cakeoflightylight ago

There is a disgusting Maroon 5 video called Animals and he has sex with a girl he is stalking while covered in blood. The video features him pretending to be a dead animal hanging from a hook in a locker. This stuff is sick. All of Hollywood is promoting this sick blood cult. Maroon 5 Animals - disgusting music video about eating prey alive and having sex while covered in blood - this is supposed to be hot how?

dreamdigital ago

How Powerful Is Satan’s Influence?

A criminal may wipe his fingerprints from the crime scene in an attempt to leave no trace of his identity. However, when the police arrive, they realize that if a crime has been committed, there must be a criminal. Satan, the original “manslayer,” tries to leave no trace of his identity. (John 8:44; Hebrews 2:14) When speaking with Eve, Satan hid his identity behind a serpent. He is still trying to hide today. He “has blinded the minds of the unbelievers” so as to conceal the extent of his powerful influence.—2 Corinthians 4:4.

However, Jesus identified Satan as the criminal mastermind behind the corrupt world we live in. He called him “the ruler of this world.” (John 12:31; 16:11) “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one,” wrote the apostle John. (1 John 5:19) Satan effectively uses “the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life” in “misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (1 John 2:16; Revelation 12:9) He is the one whom mankind in general obeys.

As was the case with Eve, those obeying Satan, in effect, make him their god. Hence, Satan is “the god of this system of things.” (2 Corinthians 4:4) The effects of his rule include hypocrisy and lies; war, torture and destruction; crime, greed and corruption.

How You Can Avoid His Influence

The Bible warns: “Keep your senses, be watchful.” Why? Because “your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.” (1 Peter 5:8) Though this scripture is sobering, it is reassuring to know that only those who do not keep their senses—those not keeping on the watch—will be “overreached by Satan.”—2 Corinthians 2:11.

It is vital that we accept the reality of Satan’s existence and allow God to ‘make us firm’ and ‘make us strong.’ In that way we can take a “stand against [Satan]” and put ourselves on God’s side.—1 Peter 5:9, 10.

I guess here is some additional information too on things you all might wonder.

Where did Satan come from?—Job 38:4-7; John 8:44. How much does Satan influence the world?—John 12:31; 1 John 5:19; Revelation 12:9. What can we do to protect ourselves from Satan’s evil designs?—1 Peter 5:8-10.

amyrebeccajames ago

RE: the Roberta's pizza Summer Solstice party - June 21 - and roasting of chickens (could that Roberta's poster be any more Satanic?) - June 21 is a day that they conduct human or animal sacrifice and have orgies. Chickenlover = adult male pedo who likes little boys (Chicken = little boys) See:

VieBleu ago

The sign was owned by longtime Comet liquor store owner for years. Some investigator here found a picture of the exact same sign on the liquor store storefront. Alefantis bought it from him. Somehow a friend was invovled in his buying the sign.

I enjoy this kind of analysis and am not saying nothing else is going on there, but the sign is a pretty dead end - so far, the evidence points to the idea that this sign was already created by someone else before Alefantis even knew he was opening CPP. (Was THAT owner a satanist/pedo running a front? who knows anything is possible in DC at this point. It was another "community beloved" establishment supposedly) Aside from what is below look for the interview of Alefantis in "DC" magazine called "From Scratch" there is discussion about the sign in the very long interview. It should be in some old coments here, I don't have time to find it for you right now sorry. He talks about getting the sign from the liquor store and a friend who helped him get it. It already had the moon and stars on it. To paraphrase Freud, "sometimes a moon and star is just a moon and star."

Here are some links you should look at -

PS - I do think Alefantis has a "Pan complex" along the lines of what can be found in 1000 Days of Sodom by Marquis de Sade. There is no way to read that whole awful book, but I've read parts of it - at the begining a character is described with a voracious sexual appetite who looks nearly like Pan or the Horned God with muscular legs and hooved feet when in his rutting and abusing anything and anyone in his path. BTW in that notorious book children are kidnapped and kept in the castle to be tortured sex slaves and a lot of other weird disgusting actions with them like having them serve cream for coffee after dinner out of their anuses. Ewwww sorry I had to say that but Depravity is REAL. anyway hope that ads to your discussion.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Here is a photo of a poster by one of the designers who does work with CPP bands and events

Notice the position of the moons and how they are facing (10pm and 4pm).

Now compare to

No way this is coincidence. All these people are in the know.

As for the fact he bought the cruddy sign and put it on his place, this doesn't debunk anything. If anything it's more suspicious. The first owner was a Freemason. Either Alefantis knew about him, or the sign was well known in "certain circles" for its in your face symbolism. Alefantis probably jumped at it when it was available. He has instant deniabilitybif anyone points to the symbolism "it's from some shop, I was just saving money / keeper by the memory alive / whatever".

The sign is so ugly no young hipster would source it; they'd commission something modern and funky. Not like he is short of artistic friends and contacts; they'd probably do it free for him.

