quiche ago

This obsession with Catholics makes VOAT pizzagate look dumb, frankly. It is the same reason I stopped listening to some you tubers. You guys obsessed with the Catholic church simply have not made any attempt to look for innocent explanations.

jesus_is_lord ago

kool story bro

ESOTERICshade ago

That is actually a pretty good video :) I was wrong in my previous comment.

Are_we__sure ago


Lordbananafist ago

We just went through this... that's from the venture brothers

It's a cartoon.


derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=XnQTrfgvkF4 :

BREAKING NEWS- John Podesta is a JESUIT!!! #PIZZAGATE - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

ESOTERICshade ago

You're laying it on too thick now.