LostandFound ago

One could only hope this is just poor taste and not just a catalog

remedy4reality ago

My Cuban neighbors roast a pig in a box every year. It does not take as much space as you may think.


The_Periodic_Fable ago

the is a legitimate possible explanation

madmanpg ago

Two points:

Housing is a premium everywhere in DC. Still tons of people and huge social gatherings there on a regular basis, so the limitations of a house size is not indicative of people not congregating there. That place that David Brock has isn't huge either. Lots of skinny-ass townhouses that cost a fucking fortune because fuck you peasants go live in the slums.

Also, Obama actually did have food flown in from Chicago before, so let's not pretend these fuckers in charge are above such lavish spending sprees. His vacation costs were over $100 million during his presidency. These people are Roman swine.

yabbadoody ago

good find, not implausible. "Tortilla" is probably a veiled reference to drugs/kids flown in from Mexico, if kids then girls (the "a" suffix denotes female gender in Spanish, aka "tortill-A")

could possibly be Mexican heroin or something else as well, but prolly kids, by this bunch... and a sacrifice, hence "suckling (young) (long) pig"... I still would not put cannibalism past any of these freaks.

Womb_Raider ago

We need a better photo of "the deck". You're onto something here. 30 VIPs (presumably) would find this place lackluster.

cubes ago

house looks to be owned by Frank & Judy Pezzanite check my post in this thread.. It has pics inside the house also rear patio area and links to what looks to be the property owners


cubes ago

The email https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/17313

has pics attached looks like they were downloaded from


But "Takorean" in the image url is a Taco joint in DC and has the same photo from the email on this write up in the washingtonian

they also had a write up on PBS about the food truck where they have the same image.



The catering menu has the same photo as well...


the owner of Takorean Mike Lenard's twitter https://twitter.com/ChiefTaKo/with_replies?lang=en

photos of the inside of the house


house looks to be owned by Frank & Judy Pezzanite Co-Founders of LSSI



Not sure but it looks like Frank Jr may have a gay hairdresser son Frank III he has some pedo ref on his twitters & FB





Orange_Circle ago

That deserves 10 upvotes!



StrangeHologram ago

More on Helga Flores Trejo: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/florestrejoh_bio.pdf

Plus her resume: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/fileid/48633/13736

Someone should call her and ask more questions?

OrwellKnew ago

Her bio / c.v. has Central Intelligence Agency written all over it

StrangeHologram ago

Exactly. CIA is major cover/pimp/front for pedo rings, drugs, weapons, etc.

quantokitty ago

WOW!!! Those are some tight quarters. Hardly enough room to swing a suckling pig around. And where's the heated pool to toss the kids in? I could see having a get together with adults in the bungalow, but with kids there? It'd be a traffic jam nightmare. Unless those kids were drugged, they'd be running around and banging into walls. Great work! Any uppyvoat for you! But does Google map give you the option to see this place at a certain time?

Verite1 ago

That email referred to a house in the Vineyard

quantokitty ago

So this isn't the house? Is that what you're saying?

rippingtheveil ago

they also mention DuPont in email

Orange_Circle ago

Is this the one that they gay guy said, "Bring all available children?"

flyingcuttlefish ago

"* . . . this property is very close to Tony Podesta’s DC mansion . . . *" I wonder if there is an undergound link to Tony Podesta basement, torture chamber, video room etc. Perhaps an ajoining room or passageway. I have seen a basement created under a house that was made after the house was built and it was as big as a normal size basement.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

I really doubt there's a tunnel. The 2 houses must be about 500 meters apart and the neighborhood is more than 100 years old.

flyingcuttlefish ago

yes, but old neighborhood, especilly on the east coast have really old tunnels. Tunnels in horse and buggy days joined warehouses and buildings commonly. I put a bunch of that info (videos) in the comments to this post. Older neighborhoods have more likelihood to have tunnels than newer ones.