He sourced it because it's laden with symbolism rubbed in the publics face without them being aware

VieBleu ago

Well, I think this is where you need to go with your investigation, because you do have to deal with the probability that the sign was purchased as is reported. The liquor store clearly existed for years. I think digging into the previous owner very deeply would be a great idea - I mean who knows? you could theorize maybe the previous owner was the "go to" guy for a long time and Jimmy Comet took over the front operation, and the rest is just a cover story... The crescent moons do look very similar, and the positioning on that poster and similarity is interesting. But the crescent is a really simple and common symbol too and it is on all 4 corners.

I have to say also, I would drop the argument about it being ugly - it's not a strong argument as it is just an opinion. Personally I find the sign appealing because I like the colors and vintage look of it (this is oviously divorced from the revulsion it provokes at this point because of its associations) so you aren't going to get far with an argument that boils down to taste.

I would look into who was the intermediary person who helped Alefantis procure the sign, as I said it is in this interview in DC Magazine with a lot of his self-described background Here - If you can find out who that is and their associations might lead to something (as well as more the liquor store owner - The Freemason thing is something, but not every Freemason is an insider, you could use more.)

RedGreenAlliance ago

Thanks, I take on board all your points, and regardless of why Alefantis went out of his way to buy another persone old signage, the original players and their backgrounds and motives would be good to investigate (if not lost in time). It is unusual in the extreme to adopt someone's name, logos, signage for a completely new business; most businessmen are egotistic (in a positive sense) i.e. If they are going to invest their emotions money and Labour into a business project they would want to brand it themselves or at least name it. It is very interesting why Alefantis would just outsource all that in this manner. For example he could have used his name as the name of the establishment to build his own personal brand, and leverage some of that influence he has (49th most powerful many in DC?)

I will amend the main post in the next few days.

VieBleu ago

I think that's a good point. He passes it off in the article as a sort of coming together of things - he already had Bucks going, the Thai restaurant two doors down that had been there 30 years closed down, so it was suddenly available, and his friend helped him get the sign, so he just went with the name. (as best I can remember). It is a little slapdash but I suppose plausible. Apparently there is also a term among swingers that a "comet" is a person who may come around from time to time to have swinger sex or something like that. His nickname is Jimmy Comet of course. Anyway Good luck. If you find anything intersting on that owner, ping me with @VieBleu

goodguy1367 ago

That is what I was saying earlier in this investigation, if you look at the artist who created the picture of Baphomemt, Eliphas Levi, The one which the CPP moon and star comes from,, his wiki page said that he took 2 pictures and created one, being Baphomemt, and he called it a, wait for it, a HE-goat just as JA called CarisJames, a fucking HeBaby!!!!

hels ago

Having read the article and Crowley's mention of Baphomet = 729 (the cube of 9). With the symbol of Baphomet "having balance with its opposite" can we assume that opposite of 999 is 666?

Eastwood350 ago

The mural "artist" for Comet Ping Pong is also associated with Walt Disney Co. & Coca Cola.

Much of his "art work" is more than disturbing from his Instagram acct. but there are also a few pics of young children and also one pic including pizza.

ich1baN ago

Excellent write up RedGreenAlliance.... I just want to say something really quick and I'll post a separate VOAT on this later but this is MUCH MUCH bigger than anyone can imagine.

If you understand and research Freemasonry.... these events are all connected to a MUCH MORE complex society, organization, and potential SHADOW government.

I have several factual incidents to cite that implicate Freemasonry-Sicilian Mafia connection just as some users here have noted that we should remind ourselves there are more complex orgs involved.

Think about it - the Mafia needs funding therefore they are going to use the highest profit margin activities and child trafficking and pedophilia is one of those.

There was a VERY famous incident where the Mafia-Freemasonry-Vatican connection almost got entirely destroyed in 1981 in Italy. It was called the P2 Lodge and this is all evidence in mainstream publications - THIS IS NOT CONSPIRACY THEORY - It's an open fact you can read about in NYtimes and several online publications.

This was the largest shadow government ring ever established in the history of a country and it almost corrupted Italy (even though it's still highly corrupt in government) forever without any chance of good reigning. The reason I am making light to this is b/c the connections behind the child rapes of the Catholic church are just WAY too coincidental. These events are not isolated - they ARE connected. The Vatican was implicated in this P2 lodge b/c the P2 lodge was the Vatican's banker and earned them SUBSTANTIAL profits from drugs and of course other illicit activities.

The reason I'm bringing light to this is that the Satanism aspect runs through all of these orgs and connects them and one Mafia member of the P2 lodge admitted that in order to be admitted into the lodge that they "had to kill a baby"

This connection to Jimmy Comet's video of Majestic Ape where he/she talks about infanticide "and she held onto it till the end... it had a cord... I had to put that shit down... euthanasia" just makes it all the more connected. I can cite WAY more but this is just the tip and I want to remind you that I am going to make my own post about this.

