SlackeryTurnBull ago

So You would never say "Psycho!" as a joke? Or "You're so bi-polar!"?

BethesdaDC ago

On the contrary, I've used similar words and meant it, even in jest

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Well... true. There probably is some truth in it.

GodHand666 ago

With my nickname aside, just take my words.

organic1 ago

This. Killing isn't subjective. The way the animals are displayed shows that they're twisted people.

GodHand666 ago

The animals as well yes, but tons of people hunt and pose like this with their kill. It's twisted I agree, especially with how young they are.

GodHand666 ago

I was literally just taking to my girlfriend about how this username is going to get shit, lol. I don't have any religious belief necessarily, I did it for the lulz

GodHand666 ago

I feel like the only pertinent thing with this is the fact that he called that dude a pedo, but other than that, everything else seems highly subjective.