flyingcuttlefish ago

A photo analysis of the house where the event happened

This is very good analysis --- it would be a spectacle to roast a pig outdoors in that tiny space.

flyingcuttlefish ago

more discussion on \v\pizzagate\ Missing students in mexico DECEMBER '14!! - Possibly related to "fresh handmade tortillas flown in from mexico"

Also David Seaman did a video complaining about TRump not looking at pizzagate - and that video may have been removed.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Obama "flew in" pizza (not allowed at the white house... bringing in outside food) ... and this e-mail says "handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico the previous day..." maybe kids flown in from Mexico. It is a stretch looking at the e-mail by itself but paired with many others it certainly looks coded.

fartyshorts ago

Flying in day-old tortillas doesn't make any god-damned sense.

flyingcuttlefish ago

e-mail # 26903

yeah, bring the kids!