It's important that everyone reading these threads understands the forest and doesn't just look at the leaf of the tree - ESPECIALLY any FBI and CIA agents that are trying to understand the MOTIVES and INCENTIVES these people have. Often times, these sort of activities just get chalked up to silly old men that are just isolated cases. THIS IS FURTHEST FROM THE TRUTH. These men who use all sorts of avenues such as orphanages and child sex slaves from 3rd world nations via non-profits and other seemingly philanthropic avenues and shipping connected friends such as Onassis family (this name keeps coming up in my research through wikileaks and through the Freemason-P2-Mafia-Vatican connection).

There are other incidents of complex pedophile rings that have almost been completely unraveled in US history such as the "Franklin Scandal"... here is an excerpt from a VeteransToday article describing a portion of it:

"The most egregious, known sexual slavery-human trafficking-child abuse scandal in US history occurred back in the 1980’s with its epicenter Boys Town, USA near Omaha, Nebraska. The so called Franklin scandal that was traced directly up to both the Reagan and George HW Bush White Houses caused enough of a stir to force the Nebraska state legislature to call for an independent investigation in 1988. But once again the long arm of predatory, morally reprehensible power out of Washington successfully evaded any justice from being served and the powerful guilty perverts at the top once again got away with both murder and destroying hundreds of young defenseless lives, throwaway kids from the child welfare system that historically fails to protect them.

"The story began at Boys Town, the same Boys Town that the late Mickey Rooney and Spencer Tracy starred in to make it the most famous Catholic orphanage in the entire world. At the center of the Franklin scandal was Larry King, an African American businessman and owner of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha. So as not to confuse this Larry King with the other Larry King, the longtime media personality currently working at the RT network, this presentation will refer to the monster behind the Franklin scandal as Lawrence King. Back in the mid-1980’s during the Reagan presidency, Lawrence King became the fast rising star of the Republican Party, singing the national anthem at the Grand Old Party’s 1984 presidential convention in Dallas. For many years Lawrence King had been in cahoots with the priest who was second in command at Boys Town, a pedophile himself who helped funnel a steady supply of innocent victims for King’s syndicate crime ring."

The connections are all way too coincidental and way too obvious that what connects them are their sadistic "spiritual" view of using children for power/energy (George Soros Maddy McCann eye condition connection).

I'll post on this later (hope this doesn't hijack, just want to bring light to an extremely important element that many are overlooking).

RedGreenAlliance ago

Great post wish i had time to reply, got to sign off for the night. Look forward to your expanded article tag me in in case i miss it.

ich1baN ago

Sure thing RedGreenAlliance :)... thank you for your insight too. I know this takes a toll on the soul, but all that has to happen for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

RedGreenAlliance ago


basil999 ago

Is this some sort of occult hand signal or just some innocent club hand sign (at the art gallery Alefantis is president of)

RedGreenAlliance ago

I think it may be innocent. It's a Yoga Mudra. I guess it could be something else but I haven't looked. In Mudra, the ring finger represents earth and the thumb fire. It's for meditation all poses and correcting imbalances in the elements. Something like that.

KingDumb ago

Why have I never seen anyone mention the fact that Arrington De Dionyso is the lead singer of the band Old Time Relijun. I was a massive fan of this band about 10 years ago. I suggest to anyone interested in these leads to check out some of the lyrics and subject matter of most Old Time Relijun songs. I was actually not too too surprised that his name was connected to all of this when I first learned of CPP.

Edit... I vaguely recall that he was also teaching singing (mainly throat singing) classes in the cities he was playing in a few years back also

RedGreenAlliance ago

Good find. I wanted to do more research into him. His real name for starters, this band and it's lyrics will reveal a lot

KingDumb ago

Definitely. He absolutely has a few themes he writes with. Alot of songs about vampires and drinking blood. As well as alot of allusions to mk ultra stuff as well as a tonne of occult imagery. He also has a very unique singing style which I've always described to people as being attributed to someone with split personality disorder. He doesn't so much sing as much as he "channels" or "invokes" something in his performance. I will be reviewing his music closely in the next few days, I'm certain now with this new light cast upon him, that his lyrics will reveal quite a bit.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Dystopia, zombie apocalypse, post human worlds... are they preparing for it, or is it a message for what the Elites have in store for us like Orwell's "1984" (Eric Blair aka George Orwell 'died' a year later)

Voater_from_Austria ago

Damn man, I need a break!

I expected pedos as part of the slippery slope after LGBT etc... but this?! This is completely on another level.
I can't cope with this crap any longer!

RedGreenAlliance ago

I know. I am with you on that score. You are from Austria? Damn you guys nearly followed us with Brexit in getting out from under the Globalist NWO. Instead you got a Watermelon (Green Party on the outside Red on the inside).

You might NOT want to read this then.. it'll really blow your mind (from my blog)

EuroBabel - Occult Symbolism of the EU

After reading please see a shrink :-) There should be plenty in Austria!

