oldskeptic ago

Clicking through the articles from the OP, here's a 2005 piece from the Washington Post:


"But the workload has proved too much for Drazin's widow, Bernice, 76, who plans to close next week and sell off everything, including the dinosaur of a cash register and the shop's art deco sign, which the family says was put up in the 1930s and has evolved into a glowing neighborhood landmark."

The image there looks like the sign is in operation. Such a signs' value to collectors would be off the charts.

PizzaCrowley ago

The theme of the restaurant is satanism, the music theme is satanism, the art on the walls is satanism.

The logo in the front is a depiction of baphomet the sacred goat, ironic that VOAT is essentially the same meme, the goat?


Uncle Sam is the same, he is the goat, the devil is all around else, this stuff is pervasive.

But honestly I think in all good fun jimmy-comet was trying to make his pizza place unique like Elvis said "These days if you want to get rich in the show biz, you got to be different, and boy is comet-pizza out there :)

Louisa ago

Voats are the cute cuddly goats. lol