In NYC I got to explore under warehouse area, of westside Hudson street. It is very old from the tall ship warehouse days. A hole in a basement wall lead to an expansive are that was a partially buried hotel or apartment lobby. It was half full of rubble and bricks with planks across to walk to other tunnels. Staircases going up (sealed off) and ornate ceiling. The street has been elevated about 8 or 10 feet over the years so the place was once a ground floor but is now a basement. When you talk to construction works and sewer workers you hear all kinds of stories about hidden underground passages.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I posted this event info here and it was immediately deleted by zealous mods. Watch out they don't delete this post too.


Yes, it is the wrong weather and wrong space for a backyard hog roast. I wonder how many 'small' houses have really big basements?

Blacksmith21 ago

Actually, this came up about a month or so ago. A couple of additional thoughts on this one, as I agree, it is really effing strange. I agree with all of your points, above, and add a couple other thoughts:

  • You can roast a decent-sized pig in a La Cochina (China Box) which is about 20"W X 50"L X 36"H and would easily fit on that patio;

  • There is almost zero reason to import any Latino food into DC. The DC area has a very large Latino community throughout all three states/district. You can get the best of the best Latino food at thousands of stores, restaurant supply, etc.;

  • There is no known local "tradition" of winter BBQs. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just saying I'd have likely heard about one if it were a "thing";

  • This is all the same neighborhood as Podesta, Alefantis, to-be Obama homes. I'm sure there are a lot more that live there. Your last paragraph is spot on. I think the pedoelite have concentrated themselves in an 8-block area there. It would definitely be worth doing some spot checking of any local businesses, charities, other notable residents, etc.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

I intend to keep searching the Wikileaks emails with food related search terms. If you think about it, food is the perfect subject to serve as a cover code for pedophilia (or maybe even crime in general). Perhaps something more will come up. I'd like to do an analysis of how often certain food terms appear in the Wikileaks as opposed to in a similar sized database of work related emails. But I would not know how to get the proper second data set to compare with wikileaks.

oneslyfox ago

I like this idea of putting the data through some comparative analysis, but ideally the control set would be a close to identical work environment - gonna do some searching, this could be super interesting and even useful for codifying certain terms for this perverse community (not ours <3, the creeps we're investigating lol).

The_Periodic_Fable ago

yes! A meta syntax analysis of the wikileaks emails could reveal a lot. Comparing the relative frequency of certain words and phrases to their occurrence in the English language in general. The first data point needed would be the total word count for the entire Wikileaks email set. Then do like this: the word "barbecue" appears once every 1,000,000 words in a wide sampling of English language emails, books, articles, etc. But the same word appears as 1 in 10,000 in the wikileaks emails. (just making up the numbers here)

postfascion ago

Nice post OP. Along with the other comments, this doesn't add up.

crazimal ago

Cookout in December is more normal in a city perhaps. Space in cities is limited even for rich pols and it's normal to have your suckling pig catered -anywhere- unless you are a pig raising farmer, full on redneck or a chef.

It is not really suspicious that the successful pols in Washington mostly live in thesame neighborhoods - would it be surprising to find half of them lived on park ave if this was a ny scandal?

Overall this is not very suspicious, but still probably worth noting just as another data point...

The_Periodic_Fable ago

So I just did a quick search for the term "cookout" in the Wikileaks emails. It results in 165 hits (emails). That's a bit strange.

Here's a breakdown by category: Sony 111, Sony Documents 103, Global Intelligence Files (the Stratfor creeps) 27, The Podesta Emails 27, the rest are scattered in 12 categories. Ok, so I click on the first result and it's all full of mentions about viagra and kids. Could be innocent but when I get more time I want to take a closer look throughout the results.

Orange_Circle ago

There is some speculation that within the spam are codes and links.

DarkMath ago

(sarcasm -on)

"our party will be taco themed"....Looks like someone didn't get the memo that taco themed parties are flagrant cultural appropriation.

(sarcasm -off)

Ihatepizza2 ago

There is a taco link here too somehow, I've seen it in related places. Currently researching and will report of anything found

thestormking ago

"1) Who schedules a regular cookout in late December in cold Washington DC? (This is supposed to be the 3rd annual event). Very odd."