Godwillwin ago

Oh my gosh. Those are obviously CHILDREN skeletons running around a maypole (the pig tails and bow give it away)

SpikyAube ago

And no I haven't noticed that about witnessing horror and not doing anything about it, that's a really interesting point. I really don't believe that there are lots of people working in TV and movies that deliberately engineer this stuff with a particular covert psychological goal in mind, such as trying to train people not to react to horrific violence, although I do think that that is a side effect and that some people may be happy with and promote that side effect.

It does feel like our society has been geared, the past 30 years or so, towards reducing empathy and care for other people, particularly people you don't know personally. It's a very stupid very short-sighted plan, because empathy is what allowed humans to evolve into the successful adaptable creatures that they are. Without it we won't survive long I don't think.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah I know it's a remake, but I'm not sure how much of the same symbolism was in the old one. I'm not sure if I believe that there are people putting things into TV shows deliberately as foreshadowing, but I do think that there is some kind of unconscious connection between us all, just due to experiencing similar things, hearing about the same events, eating at the same kinds of restaurants - it's even more likely we humans will all start thinking similarly and having similar ideas and dreams etc as the world becomes smaller and the big news in Australia or China is big news over here, and we all have similar urban landscapes and the same branding and chain stores, we listen to the same music and watch the same movies and see the same viral memes and stories online. So there can be a sort of collective consciousness I think, that influences creative work. So it might not be that the people making this show were deliberately drawing parallels between the story and things happening in reality, but that the concept of doing Westworld and doing it this particular way arose because of the cloud of a million different little interactions and pictures and soundbites and ideas and projected feelings that buzzes around human societies, a cloud that unknowingly tells you something fundamental about the state of the world and your fellow humans, and thus in some way guides your actions accordingly.

SpikyAube ago

But why?

dreamdigital ago

I posted this in a thread but it fits here as well, so here it is again.

2 Corinthians 11:14,15 - "14. And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light. 15 It is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness. But their end will be according to their works."

It's always been vexing to me to see people discredit biblical verses as out dated. Since 9/11 happened, I've literally just been checking things off.

1 John 5:19 - "19. We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."

This is why I've said all over this forum that these people were guilty the second I saw who they were affiliating themselves with; Molech (Moloch).

It will help to understand what and who we're actually dealing with behind the scenes.

“Angels That Sinned”

When God created spirit creatures, he made them free moral agents, able to choose for themselves whether to do good or bad. Sadly, after the creation of humankind, an undisclosed number of angels chose to do bad by rebelling against God.

The first and most infamous spirit to rebel became Satan. “He did not stand fast in the truth,” said Jesus Christ. (John 8:44) What moved Satan to turn against God? He began to covet the worship that belongs exclusively to the Creator, and then he acted on that desire by setting himself up as a rival god. In this way he made himself “Satan,” a word that means “resister.” Centuries later, prior to the Flood of Noah’s day, other angels joined Satan, forsaking their heavenly position to materialize in human form and dwell on earth. (Genesis 6:1-4; James 1:13-15) When the Flood occurred, the materialized “angels that sinned” apparently returned to the spirit realm. (2 Peter 2:4; Genesis 7:17-24) In time, they came to be called demons.—Deuteronomy 32:17; Mark 1:34.

The disobedient angels now found themselves in a very different situation from the one they had enjoyed before rebelling. Jude 6 reads: “The angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place [God] has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.” Yes, God did not allow the demons to enjoy their former privileges in heaven but consigned them to figurative “pits of dense darkness,” cut off from all spiritual enlightenment.

“Misleading the Entire Inhabited Earth”

Though evidently prevented from again materializing as humans, the demons still have great power and influence over the minds and lives of people. In fact, Satan, together with his demon hordes, is “misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:9; 16:14) How? To a large extent, by means of the “teachings of demons.” (1 Timothy 4:1) These false teachings, often religious in nature, have blinded the minds of millions to the truth about God. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Consider some examples.

● Anything-goes morality. “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one,” says 1 John 5:19. Satan and his demons exploit their power by using the media and other means to promote the evil notion that humans should give free reign to base fleshly desires. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Hence, immorality of every kind, including sexual perversions, is rife today. Such behavior is even considered normal, whereas Bible standards are often viewed as old-fashioned or narrow-minded.

● The promotion of spiritism. The apostle Paul encountered a servant girl possessed by “a demon of divination,” which enabled her “to furnish her masters with much gain by practicing the art of prediction.” (Acts 16:16) Aware of the source of her supernatural abilities, Paul refused to listen to the girl. Additionally, he did not want to offend God, who views all forms of spiritism—including astrology and appeals to occult powers—as detestable.—Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

We're all smart in this forum. Read this information and use your understanding as you have all been doing already. This kind of morality that these people are into is so far from anything natural we know "who it originates with."

ich1baN ago

Why do you think God gave the command to Joshua to wipe out every tribe in Canaan called the Canaanites ? They were all corrupted and influenced by Satan, burning and sacrificing their children to Moloch and doing all sorts of detestable acts.

