derram ago :

Charity backed by Meghan Markle faces food for sex scandal | Daily Mail Online

'The confession by global charity World Vision will dismay supporters, including Prince Harry’s fiancée, the charity’s ambassador until last year. '

'There is a risk in placing aid workers among the traumatised, desperate and broken. '

'A British-funded charity supported by Meghan Markle has admitted its workers traded food and cash for sex with survivors of the devastating 2010 earthquake on Haiti. '

'Sixteen years ago, a report exposing routine sexual abuse by aid workers on refugee children in West Africa jolted our sector. '

'On Friday night in the upmarket hillside Port-au-Prince suburb Petion-Ville, home to many aid workers, young women were grouped in knots in doorways and at street corners. '

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flyingcuttlefish ago

x-posted this in pedogate ....

It is appearing to me that these big budget charities in the UK, linked to royals and peers are all about pedo procuring. Some sort of money funnel for procurers in the disguise as charity. In UK press more and more is coming out every day. All tied into the upper crust and many pedo rings operating freely for decades.

Blue ribbon charities named like World Vision.

flyingcuttlefish ago

The headline is about sex extortion .... but it is obviously a pedo scandal as well.