Weather conditions were reported to be fairly mild on December 28th 2014 in zip 20009. http://farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/search-results/

Don't let faulty assumptions discredit good, honest research. I would not consider this significant. We have better leads to go on.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

The invite went out 23 days prior. Nobody would expect the late December weather forecast to be reliable that far in advance. Plus the patio is clearly too small to host an outdoor event for dozens of people. This obviously wasn't a real cookout and "entire suckling pig" could be code just like tortillas, or pizza, or domino's on hot dogs. It's possible that a pig was catered in somehow, but this in no way was a real cookout.

thestormking ago

I'm already aware of this however we're not talking about predictions, we're talking about historical records of weather conditions in zip code 20009 collected by the National Climatic Data Center posted by Farmers' Almanac. Third party sources agree. If we check the temperatures for those days we see similar results expressed in Celsius.

December 5th 2014 Weather Conditions for zip 20009


December 28th 2014 Weather Conditions for zip 20009


Weather conditions were fairly mild for December and only got more so as the month went on. That's not to say that the emails aren't suspicious or couldn't be incriminating but if you base your theories upon conjecture and bad evidence then don't expect reasonable people to believe you. Theories should be based upon facts and not the other way around. If there is something to this email then your couching evidence in a bad theory isn't going to expose it.

nitro169 ago

I must be confused, I thought Obama was a Muslim, but eating pork is prohibited for Muslims by the Qu'ran. In Al-Qu'ran 5:3, dead meat, swine and blood are strictly forbidden. Muslims can only eat meat that is killed in a certain manner.

OrwellKnew ago

Muslim operatives who wage Covert Jihad are permitted to indulge in the ways of the infidels to maintain their secret work. This is why they eat pork, shave their beards and drink alcohol as Obama has done

Allah forgives them

AreWeSure ago

Perhaps you're wrong? Perhaps Obama didn't attend this party?

badastrid ago

Very nice find!

MolochHunter ago

I'm looking at the address to see if it fits anywhere significant in the pentagrams around DC - nothing obvious to my interpretation

I'm not savvy with the DC underground tunnel/infrastructure routes - maybe someone could look into that

aquarian ago

Even if they did cookout on a deck, how long would a take a suckling pig (suckling=specifically a baby pig) to roast outside in the cold air? Being a cold climate dweller myself, I would assume a gas or wood, covered grill or something like that. It would take some time and lots of wood/fuel to get that internal meat temp hot enough to not make everyone sick with undercooked meat. Would not someone have called fire department for the sure fire hazard? If it were legal, permits anyone?

Perhaps the pig was roasted my some means of cooking in the house, and only eating occurred on the deck. Maybe a pizza oven, which apparently some of these people have in their homes was used or a large commercial convection oven. Good catch on those details OP, at least gets us to think. Here in the midwest, there are businesses who will roll up with a giant, custom made grill on a trailer and cook brats, roast corn, whatever for festivals and family picnics etc, but not in December unless some sort of civic or fundraising event like a winter carnival and usually for a couple of hundred/thousand people. Or a Packer game!

The photo attachment on that email ( takorean-tacos-3.jpg ) looks like it is associated with a restaurant called TaKorean in DC

westmiguy ago

You guys are missing the whole thing...

They flew in Mexican infant(s), and roasted them (suckling pigs). ( like this: http://www.textfiles.com/anarchy/FDR/fdr-0180.txt )

zoupSER ago

wtf man

Freemasonsrus ago

Here is a pic and recipe of an actual suckling pig roast. It takes lots of time and space.