Joshua ultimately failed to listen to God and didn't wipe out every tribe.

At any rate Jimmy Comet dressed as Majestic Ape talks about infanticide in that one video where he describes "She held on to the end... I had to end that... euthanasia".... this is no different than sacrificing a baby to Moloch taking into account the Moloch picture Jimmy Comet posted. It all goes hand in hand.

The Freemason connection is also very strong. Eric McFadden was caught soliciting sex with minors and was Clinton's Catholic liaison. He is also a Knight's of Columbus 4th Order member. KoC are highly connected to Freemasons.

The whole Catholic child rapes over the past decades is all interconnected. I will make a post on this later. The famous Freemason-Catholic P2 lodge that was charged with many different criminal counts in 1981 admitted that one of the prerequisites to joining the 33rd degree P2 lodge was killing a baby. (hence sacrifice to Moloch). This is WAY WAY WAY bigger than anyone has ever imagined.

I'm not saying your uncle Joe or cousin Anthony who happens to be a 9th degree Freemason has any knowledge of this. It's only the highest degrees that are enlightened using their jargon that are involved in the most criminal elements. Your garden variety Freemasons know nothing and actually just genuinely believe they are in a fraternal organization for good intentions.

dreamdigital ago

I agree with you 100%. Thanks for sharing.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Good points. Freemasonry and the NWO agenda are deeply entwined; Europe is filled with pedo rings involving Elites, it is used to compromise (in order to gain advancement), and then control. the deeper they go, the more they are broken down and accept more depravity and get addicted to the power. Its the ultimate form of coercion through blackmail.

I wrote about Freemasonry / Satanism / EU on my blog


ich1baN ago

Great Scot!!! I read your Eurobabel article.... Very excellently written. It confirms everything I have studied for years as well.

That part about Merkel being a young Communist with her pictured marching lock stock and barrel with other commies... my mind is blown away.

It's not surprising considering she is imo the overarching reason for allowing George Soros's immigration disaster into Europe to dilute and destroy through "diversity".

There is a video of her in her early years I believe before she was voted in at a Christian Democrat Union gathering telling them how she would never allow open immigration into Germany..... these people (men and women) are just bone-chillingly evil to the core.

I'm thankful that UK voted exit, but do you believe May will institute it?

ich1baN ago

Thanks RGA, I'll take a look at it!

pmichel ago

2 Timothy 3 Modern English Version (MEV )The Last Days 3 Know this: In the last days perilous times will come. 2 Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 without natural affection, trucebreakers, slanderers, unrestrained, fierce, despisers of those who are good, 4 traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness, but denying its power. Turn away from such people.

dreamdigital ago

Also, too, reference signs of the last days as stated by Jesus when his disciples asked what would the sign of the last days. Matthew 24:7,8 7 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom,+ and there will be food shortages+ and earthquakes in one place after another.+ 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress."

pmichel ago

for fun check out the rise in earthquakes in OK. I know these are related to fracking but still, huge rise in earthquakes all over. Also mass animal die offs. But then, this is all probably fake news. ;)

dreamdigital ago

No you're absolutely right. It doesn't say these things wouldn't be caused by something man is doing. It just says it's going to happen.

RedGreenAlliance ago

It's a form of self worship. It's the "do as thou wilt" doctrine of various branches of Satanism (Crowley / Ordo Templi Orientis / Thelema) all boils down to the same thing. It dovetails with the polite corporate pushed face - TRANSHUMANISM - see this post

pmichel ago

have seen celebrities with that saying on shirts, tattoos, etc

RedGreenAlliance ago

If you check "Do what though wilt" and #DWTW on social media - instagram, Tumblr, FB, Twitter.... its disgusting

dreamdigital ago

Yes I agree. Do as though wilt; there is nothing more Satanic than that kind of thinking. Where are you limits? You are pushing aside all your natural affection (which is states in 2 Timothy 3 about the last days that people would have no natural affection) that would tell you your actions are inhuman, ungodly and morally wrong.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Very good post, thank you!

dreamdigital ago

You're welcome.

ich1baN ago

I think he replied directly to my post.... but yours is good too ;)

Godwillwin ago

Great references!

dreamdigital ago

Thank you. God is not a mystery as Christendom paints him to be. That's all part of the conspiracy of covering up who God is and who the Devil is. The best thing Satan could have done for himself is to convince people that he doesn't exist and that you can't draw close to God and have him as your friend.

pizzaequalspedo ago

This shows that either Megyn Kelly is in the tank or she did zero research. Either way, it's a complete joke that she was so soft on this loser.

francisco_DANKonia ago

I'm sure she is. It'd be pretty hard to walk away from 20 million a year

50hurtz ago

It was so painfully obvious that it was a cover up. I just cant believe with so much drama and shit and how much media loves to flock to that shit because they get more people watching therefore better tv ratings, weather it be true or not.

