Here is the original email invitation from Wikileaks:
I wanted to take a closer look at the property where this event happened. (The address is in the email). Here is a composite photo of what I observed:
A few things struck me after taking a closer look at the house and considering the implications of the invitation.
1) Who schedules a regular cookout in late December in cold Washington DC? (This is supposed to be the 3rd annual event). Very odd.
2) The house is very narrow so not ideally suited for large gatherings. It appears that the invitation went out to many people: “you should bring all children that are available”; “3rd annual cookout”; invitation is from and to the same email, implying that guests were bcc’d. This is something you frequently do when you have many invitees. My rough guess is at least 30 guests would have been there. Possibly as many as 50 to 100.
3) They were going to be cooking “an entire suckling pig” presumably. (Unless they had it delivered???) But delivery would be very strange since: a) who the hell delivers entire roasted pigs in Washington DC; and b) it’s supposed to be a cookout!
4) The only place to cookout would be a small deck roughly the size of the garage (see above photo).
Conclusion: I just don’t see an entire pig on a spit in December roasting on this tiny deck in the middle of the most urban section of DC (I know this area well) with dozens of people milling about. This makes no sense at all. Not saying it’s impossible. Just unlikely.
What is more likely is that the event was held indoors and that “cookout” and “entire suckling pig” are also coded talk, just as we suspect that there were no actual handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico, because who the fuck would be that stupid? Not even overpaid, self-important, DC wonks with PHDs are THAT stupid.
Also, interesting to note: this property is very close to Tony Podesta’s DC mansion with the creepy artwork. It’s also very close to where Obama is rumored to live after he leaves the White House. Basically all 3 places are in the same very posh DC neighborhood, which is close to Capitol Hill, the WH and K Street.
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cubes ago
The email
has pics attached looks like they were downloaded from
But "Takorean" in the image url is a Taco joint in DC and has the same photo from the email on this write up in the washingtonian
they also had a write up on PBS about the food truck where they have the same image.
The catering menu has the same photo as well...
the owner of Takorean Mike Lenard's twitter
photos of the inside of the house
house looks to be owned by Frank & Judy Pezzanite Co-Founders of LSSI
Not sure but it looks like Frank Jr may have a gay hairdresser son Frank III he has some pedo ref on his twitters & FB
Orange_Circle ago
That deserves 10 upvotes!