Marthvedderette ago

It takes about 8-10 hours of to roast a pig, but they don't have to do it onsite. I've seen them roast the pig off site, then bring it to the party on the same grill ready to start digging in. Rich people eat the ears and the cheek meat first, so that it looks incredibly creepy, then someone usually eats an eyeball. Those parts are supposedly the most tender and delicious. I didn't notice any particular difference, other than it sure looks creepy. They usually BBQ them on 55 gallon drums cut down the middle vertically. The two halves are made into a smoker slash grill, it's usually also attached to a trailer they can drive around. http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/281235409079-0-1/s-l1000.jpg. Has nobody in this sub ever been to Memphis? During the time this email was sent BBQ was incredibly popular. Not saying it isn't code for something, but it could very easily be nothing either.

olive611 ago

Cooking a pig in a normal oven is almost impossible. After looking around online, most ovens won't fit a pig that's over 18lbs. If there's 30+ people, there's no way it's gonna be 1 small pig for everyone. I don't think a pig would even be able to fit inside a pizza ovens opening (maybe a large restaurants, but not an in home one.) It would have to be done outside. That's if it even is pigs that they are talking about. The whole thing reeks of something more sinister.

PrivateJoker ago

The only pig roasts i've ever been to (4 of them), they've roasted it in a pit that was dug. Depending on the time of year i doubt anyone is digging a pit to roast a pig for 8 hours.

LostandFound ago

http://www.homevisit.com/mobile/iPad.asp?id=38553 - pic of the garden patio here id say its just large enough. Heres a real brain teaser Brock and Alefantis bought a house in exact same area, same street at least, also 6 bed for around the same price back in 2007. Last records I can find for that property are a sale in 2009 http://archive.is/Ab3Xp

edit: Alefantis and Brock purchased 2310 California ST NW Washington, DC 20008-1637 not the same address but still only a few minutes away.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

That listing looks waaay bigger inside than it appears on Google maps. Thanks

Freemasonsrus ago

Remember that those pics always make the areas appear larger. So I'd assume that patio area is smaller than presented. And the house is not a good layout for "bringing all the children available".

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah. If anything, the hosts should be worried about over-crowding the venue. The email doesn't seem concerned at all.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

good find.

There is an interesting patio pic there that shows it to be just barely big enough. But with dozens of guests? And a whole pig (presumably needing a HUGE BBQ) running for, what, 6 or 10 hours for a party that begins at 3 pm, in December? To me it does not add up. That house is big enough for a fairly large party. But not really for an "annual" pig roast in December. Also remember that these kinds or real estate "glamour" pics tend to exaggerate the space sizes. The arial view show the patio to be the same size as the garage. And that is one small ass garage. European size.

popezandy ago

Definitely not the time of year for a pig roast, not the place to jam a bunch of people and "all the children that are available". Also, the wording on this seems anormal. Bring your kids, right? Not, bring all the children that are available. Like, bring your kids, their friends, and the ones you've got in your basement? I dunno, maybe a stretch but I appreciate this bit of groundwork

lilwagon ago

Any city that has Asian residents will have restaurants that will deliver a whole pig. Just sayin'

Not throwing shade... but that's a thing.

popezandy ago

It defeats the point of a roast not to have a roast. I'm still gonna say though, you don't talk about bringing the kids like that. Bring every available child. shudders

LostandFound ago

I agree, theres something not right about all this.

zzvoat ago

Good grief, how did you find this? What a resource!!

LostandFound ago

Been sleuthing on this for a long time ... Alefantis and Podestas all linking to the same areas, people, places.

Wouldn't it be strange to know that Alefantis was known to Tony Podesta before comet ping pong / bucks was even open?

Oh wait heres an article about Tony and Alefantis, in Tony's home at a private party hosted for Anna Gaskell way back in 2004 - a twisted photographer that sells pics of topless boys for 4.5k http://archive.is/oemQA / example photo https://sli.mg/xdrFuT.png ( NSFW! )

Whats that Anna Gaskell was implicated in the Golden Suicides ? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504312

Nothing to see here move along ... fake news ... russians made em do it

RexAxisMundi ago

What was Alefantis occupation at that time? Were he and Brock a thing then?

LostandFound ago

He was the owner of Strand on Volta art Gallery in Georgetown. A quick google will start bringing up more 'edgy' artists like Craig Doty

even WaPo were alarmed by his 'art'

http://archive.is/zbksT - 2005 pre CPP

Illicit Encounters at Strand on Volta

Even Doty's most innocuous images -- and there's a kind of calm, classical innocence to almost all of them -- feel illicit, if not illegal. Should I be watching this, or reporting it?