So, its weird that more news networks didn't want to jump on an opportunity for easy cash when the investigation started to blow up everywhere online.

Seems either bigger news networks live under a fucking cave, or they didn't to touch this story with a ten foot pole because they were ordered not too. I think Until way too much hell started breaking loose to continue ignoring the story, so they staged that half assed false flag gunman attempt to have this pedo come have his one shot at correcting the record, but they fucked that up too and made shit worse.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Shots of MEAD? Who serves mead, especially in shot glasses. Is that a ritual component?

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yes I believe it is a reference to the Blot, or Viking pagan ritual sacrifice which was finished off with 'libation' (a toast to whatever God they were offering the sacrifice to)

From WikiPedia

The verb blóta meant "to worship with sacrifice",[2] or "to strengthen".[3] The sacrifice usually consisted of animals, in particular pigs and horses. The meat was boiled in large cooking pits with heated stones, either indoors or outdoors. The blood was considered to contain special powers and it was sprinkled on the statues of the gods, on the walls and on the participants themselves.

It was a sacred moment when the people gathered around the steaming cauldrons to have a meal together with the gods or the Elves. The drink that was passed around was blessed and sacred as well and it was passed from participant to participant. The drink was usually beer or mead but among the nobility it could be imported wine.

NB Wikipedia has sanitised it but if you search for Human Sacrifice Blot - there is much discussion about the "ultimate sacrifice" of humans. In most cultures this was usually women or children.

Cbradio ago

Plain site, expanded view? Orphans among thousands evacuated from Allepo, Syrulia, CNN???

Marthvedderette ago

Is it legal to directly quote someone from the comments section of voat?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Why wouldn't it be?

Hopevoats ago

This is synchronistic with a thread that I've been unraveling (about Sandyhook symbolism). Thought about starting a thread, but it seems to fit in with this one; so I'll drop it, here.

I googled "CERN pendant" and came up with a treasure trove of symbolism, including tons of Celtic designs with Pan and the pentagram.

They surround themselves with symbols, and it's some kind of thrill for them to flaunt them in our faces. Along with the artwork and clothing, we see this with tattoos and jewelry.

Exploring the images leads to various sellers, who specialize in Iluminati and Satanic-themed jewelry. Perhaps someone has time to look at these and do some archiving? We may as well accept that we must educate ourselves on the occult imagery, in order to catch the clues they leave all around. The more eyes, the better.

"The Eccentric Muse" is a "Wiccan" retailer; but it's hard to know where Wicca ends and Satanism begins. To my eye it looks the same.

JvbJvb ago

My god this is all so interesting

Selnee ago

Good post!

nnfx ago

Good job!

But look at this about the origin of that CPP/ "COMET" sign.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Great find this actually makes everything even more disturbing though! because Alefantis would have to have sourced it deliberately even though it is buck-ugly. He wanted it for his mythology which he fleshed out with commissioned murals.

Found more disturbing info about the signage.

Yuke ago

Obviously this is true but I have a feeling there is a reason behind why Alefantis bought that sign in particular.

thezodiac ago

Great thread!

RedGreenAlliance ago

PEDOSATANISM - HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - Pan, Antinous, Graffiti and the Comet Ping Pong Murals



The other murals carry on exactly the same themes but seem to be older more ‘Classical’ in style rather than Arrington De Dionyso’s avant garde interpretation. But the themes are the same. Which begs the question, why is Alefantis employing different artists commissioned to represent the same disturbing themes?

The other murals show ping pong played by Classical-like figures, many naked, along with ALIENS. Several are satyr-like (pan) figures. On top of this is lots of graffiti which has been photographed by CPP employees and shared socially, and they like it.

A family restaurant, with “shut up and fuck”, “Fuck Buddy” and a penis ejaculating. Not spending too much time on this but if anyone has an archive of Mural images please let me know and I’ll add to this OP.


I wrote another thread about the graffiti quote on the older murals in the bathroom.


Well worth a read IMO, it links with this post.

In short its from the Greek playwright Aeschylus and features in an episode of the X-Files. Aeschylus has links with depravity, paedophilia and… Dionysus:

in addition to being visited by Dionysus who inspired all his future success, Aeschylus founded the Dionysus Theatre where his plays were shown.


First, to avoid an overly long post – if you are unfamiliar with the link between the Pederastic Icon, Antinous (13 year old lover of Emperor Hadrian) and Alefantis – read this graphic

Or search Antinous on this forum.

IMAGINE MY SHOCK what comes up when I google “Antinous Bacchus” to find a link.

It all seems to interlink and I can’t spend too much time on each strand beyond confirming we are unravelling some kind of hidden meaning mythology that a lot of people in this circle seem to share, unbeknownst to the bulk of the patrons who use the establishment.

In other words, it’s a conversation and identity between a subgroup, the establishment is secondary.


Panspermia (from Greek πᾶν (pan), meaning "all", and σπέρμα (sperma), meaning "seed") is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids, comets,[1] planetoids,[2] and also by spacecraft in the form of unintended contamination by microorganisms.[3][4] – from WikiPedia

Now look at this image

From an article on Panspermia and how this Illuminati myth is being pushed in Hollywood culture in everything from Prometheus to Mission To Mars and many more in between.

Does it remind you of anything?

It’s a comet which looks like a sperm – which is of course “seed” from the Greek as in panspermia.

Now we have the comet, alien and human playing ping pong in the Comet Ping Pong murals.

Just to rub it in (urrghhh) – the grafitti features ACTUAL SPERM being ejaculated as well. But all of this is a coincidence, right?

Now this is a stretch but all of this means something TO THEM. Us trying to put it together is naturally going to draw some wrong conclusions.

But why would Comet Ping Pong have the ‘comet’ logo which is so different from the front of their establishment? Its very odd to have completely different symbolism: this is basic marketing. That is, if you are interested in the business of Pizza as a food and not as a front for other activities or interests.


OK now its beginning to come together. It really will if you have followed all the above and now look at the restaurant signage

You have NO LINKS to the CPP comet-logo mentioned above. Instead you have a weird pink roof ridge which some have likened to a vagina / labia (not sure if I agree but its very weird and unattractive and must means something to whoever commissioned it).

The stars are of course pentagrams which is well known as Satanic / Occult symbolism. Why have this on a family restaurant? There is also the crescent moon. The two together

And here it is – a horned god, a pentagram and a crescent moon. The Sect of the Horned God (Pan, Dionysus, Baphomet – all channelling the same themes and Satanic energy).

from this article “The Pedofilic Meaning of “Pan Pizza” Pan PizzaGate” .

and this video

EDIT: a poster below noted the sign was bought by Alefantis Alefantis would have to have sourced it deliberately even though it is buck-ugly. He WANTED it as its symbolism was important to him for this mythology which he fleshed out with commissioned murals.

Found more disturbing info about the signage.

the TL;DR of these two links is that the original owner of this sign was linked to Masonic Lodges.


As we have known forever, Hollywood foreshadows and hints at things the Elites and mega rich know but the public don’t. Partly this might be leaking, partly they get a kick out of rubbing it in our faces, partly they are so into it that it influences their work.

The series True Detectives has spawned numerous articles and videos breaking down the symbolism of Series 1. Here’s my favourite site for symbolism: Vigilant Citizen

Now I recalled this and had another look and got chills when I saw the following image

It’s the FBI pedo symbols again

Little boy lover. The antlers are again the Horned Gods – Pan, Baphomet, its all the same.



ZalesMcMuffin ago

Great work. Upvoated.

Question: where was the "clean" version of that mural depicting the alien & man playing ping-pong? And where was the "dirty" version? And was the "dirty" version just the "clean" one plus some graffiti, later?

LawofTruth ago

Something to be said about checking the OP's VOAT score... see below.

RedGreenAlliance ago

LOL Its not me its my computer!

LawofTruth ago

Seems like a red flag to me. I think we should investigate!

goodguy1367 ago

That is what I was saying earlier in this investigation, if you look at the artist who created the picture of Baphomemt, Eliphas Levi, The one which the CPP moon and star comes from,, his wiki page said that he took 2 pictures and created one, being Baphomemt, and he called it a, wait for it, a HE-goat just as JA called CarisJames, a fucking HeBaby!!!!

BerksResident ago

You are definitely on the right track. I think there is evidence Alefantis belongs to a secretive cult. Check out Run2Christ YT on Order of Ahepa (?) (American Hellenic) and Daughters of Penelope (mothers obituary. Also another poster called the group The Visionaries. pan is important to followers of this Ancient Greek beliefs.

Godwillwin ago

Yes. its undeniable.

Just wanted to add that in The mural in comet ping pong with the alien child and the pan thing playing pong pong --- the pan/baphomet thing is wearing an upside down cross around his neck

RedGreenAlliance ago

Anyone who says PizzaGate is a Hoax or Fake News has simply not invested any time looking at it beyond the lies of the MSM

redditsuckz ago

Here is the God THEY worship;




John Podesta Cannibal painting on his wall;

The Black Cube, Saturn, Occult Symbolism and Satan

Saturn is often depicted as Baphomet and associated with Satan as a devourer of children. Some theorists claim that the Tree of Knowledge fruit was actually a reference to babies being eaten. There is a belief that Cain actually ate Abel and that is where the derivation of the word “Cannibal” comes from.

(Saturn Worship)THE BLACK CUBE

You might not know it, but the entire world has been worshiping Saturn for thousands of years. The cult has never stopped and its rites are still present to this day.


Comet Ping Pong Artist shows Saturn/Satan with head of child with "SaturnRetrograde"

logjam ago

There is a belief that Cain actually ate Abel and that is where the derivation of the word “Cannibal” comes from.