I have no definitive info on Brock and Alefantis being together at that time, I dont think its going to be possible to find out without them telling. Heres the reason why in 2012 there was 850k paid out to a ex lover of Brock in whats understood to be hush money, whats interesting is that Alefantis was a defendant at that hearing. http://archive.is/Z2arE . So I imagine David was playing the field, but below is them together in 2005 ;)

Alefantis, Brock, Tony & Heather Podesta in 2005 http://archive.is/BG852

Vindicator ago

Google "On-site bbq catering Washington DC whole pig." It's rich-guy fad.

putneg ago

catering cookout in december lol. I wish.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

If it were summertime I'd be thinking the pig was just catered in. But the 28th of December? The whole point of a cookout is to be outside, the more open the space the better. If you cater a party in late December, why bother with the cookout theme?

PieInTheEye ago

Yep, never underestimate the epic status signalling get-togethers of DC politicians and lobbyists.

Wouldn't surprise me if the handmade tortillas being flown in from Mexico were in fact actual tortillas, though I guess the use of code talk is possible. Lobbyists are addicted to flamboyant schmoozing with using outlandish pulls to reel in politicians and their families, within their sphere of influence. In Washington DC, everything is about asserting ones relevance, power, and social networking ability ... not that I would ever stand in the same room with creepy Podesta brothers; they make my skin breakout in goosebumps just thinking about it.

quantokitty ago

Yes, it's so "statusy" to see how many children you can get to a party. Those of the kind of stats that flamboyant lobbyists schmooze about in the hallowed halls. "You only got a measly 12 kids? At out suckling pig party, we got over 32 underage attendees -- most of them still in diapers!!!! Yup, I can see your point that it would be quite a coup. Especially with all the drinking going on. One thing adult lobbyists/lawmakers like is children underfoot so they can trip over them when they're guzzling beer. Status signalling at its finest!! These are the kind of debunking attempts that make everyone convinced there's something going on besides roasting a pig.

PieInTheEye ago

You are a complete tool. A very blunt one. I'm not 'debunking' anything you troll. I've had it with your noxious retorts to anyone who attempts to bring uncomfortable facts in the way of your assumptions.

Could they have been having a pedoparty? Yes.

Could they have been having a networking exercise in Washington D.C.? More than likely.

Obviously you don't know how Washington works. Lobbyists send their children PURPOSELY to schools where politicians and high level bureaucrats send their children, and then they use their childrens' relationships to cement contacts and deals ... I know ... you just want to view EVERY WIKILEAKS email, uncritically, as a code, and you want to ignore any contextual reasoning what so ever. Why?

Why are you so keen on asphyxiating the attention of forum contributors on one sided interpretations? Is it because you know that NO INVESTIGATION which is not critical of its own methods, can succeed? You don't want any solid success, do you? You just want every contributor to be frothing at the mouth, thrashing about with dead ends and skewed reasoning. Maybe you would be more comfortable as a Social Justice Warrior? Did you choose the wrong team? In the alt-right, I have noticed that there is a greater concern for the truth and for being correct rather than self-deluded, so maybe you should be a little introspective, for the good of the greater community which is searching for the truth? Screw hyperbole, I want the truth. Either you are doing this purposefully, or you are doing it for some psychological reason which provides you with some sick internal raison d'etre.

I think maybe you are simply a fool though, based on how you have reacted to other peoples points of view all over /v/pizzagate. You probably don't even know why you are doing it. As soon as you enter a discussion, you go straight for the first person who has added any constructive criticism to the op. You immediately call them a 'shill', because they don't share your rabid appetite for salacious hype. You are frothing at the mouth to submit peoples opinions into conformity with your own, just like an SJW. Downvoat me all you want, I don't give a shite.

Obviously the Liberal Establishment (as well as the RINO's) in D.C., are packed full of pedophiles and creeps, but nobody is going to find anything solid unless they start even allowing constructive criticism, or at least cultural context, to be a part of their discussions. Grow up!


I agree. It's probably code. ... Tortillas could be little Mexican girls.