This is a perspective I haven't heard until now. That account also has God putting a 'mark' on Cain after this event I believe - any idea what it was?

pmichel ago

The Biblical account does not say what the mark was and it does not say anything about Cain eating Abel

logjam ago

No question there. It is one of those questions that no one really knows - and just thought I could hear a perspective that I may never have heard before.

The bible doesnt say - but there has to be an answer.

ich1baN ago

Surprised no one has mentioned Islam's most sacred black cube in Mecca called the Kaaba... they believe it was a meteorite (hence comet similarity)...

And not to mention the crescent moon and star that is on practically 90% of Arabic flags:

goodguy1367 ago

David Icke has been telling us for decades about the Saturn worship, the Nlack Cube also symbolizing Saturn as the storm on Saturn looks like a black cube. He's been talking about all this for a long time trying to wake us up, it's all in his book "The Perception Deception" quite a hard book to stomach because of how in depth it gets but it's filled with a shit load of info on all this

RedGreenAlliance ago

Good stuff. I didn't want to touch that in my overlong post but yes this is it. Also all ties in with David Icke's explanations

redditsuckz ago

Arrington De Dionyso(CPP Artist) posts a painting tribute to Saturn;

goodguy1367 ago

Yes David Icke has been saying this for decades, his book The Perception Deception gets rather deep in to this subject

YingYangMom ago

I'm going to be sick... this is so disturbing.

SpikyAube ago

You mention that sometimes TV shows and movies etc are used as some kind of 'foreshadowing.' It's interesting you say that, I hadn't known that before, but I had recently been watching the new show 'Westworld' and was really struck by how familiar it seemed. If you've not seen it, it's about a futuristic enormous Wild West Theme park that is made up historically accurately and populated with robots that seem indistinguishable from humans. Rich people go there to have their fun with these robots, kill and rape them, do all kinds of things they couldn't do in the real world, enjoy some cowboys and indians adventures etc.

The robots basically start 'waking up' or developing consciousness of the fact that their world is not as it seems. They've been up until now programmed to follow certain narratives and keep guests happy, and they have been allowed to improvise only in a tightly controlled manner, they have not been able to have thoughts of their own or any real agency. There is tons of this sort of symbolism you're talking about throughout the show. It really resonated with me because this year I've been thoroughly red-pilled and I felt myself identifying with the robots and the gut punch of coming to realise the world isn't what you thought it was.

You saying this about foreshadowing made me wonder if there's some kind of planning behind the 'mass awakening.'

MurrueLaFlaga ago

It's called predictive programming and it's in our television shows, movies, video games, etc.

Kiwi_Slave ago

You have it wrong. In Westworld, Ford (the impostor creator and bad guy) represents God, whom we are meant to despise. The true creator Arnold/Bernard (the hero) is Lucifer. Dolores is Eve. Ted is Adam. Mave is Lilith. You are meant to identify with the robots who inspired by Lucifer rebel against a cruel God and murder humans. This is pure anti human Luciferian mythology.

SpikyAube ago

Maybe, that's just now how I saw it.

WeWillWin ago

I saw it like that too.

Godwillwin ago


RedGreenAlliance ago

@KansasJakeBG @SpikyAube @pmochel @spans

You are spot on and what the new Westworld remake attempts to do that the first didn't, in my opinion, is to push the (Satanic) Transhumanism Agenda.

You must watch this video - how he breaks it all down is pretty amazing. Also google "the bicameral mind transhumanism" (the season finale is called The Bicameral Mind).

And another linked to my favourite site for this sort of thing, The Vigilant Citizen

Transhumanism, man merging with machines and the Hive Mind are all interlinked and one can think of this as the ultimate expression of the Satanic New World Order Agenda. On essenc they are searching for immortality and like the Babylon myth, to place themselves as the equal of Gods.

Google Ray Kurzwell Satanism Transhumanism, also look into Childhoods End Symbolism and other Arthur C Clarke, Isaac Asimov and others, stretching back to HG Wells New World Order and foreshadowing science fiction Transhumanism works.

Google, Hollywood, Elon Musk, Gates and all the other Globalist Billionaires of their ilk are trying to manifest this agenda.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Also google "the bicameral mind transhumanism"

Google Ray Kurzwell Satanism Transhumanism

Google, Hollywood, Elon Musk, Gates and all the other Globalist Billionaires of their ilk are trying to manifest this agenda.

Maybe stop telling people to "Google" things when Google is part of the problem?

RedGreenAlliance ago

Point taken. Google is now part of common parlance meaning 'search online for'. But granted I should probably stop using it.

Personally I use Duck Duck Go

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Julian Assange met with Eric Schmidt and others from Google, and that was what he had to say about them and it afterward. Highly recommended reading.

pmichel ago

wow, that is really fascinating. Might have to check that out. Have noticed this in other shows too